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WTB: trailer tire/wheel


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My jet ski trailer tire went out from old age. Any one have a spare tire/wheel laying around. Rather not spend 60 bucks on a new one at walmart since it only gets used 2 times a year for 30 miles. Doesn't have to be pretty just has to work.


Standard 5 lug. Tire shows 4.8 12 so something close to that

Post up what you have. Heres a pic for reference of the type of rim




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I did a once over in my garage and shed and didn't see it but I know I have it. I'm going to get into cleaning some stuff out of my garage this weekend so it should turn up.


Don't give up on me yet damn it...

i appreciate it men leme know if you find it.





this in stock or have to order it? How long. Might hit you up to do this if some other ventures dont work out.

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