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Contractors, are they all useless?


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Been trying to get some things done around the house and I've been calling all over for estimates and such. 95% of places never call you back and the ones that do treat you like crap unless they know it's a giant project. I've had a few actually come out to look so they could give an estimate but they never got back in touch with the actual estimate itself. It seems I can't give my money away.


With that said, we had an issue with a neighbor when another useless contractor came out to grind stumps out of our back yard. He showed up unannounced and drove through the neighbors yard tearing it all up. We called a landscape company to fix the neighbors yard and clean up the stump mess in ours. Months go by and he never shows to do any work. The neighbor calls and gets his yard fixed but the landscaper never touches ours. They have yet to ask for payment from me and I can't wait till he shows up asking for money.


So we call another landscaper in to fix the mess and clear/level a spot for our pool. Once again guy shows unannounced and goes through the neighbors yard. Great. After the spot is leveled and they wrap up, we commence to setting up the pool and it's over 5" off level. I send the guy a picture and he plays dumb about it. I just decide to fix the damn thing myself before the monsoon rains hit and make it a mud spot. After a few days I get a message and he wants his $. His 600-800 estimate is now a bill for $1300 because "he had to call in another guy". Wait, what? We bicker back and forth and I decide to settle it at ~1100 just to be done with it. I tell him not to bother completing anything else as I'm not paying more on top of what we were already scammed out of. I post a review on his Facebook business page and he immediately sends a message demanding I take it down. Heh..... Guess it's ok to do shitty work but not ok to be unhappy about it. I told him to feel free and reply with proof and I'd be happy to recant my review.

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  gillbot said:
I think you are right. It seems as though contracting in general is in high demand so they just don't give a shit.



Other thing I found is contractors, when you can get the to show, charge an arm and a leg.


I had an electrical guy come out a month or two ago to look at running new line out to my detached garage, maybe 25ft or so. I was going to dig the trench myself. Just adding to the existing panel.


I figured a $1000-$1500 and maybe a full day of work. He quoted $2500! No thank you. I'll watch YouTube and do it myself.

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  BigOxley said:
Other thing I found is contractors, when you can get the to show, charge an arm and a leg.


I had an electrical guy come out a month or two ago to look at running new line out to my detached garage, maybe 25ft or so. I was going to dig the trench myself. Just adding to the existing panel.


I figured a $1000-$1500 and maybe a full day of work. He quoted $2500! No thank you. I'll watch YouTube and do it myself.


If I were closer I'd help you if you supplied the beeeeeer :p

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  BigOxley said:
Other thing I found is contractors, when you can get the to show, charge an arm and a leg.


I had an electrical guy come out a month or two ago to look at running new line out to my detached garage, maybe 25ft or so. I was going to dig the trench myself. Just adding to the existing panel.


I figured a $1000-$1500 and maybe a full day of work. He quoted $2500! No thank you. I'll watch YouTube and do it myself.


Same here. I got a quote to get 220 ran to my garage, laughed and said no thanks. I'll do it myself since Chadz89gta won't help me...... :dumb:

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my buddy doesn't do landscaping that I know of, but he's a GC and done work for me and a bunch of our friends (currently working on my best friends bathroom remodel. If you need anything, tell him Evan sent you


Doug Armstrong - 180 Restoration - 614-917-9811

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One of our old time, but rarely posting members got scammed by a contractor to the tune of about $10,000 in HVAC work. Then a lawyer charged him $2500 to tell him that if he were to actually sue the guy, it would cost more in legal fees than he'd be able to win, and the guy probably wouldn't pay anything anyway.


Be careful who you hire.

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  evan9381 said:
my buddy doesn't do landscaping that I know of, but he's a GC and done work for me and a bunch of our friends (currently working on my best friends bathroom remodel. If you need anything, tell him Evan sent you


Doug Armstrong - 180 Restoration - 614-917-9811


I'm not in Columbus.

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  BigOxley said:
Other thing I found is contractors, when you can get the to show, charge an arm and a leg.


I had an electrical guy come out a month or two ago to look at running new line out to my detached garage, maybe 25ft or so. I was going to dig the trench myself. Just adding to the existing panel.


I figured a $1000-$1500 and maybe a full day of work. He quoted $2500! No thank you. I'll watch YouTube and do it myself.


You gotta be careful there..... if there is ever an "issue" i.e. fire, insurance will look real hard at work that was done with no permit and not inspected.


When I did my barn, I ran a 100 amp circuit, breaker box, trenched below the frost line, ran PVC conduit for the power, I probably had $1500 in materials for a 50 foot run, copper has gone through the roof.


Good luck with your project though, it's honestly more rewarding doing it yourself than just paying someone.

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  spectragod said:
You gotta be careful there..... if there is ever an "issue" i.e. fire, insurance will look real hard at work that was done with no permit and not inspected.


When I did my barn, I ran a 100 amp circuit, breaker box, trenched below the frost line, ran PVC conduit for the power, I probably had $1500 in materials for a 50 foot run, copper has gone through the roof.


Good luck with your project though, it's honestly more rewarding doing it yourself than just paying someone.


just blame it on the dead previous owner. :)

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Unfortunately with this being peak time it's tough and anyone worth it will charge for it. My dad does this type of work in Muirfield and when people ask him to redo a deck or paint a house he asks if June 2016 works for them. Now the columbus market is incredibly saturated with landscapers, it just would takes alot of effort to find one thats free and worth it.
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  copperhead said:
One of our old time, but rarely posting members got scammed by a contractor to the tune of about $10,000 in HVAC work. Then a lawyer charged him $2500 to tell him that if he were to actually sue the guy, it would cost more in legal fees than he'd be able to win, and the guy probably wouldn't pay anything anyway.


Be careful who you hire.



Yes, be very careful, and do your research... I got FUCKED, by a company that is called "Affordable Anytime Repair", they also go by, "A to Z repair services". I have learned the hard way, that in general, CONTRACTOR = Fucko assclowns that make a living by doing virtually nothing, and running away with your money. The most fucked up part of the whole deal, is these low life, scum sucking, losers, are "professional" scam artists, and they've found all of the loopholes in the consumer protection laws, and they just skate along, fucking anyone they possibly can, and never being caught, or punished for it.


The very best advise I can give you, is to take your time, and just do it yourself. None of the "carpentry" or "landscaping" jobs out there, are rocket science. They usually require hard physical labor, and little to nothing else. Hope this was, of at least some assistance...

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Just out of curiosity, those who have been hosed by contractors, are you getting your stuff in writing before the work? IE what exact work is to be done, for how much and time frame to completion.


Anytime I've had the above, hadn't had any issues and one time the job was running longer then expected due to unforseen issues, he just let me know up front and I was ok with it since he kept me in the loop.


Granted, I have had some estimates done before when I told them upfront that I would want all this in writing before and never heard back from em, even if their bids were reasonable. Some of them may have been the scam artist / dirtbag folks you speak of.

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can we clear something up here?


Construction Contractor: A person you hire to subcontract and orchestrate a big job that requires multiple specialists to complete the job. e.g a bathroom remodel might require a plumber, an electrician, a drywall hanger, a painter, etc...you hire the contractor so you don't have to hire and coordinate all the specialists yourself. Occasionally they will do the prep work themselves but they are really there to coordinate the job.


Plumber, electrician, HVAC, etc....these are not construction contractors. they are specialty contractors.


Why the clarification? because Specialty contractors for HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Hydronics, and Refrigeration must be licensed in the state of Ohio. Residential Construction contractors do not.


What does this mean? well, any dipshit can be a residential construction contractor but at least as it pertains to plumbers and electricians you have some added measure of protection and can complain for substandard work to the licensing agency. Since this tends to be a field where every body's brother's cousin knows a guy who "does that kind of work" using a licensed specialty contractor helps weed out some of the garbage. Having a license does not necessarily mean they are good business people (most are not) but it at least shows they care about their profession enough to keep their licenses current.


just something to think about. Carry on.

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I've tried to get 2 seperate contractors to come give me quotes, neither ever showed up, responded to calls or e-mails.


I even told them I had cash in hand and would put down a small amount up front.


The third guy I called came recomended from a friend, glad he never came because it turns out he was a scam artist and screwed that friend over.

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  Wagner said:
I've tried to get 2 seperate contractors to come give me quotes, neither ever showed up, responded to calls or e-mails.


I even told them I had cash in hand and would put down a small amount up front.


The third guy I called came recomended from a friend, glad he never came because it turns out he was a scam artist and screwed that friend over.


Just as FYI, I would never put down money up front as FYI. You get paid when the job is done to my satisfaction.


Neighbor had a guy do that, gave quote for replacing all his gutters ( which were sorely needed ) and said needed some money upfront to buy some the materials to get started, got a written quote and all. Guy took the deposit money and disappeared.


Just personal recommendation, although I guess it may be slightly different if looking at a larger job like kitchen remodel or something like that as I doubt most guys/smaller companies would have the capital to drop few K into materials until it was done.


For those who have that done, larger jobs, do you typically pay as materials are needed for new counters, sinks, tubs, ect ect? Just curious what the standard for something like that is.


But yes, finding a good SPECIALTY CONTRACTOR :-) can be very hard and once you do, they are typically very busy.

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  Franchi said:
For those who have that done, larger jobs, do you typically pay as materials are needed for new counters, sinks, tubs, ect ect? Just curious what the standard for something like that is.

Even on larger jobs, you usually only pay when the work is complete. That said, on large jobs, if the general contractor has broken the various components out, it is reasonable to pay for pieces as they completed. A large renovation may have "Bathroom and hallway $XX, Office $YY, Kitchen $ZZ, Enclosed sunroom $$$$$$$" broken out, where you'll pay for each part when finished and you gain use of that area, but not for the others.

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A residential general contractor still has an optional license. It's actually much harder to get than the commercial version. Requiring that they be licensed and insured will help your search though you are going to pay for that aspect, many even charge for the quote.


As for cash upfront it's not uncommon for it to be broken into say thirds. This is a few fold; one, 3 payments of $3,300 over the course of 60 days or so is much easier to swallow for the home owner vs 10k all at once. Two, it's all a trade off, if you want a company that has the cash flow to essentially finance your project you are going to pay for that service. If you want the cheaper bid it's often going to come from the guy/company that doesn't have the cash to fund it all over the course of your project.

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