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Feel good story


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I got a text last night about 6:30, from one of my buddies from the Marines. He is the reason I moved to Columbus. Our busy lives haven't afforded us the time to stay in touch as we should have. Seems one of our other Marines was in town visiting and had hit him up. Plan was to head over to my buddies house to grill and catch up.


There is no college or job that I can think of that connects people, as I have seen with my experience with my fellow Marines. We talked for hours, telling stories, remembering some hardcore dudes, and just catching up. As I drove home at close to 1am, I just kept thinking about where I would have been without the military. What I had learned from the people I was around, and how different people's lifestyles and values are. I think success is happiness. It is not a dollar sign or an annual income, or the material items out there. I think success comes later in life when you have balance and stability, and even clarity.


It has been 20 years since I had seen our buddy who was in town visiting. To hear the first words of "you haven't changed a bit", is a pretty good feeling.


If you have served, and have old buddies you haven't talked to in a while, reach out to them. Make a plan to meet up and catch up.

Edited by Mojoe
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I think success is happiness. It is not a dollar sign or an annual income, or the material items out there. I think success comes later in life when you have balance and stability, and even clarity.


Great story and insight Joe. I never served but oddly can relate as my father did and shared stories all the time. Those days were forever dear to him, even the tough days. He stayed in touch with his fellow brothers to the day he died. Now I stay in touch with the small few that are left. Definitely a unique bond that is centered around something special.


In regards to the quote above, Agree 100%. At 45 I often look back at how I've changed and how I've defined success. It definitely changes as you mature. The great part is I feel if you focus on the right core values and goals, the money will follow.


Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks, Tim. Hearing that you stay in touch with your dads buddies he served with is awesome. Kudo's to you. I bet that means a lot to those guys.


They were his brothers which means they are my uncles :) That entire generation has bonds that I only hope my kids have. Text messages and facetime will never equal time in the trenches with a rifle and knowing that you truly have one anothers back.

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Very cool. I have met many people over the years and there are only a handful that I really consider life long friends. You know who they are when you see them after many years and you pick up right where you left off. Awesome to hear that you had a chance to hang out with someone who falls in that category!
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^^^That's a true statement. I made a few lifelong friends during my time in the Air Force, and while we mostly communicate via Facebook these days, when we do get together it seems as we just saw each other last week. Thanks for sharing this.
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