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Fence Etiquette- Halp.


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This somewhat piggy backs off the grass comments from the other thread, so long story short, I am surround by 4 houses, all of which share a chain link fence with me. The chain link fence is mine, however it is old, rusty, and very poor quality in some areas. Truthfully, it's nothing more than an eyesore.


What I'd love to do is put up a privacy fence, but disposable funds will not allow that right now, so I'm thinking about just taking the chain link fence down and not putting anything up, which leads me to my dilemma. 2/4 of my surrounding neighbors have dogs, so they rely on this fence. I don't want to be a total dick and just take it down and say "fuck off, it's your problem", but at the same time, I don't have a dog so I really don't give a shit.


Once I let these people know (I don't mind going over and talking to them), is there anything I should be aware of as far as responsibility to keep it up, replace it, etc.? The last thing I want is some neighbor drama, but at the same time, the fence has lived it's life. Hell, I don't even have gates on it anymore because they were so rusty.


Thoughts? Advice?


Note: No HOA- nice neighborhood in Hilliard.



TL;DR: Want to tear down MY fence, neighbors have fence. What to do?

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I would offer the courtesy of telling them that you'll be removing the portion of your fence along their property and perhaps replacing it at some point but not at this moment. Nice gesture given they have dogs. Perhaps give them 1-2 weeks notice.
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You need to at least tell them you plan on removing it. If it is on your property you can do whatever you want with the fence. All they can do is complain or report you to the city if you break the law. I wouldn't see that happening if you are nice about it and let them know first.
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You need to check with the recorder and zoning office and check for any shared fencing filings and the age of the fence. If you tear down some fence that others have partially paid, you aren't going to have a fun time with the neighbors.
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Like others have said I'd advise them of the situation and your plans so they can properly prepare. Though it's on your property you can do whatever you want. However as someone stated their may have been a mutual or monetary agreement with the previous owner. I'm highly doubting that, as if their was such a thing it should've been disclosed with a disclosure form upon contract of the home purchase. But unfortunately most people just tie into a neighbors existing fence to save themselves money. I've had 2 homes I've installed fences at and both I sat the fence inside the property line first was set in 2 ft and second was set in 5ft. I also wouldn't let anyone tie into my fence for the reason your experiencing now.
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I would offer the courtesy of telling them that you'll be removing the portion of your fence along their property and perhaps replacing it at some point but not at this moment. Nice gesture given they have dogs. Perhaps give them 1-2 weeks notice.

I think 1-2 weeks would make me mad still... Maybe 30 days? Fencing isnt cheap and 1-2 weeks may not be enough time to allow people to get thier own fencing situation taken care of..

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All good insight...I'd not have a chance to get to it until the week of the 24th anyway, so maybe if I talk to them now it would help.


I certainly don't want to screw anyone over, but at the same time, one of my frustrations is them not weed eating their grass and it's growing into my yard (I take really good care of my yard). I'm not retaliating, but at the same time, if they would have kept up their end of the bargain I'd probably hate the fence much less.


So for financial interest- I can check that with the recorder and zoning office?

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Like others have said I'd advise them of the situation and your plans so they can properly prepare. Though it's on your property you can do whatever you want. However as someone stated their may have been a mutual or monetary agreement with the previous owner. I'm highly doubting that, as if their was such a thing it should've been disclosed with a disclosure form upon contract of the home purchase. But unfortunately most people just tie into a neighbors existing fence to save themselves money. I've had 2 homes I've installed fences at and both I sat the fence inside the property line first was set in 2 ft and second was set in 5ft. I also wouldn't let anyone tie into my fence for the reason your experiencing now.


Shared cost was the law until Sept 30 2008, so there wouldn't be any disclosure.

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I'm having the same issue with my neighbor's fence. One side grows vine/weeds. The other side has probably every plant in existence growing on it. I weed eat my side, but the one fence is so poorly constructed, it's leaning into the neighbors property.


When I build my privacy fence, I'm going to build it inside my property far enough to get a push mower in between the fences.

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I think 1-2 weeks would make me mad still... Maybe 30 days? Fencing isnt cheap and 1-2 weeks may not be enough time to allow people to get thier own fencing situation taken care of..


Mad? Its not your fence its his. Frankly he could take it down with no notice and give them 2 birds as he drinks his natty light in his boxers.


1-2 weeks is more then enough to sat hey im taking down MY FENCE.

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My only question would be how does that change your problem? All 3 are not going to immediately put up a fence so now their dogs will probably use your yard as well and even if they do and build them on the property line like normal now the issue of grass and weeds is right back to where it was? I'm fully on board that it's gotta go but why now verse when your ready?
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Mad? Its not your fence its his. Frankly he could take it down with no notice and give them 2 birds as he drinks his natty light in his boxers.


1-2 weeks is more then enough to sat hey im taking down MY FENCE.


Yes well I plan to live in my house next to my neighbors for a long time and choose to do things in a polite manor and hope they would be considerate to me as well.


Maybe I have been spoiled with with cool neighbors thus far.

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You need to check with the recorder and zoning office and check for any shared fencing filings and the age of the fence. If you tear down some fence that others have partially paid, you aren't going to have a fun time with the neighbors.


This and if it's doable, then work with your neighbors on a date to remove and find out if they would all like to pitch in for a replacement. Just a thought, anyway.

I've got something similar w/shared fencing. (Privacy, though. Oh, and it doesn't stop the grass from other people's yards from growing into yours, either. ;) ) I'm fairly certain one side would not contribute for a new fence if I had to tear the old one down. So, there's always that to deal with, as well. Good luck.


Hmm, is there some way I could build a fence that only works on one side? :p

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I think 1-2 weeks would make me mad still... Maybe 30 days? Fencing isnt cheap and 1-2 weeks may not be enough time to allow people to get thier own fencing situation taken care of..


Meh...I was just noting a time frame not specifics. Not sure what I'd do. Neighbor to the one side tied into our fence and I'm okay with that. Ours is built over on our property line by like 6-12" or something. I forget exactly. Bottom line is he's clear that he is not to paint or stain the boards and posts that I built. He's fine with that too.

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I don't want to spray because they have dogs- definitely not looking to kill Sparky.


I did tell them back in May that'd be removing the fence sometime this year and building a privacy fence, but again, that isn't in the budget. So now I'm just removing the fence- they showed no interest in splitting the cost.

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