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The Hateful Eight


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I haven't found one that I could watch more than 10 minutes of.


This x100, and they all have the same stupid/annoying music. I get that's his style, but whatever. Tarantino is overrated, idk why everyone thinks he's go great. Pulp Fiction fucking sucked.


Than being said, I'll admit I really liked Django Unchained.

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I feel like you have to be of a certain age to "get" QT's movies. If you grew up watching Saturday matinees of old bad 1970's movies on one of the 5 regular broadcast channels (not cable) then they are awesome. Compared to B films like Detroit 2000, Death Race, gone in 60 seconds (the original), the driver, Prime Cut, etc....his movies are way better while still giving that great bad action movie feel.


If you didn't and you think Michael Bay films are "enjoyable" then I get why you don't like his movies.


I mean nobody goes to a QT movie to see "high art" but I think he does go above and beyond. I can't think of that many really good mainstream western films in the last 5 years (True Grit and...?) so the genre is def suffering. And no I don't count "A million ways to die in the west" as a good western - that was just a family guy episode in real life with costumes and sheep. Point is, America needs a good old fashioned swearing and shot in the guts western and I think this will do it.

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I can't think of that many really good mainstream western films in the last 5 years (True Grit and...?) so the genre is def suffering. And no I don't count "A million ways to die in the west" as a good western - that was just a family guy episode in real life with costumes and sheep. Point is, America needs a good old fashioned swearing and shot in the guts western and I think this will do it.


True. I watched Joe Kidd on AMC the other day. Not the best western movie in the world but I sure enjoyed it. I think old westerns will make a comeback one day

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That movie was crap on toast (fun crap but still crap) but the old TV show on which it was based is way more fun in a Gunsmoke/branded/bonanza kind of way.


Robert Conrad played James West (and later Pappy Boyington in Baa baa black Sheep <---not a western but awesome and based on real events) as a sort of old west steam punk version of Sean Conery's James Bond. It's pretty fun. The original Dr Loveless is from the series is played by famous dwarf actor Michael Dunn and is just stunning as far as villains go.

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IMO Unforgiven was probably one of the best (newer) western films.


I'm a fan. Pulp Fiction, Desperado and Kill Bill are some of my favorite movies.


Desperado is a Robert Rodriguez movie.


I really enjoyed The Last of the Mohicans, Tombstone, and The Proposition. If you want a great western book, read Blood Meridian.


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  • 4 months later...
Buncha washups end up in a cabin and they talk for 2.5 hours. Snorefest.

This movie was horribly boring. I'm a fan of Quinton Tarantino, but this was awful. Don't waste almost 3 hours on it. The best thing about it was not spending money to see the movie


Boom called it.

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