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My GF recently moved in and her kid sleep walks (11). The problem this is causing me is at night when we go to bed, I arm my alarm with motion downstairs. Last night marks the 5th time I've woke up to my siren screaming between 1-4am. The first few times I grabbed my gun thinking it was an intruder, just to get in the hallway, turn the light on and he's walking back up the stairs like nothing happened or once she goes into his room and realizes he's not there, she goes downstairs and he's standing there. Last night, he wandered downstairs and it set the alarm off, I jumped up, it woke him, scared the shit out of him....he screamed like he was being assaulted, the GF looks at me with this horrified face and says "omg help Charles"...I grabbed my gun, ran out of room, hit the light and once again he's coming back up the stairs....awake this time crying.

We have tried a baby gate at his door. He got used to it and started stepping over it in his sleep. We bought bells and wrapped around his door knob..he opens the door so lightly we can't hear them.

I could turn motion off downstairs and just leave the contact points on, but when I had the alarm put in, I selected all doors and a few windows, to save cost I added motion sensors in several places downstairs to where you can't move anywhere do there w/out setting it off. If an intruder chooses the right window to come in, I won't know he's there until he's in or in my face while I'm asleep. Motion is what gives me peace of mind when I'm asleep knowing there's nothing going on downstairs if I can't hear it. I could hardly get back to sleep last night after this shit happened.

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Other ways to help minimize sleepwalking episodes:


Have your child relax at bedtime by listening to soft music or relaxation tapes.


Establish a regular sleep and nap schedule and stick to it — both nighttime and wake-up time.


Make your child's bedtime earlier. This can improve excessive sleepiness.


Don't let kids drink a lot in the evening and be sure they go to the bathroom before going to bed. (A full bladder can contribute to sleepwalking.)


Avoid caffeine near bedtime.


Make sure your child's bedroom is quiet, cozy, and conducive to sleeping.


Keep noise to a minimum while kids are trying to sleep (at bedtime and naptime).

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Do you sleep with your bedroom door open or closed? How light do you sleep? Do you have a fan running to sleep, like many do? I had a master bedroom off the living room in my old house. I'm a light sleeper, so a light coming on will wake me up. Motion lights are cheap and easy to come by. However, people who sleep with fans or other white noise don't tend to wake up to just a light turning on.


My point, if this would work for you, install the motion light in the hall, if his room is near by. Let that wake you up, so you can then get him before he gets down stairs.


Ultimately, find a way to stop the sleep walking. I don't know anything about that.

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Install a bigger "baby gate" at the top of the stairs?




Something like this 8"-12" off the floor? That would put the top of the gate at or above 3ft. high. We have 2 for our stairs and they take more effort than a push or pull to open and that latches are definitly not quiet when unlatching them.

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if he is stepping over the baby gate, get a larger gate made for large dogs. Some of them go to half the height of the doorway and are impossible to step/jump over. my folks have a removable one that keeps their golden retriever at bay and a linebacker couldn't take out without a running start. It is height adjustable too.
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We sleep with the door at like 80% closed. We also sleep with the TV on. I am a very light sleeper, but I need the TV to sleep, so it drowns out movement noise outside my room. Again...this is why I rely on my motion sensors. Before I didn't need to worry with this shit!

She looked on Amazon this morning and found a motion chime...kinda like when you walk into a store. She wants to put the chime in our room, on her side, so she'll get a noise when he wakes up. To me, that sounds like an idea, but I sense getting used to that sound and starting to sleep right through it. Not to mention I don't want to hear a "doorbell" when I'm asleep. Although I'm willing to try this because last night was intense.

Imagine going from a dead sleep to a siren so loud you can barely think, a kid screaming, GF panicking...all in the course of 15 secs. Ugh!

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Install a bigger "baby gate" at the top of the stairs?




Something like this 8"-12" off the floor? That would put the top of the gate at or above 3ft. high. We have 2 for our stairs and they take more effort than a push or pull to open and that latches are definitly not quiet when unlatching them.


She doesn't want a gate at the top of the stairs in case he steps over and tumbles down.


if he is stepping over the baby gate, get a larger gate made for large dogs. Some of them go to half the height of the doorway and are impossible to step/jump over. my folks have a removable one that keeps their golden retriever at bay and a linebacker couldn't take out without a running start. It is height adjustable too.


The larger gate is an idea, but that then locks him in the room basically, which means she'll have to get up and let him out each time he has to piss.


Put some lego's outside his door...not kidding. Those fuckers hurt just the right amount and will surely wake him up.


No bullshitting I may do this.


Legos. Setup a hidden camera and capture the pain.



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Turn motion detectors off and just arm as STAY..


I could turn motion off downstairs and just leave the contact points on, but when I had the alarm put in, I selected all doors and a few windows, to save cost I added motion sensors in several places downstairs to where you can't move anywhere do there w/out setting it off. If an intruder chooses the right window to come in, I won't know he's there until he's in or in my face while I'm asleep.



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As someone who did a ton of sleep walking as a kid please do not put a gate at the top of the stairs that is incredibly dangerous, even the one at his door isn't good. The list of ways to help prevent it from happening is a good list to start from. For many kids it stems from being over stimulated or over tired when going to bed.

Not sure the area you live in but I'd encourage you to turn the motion off. the chime is a interesting idea. It would help create scenarios where you 2 can encourage him to go back to bed without waking him. Maybe a stop at the front door as well. personally, I was notorious for trying to make food, standing at the refrigerator, putting on clothes/shoes, and going for the front door and a ton of talking.

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I did the same thing when I was that age and younger. I slept walk and had horrible night terrors. I woke up screaming and I never remembered it. You are doing the right things by having alarms. I can tell you what my parents did. Your results may vary. Try to reduce the child's stress level. You should start relaxation exercises every day. That can be as easy as breathing deeply while counting. If your child can focus on meditating that might work. I took up swimming. I don't mean just playing in the water but swimming laps in a pool. For some reason in elementary school doing laps twice a week helped me calm down. Also no electronics, ipads, TV, or video games after a certain hour. Having a TV as a night light can cause problems for anyone. After 8 or 9 it is time to read a book or just relax and lay down. The other option would be sleeping drugs but I am so against this for children. Please try other options first.


You are being a great father by getting up at night and making sure he is okay. Don't stop doing that.

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Try one of these on the inside of his door. http://cdna.tid.al/433283da19de8cdfaf016e1ed7e4f22e743e7ff1.png

you have to put tape around it or they will learn to put their fingers in the hole and pop them off... if this fails... shock collar... it will wake him for sure.

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