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61 per month after taxes. I get Basic tv and 20mb on Time Warner. 1-22 is plenty of channels. And I use KODI/XBMC mod for streaming every show that I want. (also movies.)

Kodi is free. The new version once modded is really reliable.


IDK what version im on (14 or 15) but its been rock solid the last year or so. Havnt had to touch it once.

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IDK what version im on (14 or 15) but its been rock solid the last year or so. Havnt had to touch it once.


Yeah the newest Kodi version auto updates alot of the streaming links automatically. I wish I had switched to Kodi sooner as I held onto XBMC for way too long.

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It's good, but not great, and sometimes it can be very annoying.


Why it's good: you get a bunch of sports channels and then a couple of other relatively cool channels (like AMC and TBS) for relatively cheap.


Why it's not great: because sometimes it can be very annoying.


Why it's sometimes very annoying: because the signal will cut in and out on you periodically, and sometimes channels won't even load. Like, for instance, last night we all sat down to watch The Walking Dead - a big perk for us, since we love that show. However, the channel wouldn't load. Nope, just frozen, can't open the AMC channel, so we are just sitting there hopelessly/angrily watching a blank screen while we are sure the show has already started. That has happened probably 10 times over the past two months or so that I have had it when it really annoyed me. (It probably happened twice that many times, but I didn't care that much to be annoyed by it.) Obviously, if my kids are full-on iPad streaming mode and the wife is full-on Instragram/FB/whatever mode, then that will cause some disruption to the quality/stream. However, even with everyone in the household off of devices, it still periodically freezes up (like it did last night with TWD).


Overall: try it out, see if you can live with the annoyances, and go from there. They offer a free trial period, and that gives you plenty of time to try it out and see if it's going to work for you. I know Sling TV got some bad reviews, which were kind of in line with my criticisms: it's great when it works, but it doesn't always work like it should.


Bonus: you can watch Sling TV on your mobile device, which is cool, as I can stream The Bourne Identity as I'm sitting in the airport in Atlanta.


Thanks for the feedback Tilley. I'll try it out before I get rid of cable, that way I'll know if it's worth it or not

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Little update...returned all my the crap I bought from Microcenter, bought a Surfboard 6141, Netgear N600 and a Roku stick. Signed up for free 2 week trial of Sling and free 2 month trial of Hulu.


30mb internet for $25/month and when I do a speed test on any of my devices, wired or wireless I'm getting 34-35mb. No complaints so far!


Ordered that Amazon antenna as well, should have that tomorrow and that'll finish off my setup for now. Saving $102/month over our cable/internet bill we just cancelled!

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