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Tesla releases "Autopilot"


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I thought it was only for highway use... not curvy backroads?


Then why don't they disable the system via GPS? I had seen this video and there are plenty of others with people off-highway with their hands completely off the wheel the entire time. Even the Tesla press event was in NYC, not on highway (Jalopnik video). This is just my point above that people will and are abusing the hell out of the system, which will lead to an accident.

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i can't imagine seeing a google car driving by itself with passengers sitting facing each ohter in the rear seat--


not going to lie here, as a raptor owner, when/if i see that---part of me wants to drive up to the car and 'tap' it. any thoughts as to what it would do??


maybe it slams on the brakes and screeches to a halt


maybe it slows down carefully, pulls over, and notifies the police, insurance company, etc


and maybe, just maybe the computer driving it says "fuck this shit" and tries to ram my truck off the road.



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i can't imagine seeing a google car driving by itself with passengers sitting facing each ohter in the rear seat--


not going to lie here, as a raptor owner, when/if i see that---part of me wants to drive up to the car and 'tap' it. any thoughts as to what it would do??


maybe it slams on the brakes and screeches to a halt


maybe it slows down carefully, pulls over, and notifies the police, insurance company, etc


and maybe, just maybe the computer driving it says "fuck this shit" and tries to ram my truck off the road.



If my car is driving itself the last thing I want to do is look at other people and hold a conversation.

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... Whenever there is change, it's the 1/3, 1/3, 1/3. 1/3 love it, 1/3 will sit and watch and 1/3 hate it. Most of the money in the world has been made by the first group.

You're right about most of your post up until this last bit. Early tech adopters are by no means respresentative of where most of the money in the world resides. Not by a lonnnng shot.


Regardless, its coming.


Me - its hard for me to express how far away from anything I'd ever want that this is. I like driving. I enjoy it. They can take driving away from me when they pry my steering wheel out of my cold dead hands.

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Lol, true. I still love driving a great car. However, lets just narrow this segment down to daily commuting. How cool for those who travel the same route every day to just sit back and relax. Most accidents are due to poor drivers, this would really help in that area.
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My ride into downtown today was and hour, traffic backed up on 270 to Morse and the entire length of 670 to down town. Never saw an accident. Really sucked.


This is what I hope for with autonomous or semi-autonomous cars and artificial intelligence. Perhaps a network of AI cars could figure out how to get traffic flowing as smoothly and best as possible.

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This is what I hope for with autonomous or semi-autonomous cars and artificial intelligence. Perhaps a network of AI cars could figure out how to get traffic flowing as smoothly and best as possible.

I think short-wave communication could work, since really only the cars right around you are of concern.

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My ride into downtown today was and hour, traffic backed up on 270 to Morse and the entire length of 670 to down town. Never saw an accident. Really sucked.


Reason #1 why I love DSG. Also the fact that I can work where ever I want. However today I did go to the office as I hosted a lunch.


I do agree that this tech is coming and will likely work well....eventually. In the mean time I would love it while on the highway if for nothing less than eating, blowing my nose or taking notes during a conference call :)

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Reason #1 why I love DSG. Also the fact that I can work where ever I want. However today I did go to the office as I hosted a lunch.


I do agree that this tech is coming and will likely work well....eventually. In the mean time I would love it while on the highway if for nothing less than eating, blowing my nose or taking notes during a conference call :)


I was in rush hour traffic, snails pace of 11 mph for about 30 minutes....it was fantastic!

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Bob Lutz is the man who brought us the CTS-V, G8, and modern GTO.


Elon Musk produces slot cars for rich guys.


Lutz > Musk

...and the Volt, and the Viper, and good Corvette's, and the Destino, and EV truck conversions, and so on. The man is responsible for a lot of models making it to production.

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...and the Volt, and the Viper, and good Corvette's, and the Destino, and EV truck conversions, and so on. The man is responsible for a lot of models making it to production.


Oh no doubt, I just went with the 3 that make CR wet its collective panties. Mentioning the Vette might've distracted from the point I was making.

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...and the Volt, and the Viper, and good Corvette's, and the Destino, and EV truck conversions, and so on. The man is responsible for a lot of models making it to production.


lol, OK and out of business in 5 years due to stagnant ideas and being bought by big Oil.

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I'm not hating on them for taking advantage of grants, loans, rebates, and abatements. Of coarse any business that has those kind of things available to them will take advantage of them.


I understand what you are saying about the superchargers, but you can't ignore that cost.


Musk might be a genius when it comes to most things, but thinking that you can bleed cash to the tune of 500 million dollar net losses annually isn't being a good business man, it's being arrogant and ignorant.



Bob Lutz is the man who brought us the CTS-V, G8, and modern GTO.


Elon Musk produces slot cars for rich guys.


Lutz > Musk


Im with these guys. :)

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