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Tesla releases "Autopilot"


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Autopilot is probably intended for highway driving, where it is incredibly predictable and you don't have blind corners where cars pop up several feet from you


I don't see Tesla dying. I think there intentions at the moment are being able to take the dread out of long highway commutes. I bet their greater vision involves having your car being able to drive you across the country, automatically stopping at superchargers to top up (and with their robot charging dick, you dont need to get out of the car)

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Autopilot is probably intended for highway driving, where it is incredibly predictable and you don't have blind corners where cars pop up several feet from you


I don't see Tesla dying. I think there intentions at the moment are being able to take the dread out of long highway commutes. I bet their greater vision involves having your car being able to drive you across the country, automatically stopping at superchargers to top up (and with their robot charging dick, you dont need to get out of the car)

Yes, it's intended for highways only, but there is nothing limiting where the system can be turned on, even though the car knows exactly what road you're on at all times. IMO, that's wreckless. It's one line of code that would limit the liability and improve the safety and it's purposely been left out.


The same thing goes for hands on wheel detection. They are telling you to keep your hands on the steering wheel but they have purposely left out a few line of code that would monitor for this. Every other OEM has this in place, even for lower-level systems like Lane Keep Assist. Again, this is wreckless on Tesla's part and there will be accidents, IMO.


Even on highways these systems will not steer correctly 100% of the time.


lol, OK and out of business in 5 years due to stagnant ideas and being bought by big Oil.

Lol, I think you've watched Who Killed the Electronic Car one too many times. GM is not going anywhere.


I actually like Tesla and I like Elon too, but it's amazing that the press can say anything while choking on his balls. If any traditional OEM had done what Tesla does they would get roasted. Maybe Lutz is a little out in left field, but his claims aren't entirely unfounded either.


Example: Ford let's it slip that they track your vehicle with GPS and it started an uproar over customer privacy. Tesla shows that they are tracking every vehicle and they are praised for being innovative.


GM has spent YEARS perfecting SuperCruise, and millions of dollars on HMI studies (both internally and with VTTI). There's a reason they have been talking about it for so long even though it's not reaching production until next year; ensuring safety, reliability, and liability.


Tesla wants to claim to be first and they will have that title partially because of their supplier agreements/structure and partially because they cut corners (IMO).


Tesla also claimed to have international certification for Autopilot, but the Vienna Convention prohibits hands-off-wheel. In fact, I was told there was a stop sale earlier this year on the Infiniti Q50 because it didn't monitor for hands on the wheel and it allowed people to completely disengage. This is exactly what the Model S does here, so I'm curious if they have altered the feature for international markets.


My bottom line is: The release of Autopilot was premature and doesn't ensure the proper safety necessary that all other OEM's obide by and disguising it as a 'beta' is total bullshit. No other OEM would get treated the same by the press. There will be accidents.

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My bottom line is: The release of Autopilot was premature and doesn't ensure the proper safety necessary that all other OEM's obide by and disguising it as a 'beta' is total bullshit. No other OEM would get treated the same by the press. There will be accidents.


As I've said many times before, Autopilot was simply another marketing tool in the very large, very well thought out toolkit that Elon keeps handy to soften bad news as it comes out.


Consumer Reports is going to rip us for reliability issues (this says nothing to how I feel about CR, I think they're a crock of shit but it's still bad press)? Send Autopilot OTA so everyone's talking about that instead!


Quarterly reports coming out showing we're bleeding cash? Announce Ludicrous Speed upgrades!!!


If you think these things are mere coincidences I've got some oceanfront property in Boise for sale.

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Re: Lutz smarts - being brilliant IN your industry rarely means you are any good at CHANGING your industry. History shows us disruptors nearly always come from outside.


Re: Self Driving Cars - who will YOUR car decide to kill?


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Not really the "Autopilot" feature doing this, but yes Automatic Emergency Braking is impressive. I like that it worked in this situation and I'm curious how much braking force was allowed by the system.

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You really gotta hand it to him. I mean who else can report $230,000,000 loss in Q3 and see the price of their stock go up.


Glad I doubled down, up $23 in 24 hours. The company will bleed cash as long as they are doing the infrastructure, nobody will care. Model 3 will seal the deal.

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If you pay an employee "money" when you company is actually LOSING money, have you in reality paid them anything at all?


Of course, our government does it every day!


Not to be sarcastic, but EVERY business started...loses money for a period of time. Might be one year, might be five, might be 10 years. You may be paying all your bills, but have no profit. You still create something and pay your people and buy raw materials...circle of life in business. No one goes into business to NEVER make money, but does have a business plan, to eventually make money. If it fails, some do, well it did not work out. But everyone somehow made some money and had jobs, while the businesses was trying to succeed. Shareholders buy stock because they believe that the business will succeed, if it fails, oh well, move on buttercup. Don't buy stock if you have no stomach for it. Better to have tried and failed than to never try at all......or should we just quit trying because it just might not work?? I love that there are doubters, we need those people too. But in the big picture, Tesla is going to change the entire car industry....like it or not.

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Hot on the heels of last week's report that a Utah man's Tesla Model S may have parked itself straight into a trailer, a second Model S owner has come forward claiming a flaw in her car's self-driving system caused her vehicle to crash. Only this time, the driver was inside the car—and the accident happened at highway speed.



According to Ars Technica, Tesla owner Arianna Simpson claims she was driving north along California's Interstate 5 near Los Angeles with her Model S's self-driving Autopilot cruise control system engaged. When the car in front of her came to a sudden halt, Simpson expected her Tesla to do the same, as it normally would; instead, her car continued to maintain a constant heading and velocity, placing it on an impact course with the stopped vehicle in front.


"There was a decent amount of space so I figured that the car was going to brake as it is supposed to and didn't brake immediately," Simpson told Ars Technica. "When it became apparent that the car was not slowing down at all, I slammed on the brakes but was probably still going 40 when I collided with the other car."



Luckily, no one was injured in the crash, although the picture Simpson released to Ars reveals her Tesla received one helluva bloody nose.

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