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I can't stand Doug DeMuro


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As much hate as Doug gets, I wrote in to his Letters to Doug column a while back before my Pacific Coast Highway roadtrip to get some tips for places to visit. I happened to be planning to propose on that trip and while he didn't end up choosing my question to publicly address, he did write a LONG personal email back to me detailing his own adventures, advising me on a couple places that I might pop the question, and eagerly asking for an update once we got home. His personal reply contained none of the ridiculous lyrical stylings that you're used to reading, and he came across as a genuinely nice guy who was happy for me. The guy's writing is just entertainment, and he's an entertainer. When you think of him as an entertainer rather than a journalist, it all makes a lot more sense and his style is a bit easier to accept.


TL;DR DeMuro and I had some short email exchanges regarding a road trip I was taking and I thought he was a really nice, really genuine guy that is not at all what his entertainment personality appears to be.

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Cool. If I were going to be that obviously clueless I might use a pseudonym.


I hope he gets a 911. I don't see how a self-absorbed narcissist could resist one.


I think the perfect narcissist's car is a Lamborghini. Not that all Lambo owners are narcissists, but back in my valet days the most narcissistic car owners were people who drive Brodozers, Corvettes (especially the couple people who got ZR1s), and Gallardos.


There was one dude who had all 3 (ZR1, Gallardo spyder, lifted Silverado 2500) and he was a giant doucher.

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Cool. If I were going to be that obviously clueless I might use a pseudonym.


I hope he gets a 911. I don't see how a self-absorbed narcissist could resist one.


he's had a 911. he's not getting one because frankly it is not an interesting car to write about unless you are singer or Magnus Walker. His car selection is about keeping his reading audience interested.

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Dude definitely comes across as a self-absorbed tool, but so do a majority of these internet column writers. They don't do anything interesting and/or pertinent to my interests, so I give zero fucks about what they have to say and refuse to read their ramblings.
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I've been having a ball reading about how his extended Carmax warranty on the Range Rover is going to bankrupt Carmax before it's over.


The Hummer/Skyline columns this year have been ho-hum for the most part, precisely because—as mentioned—DeMuro is more of an armchair car-guy. Would be more entertaining to me if he got his hands dirty every once in a while.

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Ha Ha. I have, but that doesn't count. I met him once a while back through some of the Jalopnik people I know in real life. If you want to bash Jalonik writers bash that Máté Petrány dude, I am pretty sure he shit on 4th gen F-bodies recently (http://jalopnik.com/cars-like-the-pontiac-trans-am-are-why-europeans-think-1746623372).


Love him or hate him dude has an audience and he caters to them. Granted most of that audience are what I like to call "car people in theory" in that they read more magazine articles than they spend driving, but they get a kick out of him taking a hummer to a track day and the ferrari 360 to a rural southern dragstrip. He also goes out of the way to interact with his audience. If you aren't one of them it's easy to not read his stuff...just look for the demuro byline and skip the link.

I absolutely cannot stand 99% of the garbage that Máté posts. I went back and forth with him a while ago about something. I don't really care for Doug's posts either, but that's because I don't like the way he writes and don't find him funny, not because I disagree with what he says.


I've met quite a few of the jalopnik writers before and had a good impression of most. Neither of these guys were around at the time.

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to be fair you have to take into account that this is the Midwest where if a person refers to themselves in the first person they are considered a braggart.


I don't see the Midwest as that. I think it's more, in the Midwest, if someone refers to themselves in the 3rd person they are seen as a freaking weirdo... which they are.

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I absolutely cannot stand 99% of the garbage that Máté posts. I went back and forth with him a while ago about something. I don't really care for Doug's posts either, but that's because I don't like the way he writes and don't find him funny, not because I disagree with what he says.


I've met quite a few of the jalopnik writers before and had a good impression of most. Neither of these guys were around at the time.


Mate is living proof that all you need to work at jalopnik is a mild interest in cars and writing and something interesting about yourself that would make you stand out. If he were an American writing what he does it wouldn't get a second look.


I miss the old days of Murlee Martin and Wes Siler. Wes and I were business partners for years at Hell For Leather and we had a lot of fun. Even when I did work for jalopnik it was a good time despite the management and pretentious attitude - we imagined it was a lot like how it was in the 60's with print with a lot of behind the scene shenanigans and I don't feel like they do that now. I think Jason Torchinsky and Raphael Orlove get the fun aspect of the job, and I happen to like Tavirsh's pieces but his writing needs work, otherwise everything there is trying to hard and I don't think those people are having as much fun as real car guys should.


I guess that's kind of why I like doug's pieces - he crushed a PT cruiser with a hummer, took it on a track day, and generally his stuff is about the kind of fun armchair car guys should be having with their junk but aren't for some reason. He's def not my type of car guy at all but I can get behind someone having fun outside their comfort zone. I don't read his "what is the next car I should buy" articles but he does play to his audience


I don't see the Midwest as that. I think it's more, in the Midwest, if someone refers to themselves in the 3rd person they are seen as a freaking weirdo... which they are.


It was a bit of a comic exaggeration. To a new yorker most mid-westerners appear as kind of "humble" and way to quick to use the "narcissist" label on people. As Garrison Keilor said recently [midwesterner's] don't put peas in the tuna noodle casserole because it is too showy.

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So, I just partially read Doug DeMuro's article on driving a Hellcat, and I quantified the following. My comparison was to a recent article from Jack Baruth...


Out of an 873-word article, Doug refers to himself (I, I'll, I'm, I've) a total of 50 times.

Out of a 1,350-word article, Jack B refers to himself (same as above) only 18 times.


Bottom line is I dislike how most of Doug's articles are more about Doug...not the car in subject. For being a cheeseball in personality as well as physical form, it's a writing style that doesn't support his weak personality.


I feel better having completed this 5-minute, Word-document copy/paste exercise. That is all.

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I think the perfect narcissist's car is a Lamborghini. Not that all Lambo owners are narcissists, but back in my valet days the most narcissistic car owners were people who drive Brodozers, Corvettes (especially the couple people who got ZR1s), and Gallardos.


There was one dude who had all 3 (ZR1, Gallardo spyder, lifted Silverado 2500) and he was a giant doucher.

Holy shit, that's the trifecta. lol


So, I just partially read Doug DeMuro's article on driving a Hellcat, and I quantified the following. My comparison was to a recent article from Jack Baruth...


Out of an 873-word article, Doug refers to himself (I, I'll, I'm, I've) a total of 50 times.

Out of a 1,350-word article, Jack B refers to himself (same as above) only 18 times.


Bottom line is I dislike how most of Doug's articles are more about Doug...not the car in subject. For being a cheeseball in personality as well as physical form, it's a writing style that doesn't support his weak personality.


I feel better having completed this 5-minute, Word-document copy/paste exercise. That is all.

Someone has far too much time on their hands and not enuf dick. (Bear with me...) Seriously, if I caught myself doing something of that nature, I would immediately stop, open youporn, and get to work. If I have enough time to count words in an article I'm not writing or being graded on, I have time to knock one out. Ooh, just went over my 60 word limit... :masturboy:

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Ctrl-F, search for "I " and "I'", takes like 15 seconds, Chrome instantly tells you how many results there are.


If you work smarter not harder there's more time for 'batin'.




Although, admittedly I spent an extra minute copypasta'ing the articles into Word to do the search...:no:

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  • 3 months later...

Now...THIS is a blogger I like! Partly because he's putting a V8 in an E36 M3...but I love the self-deprecating humor as well. His descriptions of his thoughts as a car guy throughout this project resonated with my own experiences with rusty junk, Craigslist, etc. Great 5-part project here...



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Guess what? I read Doug's latest article about the manual F-Type?




I liked it! It reminded me about my F-Type test drive in Naples last year, and how ridic the "sport" exhaust setting was. I appreciated that he poked fun at himself. His comments were a little funny, but the description of the car and his experience was well done.


Maybe he's not such a cawkmunch. I still couldn't stand his recent video on YouTube...

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