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So since when can we not drop F-Bombs in thread titles? One of the reasons I love this place so much is because I can basically say whatever the fudge I want to.


Is Cr trying to go PC? Please say it aint so...:dumb:

Edited by Cordell
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So since when can we not drop F-Bombs in thread titles? One of the reasons I love this place so much is because I can basically say whatever the fuck I want to.


Is Cr trying to go PC? Please say it aint so...



I got sick of seeing it every time i loaded CR, you have a problem with that decision?

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Good lawd, Long FUCKING day :gabe:



I got sick of seeing it every time i loaded CR, you have a problem with that decision?


Personally? I don't give a fuck. That said, this site has always given members the freedom to say basically whatever the fuck they want (Racism/Threats aside) and leave it up to randomness to see what transpires next. I like that. You can't find another site out there like it. It gives this place something all its own.


You start randomly removing what people have to say (or worse changing what people have to say) and it's going to get a whole different vibe; it's going to loose the elements that make it great - At least thats my viewpoint.


Now, on to why I used the language I did.


Steve Harvey didn't "Mess Up" he FUCKED UP. Big.... BIG difference.


Say maybe he mis-pronounced a Contestant's last name.. yea, at that point it would be safe to say he Messed Up.


Dude announced the wrong Winner of a Miss America Pageant, and he had it on paper right in front of him. Then he let the show go on, music and all, for 3 full minutes before coming back out to announce that he read the wrong name off the piece of paper. Dude Fucked Up, Hardcore. No other words can better describe it.


On that note Im changing the Title back (for the second time).

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Good lawd, Long FUCKING day :gabe:





Personally? I don't give a fuck. That said, this site has always given members the freedom to say basically whatever the fuck they want (Racism/Threats aside) and leave it up to randomness to see what transpires next. I like that. You can't find another site out there like it. It gives this place something all its own.


You start randomly removing what people have to say (or worse changing what people have to say) and it's going to get a whole different vibe; it's going to loose the elements that make it great - At least thats my viewpoint.


Now, on to why I used the language I did.


Steve Harvey didn't "Mess Up" he FUCKED UP. Big.... BIG difference.


Say maybe he mis-pronounced a Contestant's last name.. yea, at that point it would be safe to say he Messed Up.


Dude announced the wrong Winner of a Miss America Pageant, and he had it on paper right in front of him. Then he let the show go on, music and all, for 3 full minutes before coming back out to announce that he read the wrong name off the piece of paper. Dude Fucked Up, Hardcore. No other words can better describe it.


On that note Im changing the Title back (for the second time).


If you are this stressed out over the internet, you should probably take a valium, or hit another invisible speed bump.

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If you are this stressed out over the internet, you should probably take a valium, or hit another invisible speed bump.


Im not even stressing, bro. For realz. It's late December and it's like 60 Fucking degrees. Errrday a Holiday.

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And Paul, no offense, had I known it was you that changed it I probably wound't have started this thread (I know you's a hater, I can deal with it). I thought it was like Tina or Christian_Clay trying to get all PC.


And LOL at changing the thread title again.

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And Paul, no offense, had I known it was you that changed it I probably wound't have started this thread (I know you's a hater, I can deal with it). I thought it was like Tina or Christian_Clay trying to get all PC.


And LOL at changing the thread title again.



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Go fuck yourself. I told you in CB (where you lived yesterday) that it wasn't me.


Stop making up an agenda that doesn't exist to make yourself seem important.




Ha, not making up an agenda, just couldn't figure out for the life of me why someone would sensor a thread title on CR. I keep on forgetting that Paul is an Admin, and capable of implementing potato decisions :lol:


Calm down Clay, I wasn't ripping on you, nor accusing you of anything for a second time.


And for whats it's worth I was actually raised in a fairly strong Christian Family, attended First Community for years.

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