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who here wishes people Merry Christmas and


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Its not PC to wish someone happy holidays, it's just being a considerate citizen of the world and not a presumptious bigot.


Also if people are genuinely getting offended by your fretting then they have too much time on their hands. If you are so concerned that you are being oppressed and put upon because not everybody conforms to your religion then you have too much time on your hands.

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The trend I'm seeing in professional settings is to wish someone YOUR personal holiday greeting. In turn, people will respond in their own belief.


I wished a client Merry Christmas and he responded with "Happy Hanukkah" - I didn't realize Hanukkah had started until he said it...I thanked him for the reminder and it led to a nice holiday conversation that probably wouldn't have happened if I just said "happy holidays" like some cut-rate Hallmark card. People want genuine interactions these days...lots are sick and tired of PC B.S.



As long as you come correct with a positive message, anyone who takes offense to that is not a friend/client/colleague I want to deal with anyway.


I don't really think this is a thing clay, I think the guy may have been trying to correct you in the politest way possible. The fact nobody got offended is probably because neither of you is an asshole.

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