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oregon "standoff"...


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I get the feeling that most people, even hard right leaning folks, don't approve of this at all.


There is believing in small government and then there is invading and declaring war on the US government. Taking possession of government land and telling the government that it will be defended with force could be considered hostile invasion and occupation. That is so far away from mainstream right/left thinking you might as well consider it "south".


The only thing saving these guys from an airstrike wiping them off the face of the earth right now is that they are US citizens. If they renounced their citizenship they become enemy combatants and then the national guard can come in a dispatch with extreme prejudice.


The way I see it, this is how the Bundys' recruit for their "cause". They had a lot of success in attracting the mentally ill and poorly informed about US government from their last "standoff" and I expect this is how they grow their ranks. There is no way in hell any of their demands will be met. If the Government removes them by force or kills them they become martyrs, if they manage to hold the land they call it a victory and use it for publicity. they can't take the property via adverse possession so this whole thing boils down to them daring the US government to do something. The government will eventually do something, but either after we all stop looking or after sufficient time has passed there is very little public support. The government always works the long game - even when displacing the native Americans the federal government took over 100 years to do it.

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Not taking sides. Not endorsing this article. Just shows (supposedly) the long history of this fam and the government.


Right, I'd read all of that on another site (apparently copy/pasta'd, it's all over all of the conservative "news" blogs). If you click down at the bottom where it says "more citations here," which I did because I was wondering where all of this information came from that no mainstream news source was able to get, it takes you to (wait for it) Ammon Bundy's blog. Yup, like I said upthread, he's the only source of all of this info about the Hammonds being pressured into selling their land.


Now, it may very well be true, but I've yet to find anything close to a reputable source for it. Appreciate the effort, though.

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Appreciate the effort, though.


Like I said, wasn't endorsing it. I also said it (supposedly) gives the timeline.


The article did exactly what I stated. It is their account of what all has happened. Nowhere did I claim it 100% factual but rather shared it showing "the other side".


If you took it as factual, I appreciate your effort.

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Below info due to the terrorism label, as these Oregon hillbillies could be viewed.


Most people that violate the Patriot Act, or any other "sneak and peek" justification order designed to prevent terrorism is normally used in drug trafficking cases.


In other words feds label you a terrorist to obtain a search warrant without your knowledge and if the search turns up other violations a typical search warrant is issued.


Credibility of this site is up to your discretion (its more for the graph) but political science/human rights/other lib eral sh**t im required to take for my degree are repeatedly going over this issue.




If you need a more credible source https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2014/10/29/surprise-controversial-patriot-act-power-now-overwhelmingly-used-in-drug-investigations/


In a way kind of supports the occupiers' in Oregon argument. However they are idiots.

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In a way kind of supports the occupiers' in Oregon argument. However they are idiots.


The Atlantic ran a story that goes along with what you're saying. Basically, liberals rail against mandatory minimums when they're used to lock up teenage marijuana peddlers for ridiculous terms, and libertarians are generally against government overreaches like the patriot act and other "anti-terrorism" laws that are used for everything but. The Hammond cause is something that could get some real bi-partisan support. Dwight and Steve sound like dickbags, but I could totally understand and get behind a protest about the length of their prison sentence and the manner in which it was obtained.


But then these "militiamen" had to go and make their actual protest about federal ownership of land altogether, and bring their guns along to do it.

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I normally don't read CNN's tabloid bullshit but this is brilliant and awesome in every way.


Ranchers likely response: "We took this land from you fair and square" without a hint of irony.

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The Atlantic ran a story that goes along with what you're saying. Basically, liberals rail against mandatory minimums when they're used to lock up teenage marijuana peddlers for ridiculous terms, and libertarians are generally against government overreaches like the patriot act and other "anti-terrorism" laws that are used for everything but. The Hammond cause is something that could get some real bi-partisan support. Dwight and Steve sound like dickbags, but I could totally understand and get behind a protest about the length of their prison sentence and the manner in which it was obtained.


But then these "militiamen" had to go and make their actual protest about federal ownership of land altogether, and bring their guns along to do it.

I think that was my favorite part. They started off saying it was for the 2 guys going to jail but really it never had anything to do with them. They even publicly denounced the militia not 8 hours after it all started. Then the truth started coming out that it's really just about his dad and the feds and now here we are a few days later and no one gives a crap.

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I need to look up the term "native." Pretty sure everyone migrated from elsewhere...including "native" americans who are believe to have come from Asia...


Just looked up "native." Looks like I am a native american as well.

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So now the rumor is that the militia should sell the dildo's on ebay to create some revenue for their cause.... lets let that sink in for a minute. An anti-gov't militia selling dildos on ebay to make money for their cause....

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So now the rumor is that the militia should sell the dildo's on ebay to create some revenue for their cause.... lets let that sink in for a minute. An anti-gov't militia selling dildos on ebay to make money for their cause....



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This whole thing is comedy gold. I read somewhere that after receiving dildos, glitter, nail polish, lube, and feminine products, the occupiers clarified that their request for supplies was a request for food. Whereupon some responsive supporter sent them penis shaped candies.
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