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So I am making a change.


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Congrats on the change. Funny I'm doing almost the same thing at the same time, after 21 years of wrenching on planes I've accepted an office position working with plans and scheduling. Going to be a huge difference not getting dirty every day but I'm hoping it will be a much needed change of pace.
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Congrats on making the first step, it's by far the hardest one and as others have echoed hopefully this gives you a good chance to improve the "other things" in life. Big paychecks and fun toys are all well and good, but if you're in pain and miserable all day every day your quality of life still sucks.


Having done a Call Center job myself a number of years ago best of luck to you, at least you'll be talking about something you know and love. Have some fun, make connections with the team members around you and it might be one of the best decisions you've ever made. If it turns out to not be what you want chalk it up to a learning experience and opportunity to heal up, then move on down the path of life again.


Kudos for taking the step many refuse to!

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One of my biggest pet peeves in life is people bitching about things that they can control. You took the first step in taking control of a controllable situation, and ultimately your life. Congrats man, glad to see you took a leap of faith. From what it sounds like, you've got a desirable skill set if you ever need to fall back on it. But for now, you've done the right thing.
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Congrats man, I'm glad to hear you making the leap. It sounds like you can always go back to wrenching if need be. Hopefully this leads to more career options and overall happiness.

Looking to make a change in a couple months myself.

I'll second the statement about taking care of your back, an office chair is far from beneficial to an already irritated back. I'd look into some cushion/lumbar support/whatever's out there options.

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