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F-ing Tinder


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Bros. Fucking help.


Newly divorced (6-8 weeks ago) and started banging some girl on Tinder. Crazy in bed, crazy in everyday life. Saw each other for about 3 weeks and I "ended" things Friday. Holy fuck, she is nuts. Called me like 5 times last night, sent me about 40 texts yesterday and j only responded to like 2.


This is fun lol




Ah, the tinder thread.


As for your problem, ghost her. No contact at all. They get the hint after a week or so,especially if they are still on the app.


Future advice, I agree with above, cut ties at first signs of crazy. Sex is better with crazy ones, but not worth it in the long run.



I haven't posted in a while, but I banged out a 37yo fitness competitor mom last night (3 times, "finished" in her mouth the 3rd round.) She cooked me bison chili and made me toffee. it was the second time I've hung out with her and have spent exactly $0 on her.

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Ah, the tinder thread.


As for your problem, ghost her. No contact at all. They get the hint after a week or so,especially if they are still on the app.


Future advice, I agree with above, cut ties at first signs of crazy. Sex is better with crazy ones, but not worth it in the long run.



I haven't posted in a while, but I banged out a 37yo fitness competitor mom last night (3 times, "finished" in her mouth the 3rd round.) She cooked me bison chili and made me toffee. it was the second time I've hung out with her and have spent exactly $0 on her.


Porn sex, huh. Welp, see ya later.

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Haven't heard from her all day. Literally read everyone's responses and she just fucking texted me again. This is unreal. How long does the ghosting take lol

Week tops. Even the craziest will cut it out by then.


Porn sex, ughh. Wife doesn't let me get past missionary

Fixed to reflect your true thoughts.

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Week tops. Even the craziest will cut it out by then.



Fixed to reflect your true thoughts.


She and I have plenty of fun. Tried plenty of things. I'd hate life if all she would do is missionary.

I'm sure that there are more than enough prudes out there to balance it out though.

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Sounds like you gotta hook her up with one of your buddies. Pass the torch



Maybe an enemy would be better if you could pull it off


Dude that was great lol...send her to a friend and really talk up how "fun" she was. I have a couple people in mind I could pass that to lol.

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TinderPros...why the fuck do people match with you, and when you say hi, they don't fucking say anything?! That's annoying as shit.


Update: day 4 with no contact from the stage 6 clinger. Ghosting seems to have worked. Help no longer needed.

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TinderPros...why the fuck do people match with you, and when you say hi, they don't fucking say anything?! That's annoying as shit.

Update: day 4 with no contact from the stage 6 clinger. Ghosting seems to have worked. Help no longer needed.



Most likely because there is a good chance they matched with you days, weeks or even months ago and they could have found their current lover already and don't use Tinder at the moment. I'd say I get replies on Tinder roughly 35% of the time. I don't really use it a ton anymore though like I used to.

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Most likely because there is a good chance they matched with you days, weeks or even months ago and they could have found their current lover already and don't use Tinder at the moment. I'd say I get replies on Tinder roughly 35% of the time. I don't really use it a ton anymore though like I used to.


There have been a couple that I swiped on with no match, only to have them match hours/days later. I get it though.


I swipe all, then weed out the results later. Hell, half the time i dont even look at their profiles.



Disclaimer; by all i mean non-hamplanets.


I don't think girls do this because they'd match with 100% of guys.


Disclaimer; by 100% i mean non-hamplanets.

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Try Bumble. Girls have to message first or the match deletes after 24 hours. Seems to be more quality there too.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


My buddy who was anti-Tinder/Bumble due to his hatred of facebook finally caved in and got on both. Instant regret on Tinder, instant success on Bumble. got matched with his ex's sister on Bumble :lolguy:

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