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Short version: Foot Hurts , who should I see?


Long version:

So 3 years ago I had a issue where my foot just hurt so bad I couldn't put any pressure on it, urgent care said probably gout they don't know gave me meds sent me on my way. Same thing happened 2 years ago, and again recently in December. I never checked it out cause after the meds I was back to 100% but this last time after it happened I have had a dull pain every day.


In December the swelling was so bad I couldn't put my shoe on it.


I have swelling, redness, pain in the ankle (feel like in the joint), warm to the touch. Urgent care this last time said the same thing ughh idk whats wrong maybe gout and to go to E R if it happens again. Well its happened again and I don't want to waste my time going to the ER if there not gonna try to figure it out.


My problem is my PCP cant get me in for like 2 months and is just going to refer me some where else anyways.


Any one deal with any doctors that have had great results with foot problems? Also any one know of any doctors that see patients really early in the morning(7am or earlier) or really late (6 or later?)


Due to time limitations and the pain im in i might have to do the er, but do you think the ER might actually try to diagnose this thing or just give me meds and boot me out the door?


I don't usually go to Er at all but this paid is about 7/10 and hindering me from walking with out great pain.



TLDR? Foot Hurts , who should I see?



Pics for swelling, I know im a bit behind on my pedicure.





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Are you sure you even need the referral? I have a basic ass PPO plan through work and don't even need one to go to a specialist. Wasted 2 visits to my PCP before realizing it.


Also, trim your toe nails. You look like you're growing it out to sniff your cocaine.

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Was there an event that you think created an injury? When did you say OUCH there?


The pain you feel, is it more of an numbness that aches?


I'm not a Doctor. But all those symptoms have been coming up more and more, and are showing linked to people who consume energy drinks often. An injury can be looked at, and a Doctor can fix it. I hope it's not diabetes. Diabetic issues are a life style change. And frankly, people suck at changing for the good.


Stop drinking pop and energy drinks. Get rid of sugar, and eat real foods. GO EXERCISE.

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First off, America, the ER is not a primary care doc. They fix emergencys. They aren't because you've been too lazy to go see your PCP. If you can't walk on it, go see them for a bandaid. Don't expect a full diagnosis though.


Second, those fucking toenails...


Third, go see your PCP. That's how it works. You go see them. They fix it if they can, or refer you to a specialist if needed. Quit trying to do their job for them.

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Are you sure you even need the referral? I have a basic ass PPO plan through work and don't even need one to go to a specialist. Wasted 2 visits to my PCP before realizing it.


Also, trim your toe nails. You look like you're growing it out to sniff your cocaine.

No referrel needed.


Was there an event that you think created an injury? When did you say OUCH there?


The pain you feel, is it more of an numbness that aches?


I'm not a Doctor. But all those symptoms have been coming up more and more, and are showing linked to people who consume energy drinks often. An injury can be looked at, and a Doctor can fix it. I hope it's not diabetes. Diabetic issues are a life style change. And frankly, people suck at changing for the good.


Stop drinking pop and energy drinks. Get rid of sugar, and eat real foods. GO EXERCISE.

No injury, every time its happened where I wake up in the middle of the night is this pain. Its a deep pain in my ankle bone and doesn't allow me to move it left or right, or roll the ankle.



First off, America, the ER is not a primary care doc. They fix emergencys. They aren't because you've been too lazy to go see your PCP. If you can't walk on it, go see them for a bandaid. Don't expect a full diagnosis though.

Second, those fucking toenails...

Third, go see your PCP. That's how it works. You go see them. They fix it if they can, or refer you to a specialist if needed. Quit trying to do their job for them.


Problem is I cant see my PCP for months, hence why im looking for other options here. So I earthier have to wait, and enjoy the pain im in, or go through the fun process of finding another new doctor. :no:

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Problem is I cant see my PCP for months, hence why im looking for other options here. So I earthier have to wait, and enjoy the pain im in, or go through the fun process of finding another new doctor. :no:


PCP's are fucking horrible anymore. Last time I called for an appointment they basically told me to go the ER.

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No referrel needed.



No injury, every time its happened where I wake up in the middle of the night is this pain. Its a deep pain in my ankle bone and doesn't allow me to move it left or right, or roll the ankle.





Problem is I cant see my PCP for months, hence why im looking for other options here. So I earthier have to wait, and enjoy the pain im in, or go through the fun process of finding another new doctor. :no:


Ah. I misread your post.


I'd find a new PCP. Fuck two months. I don't care how minor a problem is, I'm not waiting 2 months to get it checked out if I'm to the point of feeling like I need to see a doctor about it.

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The whole 2 months thing is bs, if they dont hVe emergency visits for stuff like this you should find a new primary. I would go straight to someone who handles feet and skip the step where they charge you and tell you to do the same. Step lively is open as late as like 8 on some nights. I've had good results with them for minor things.
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This whole thread....ROFL.


To better assist all of us doctors here....please post a picture of your other cankle so we can compare the two. kthxbye.


On a super serial note it's probably Edema, which if not related to an injury can be cause for some serious concern.




I had similar symptoms once (my whole ankle/foot swelled up like a balloon, for seemingly no reason). Family/friends said "Wow, thats strange" and after a few days it went away. Little did I know I should have gone to the emergency room ASAP, as that kind of swelling (without direct causation) is usually due to a blood clot.

Edited by acklac7
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I have swelling, redness, pain in the ankle (feel like in the joint), warm to the touch.


No injury, every time its happened where I wake up in the middle of the night is this pain. Its a deep pain in my ankle bone and doesn't allow me to move it left or right, or roll the ankle.


Go to the E.R.



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