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A blood clot in your leg can have various symptoms, including:




a warm sensation.

pain in your calf when you stretch your toes upward.

a pale or bluish discoloration.


Wake up and proceed directly to the E.R.

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Didn't you gain a few pounds in the last few years? My feet/ankles like to be like that and I quit drinking beer and lost a bunch of weight. Not saying your fat but you probably have a ton of water weight on you/in your ankles.


Maybe you're taking in too much salt?


Just take a syringe and poke your ankle and try to drain some fluid out. Be sure to put it on youtube so you can become an internet sensation.


oh and inb4 Kirk says to see your doctor.

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Make sure when you call your PCP that you're telling them you have a very specific issue and not just" I just need to see the doctor". if you're scheduling a regular check up, yeah it might be two months, but when there's an issue usually they can get you in sooner


Foot pain is no joke. Hope it's not diabetes

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Go to the E.R.



No issues above the ankle so no calf and no blueness


What's you blood pressure like ?


Not sure of the numbers off hand but they said normal


I Re checked with my doctor and they were able to find a way to get me in, doc thinks its gout, had a blood test this morning to test for it. Gave me some meds 340$ with insurance FML , and im going to try to home remedies. and once this is back to normal I will be having to change my diet and work out booooooo


Dam things painfull. :fuuuu:



Thanks for the serious posts, the others I hope you guys have to go through this at one point :lol:

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you need to see your family dr regularly. and they should have visits specifically for emergencies. don't use the ER as your family dr. that's a $1000bill vs. a $75 bill to see your family dr. if the family dr. told every kid with a cold that it was a 3 month wait to see him that person would be out of business immediately


if its gout, labwork isn't terribly accurate. but you would take indomethacin to treat it---should be dirt cheap. fix your cankles---your bp is likely off. and trim your nails

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Well, I'm not a doctor like 99.99999% of this thread, but based on my expert google ability its pretty clear you have AIDS. Good news, its the Charlie Sheen strain so you will only go slightly more crazy and develop a thing for tranny hookers.












































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