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Black Lives Matter activist commits suicide outside the Ohio Statehouse


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TL;DR: you do not understand social inequality in this country and its economic ramifications.


You are not the man off all knowledge and wisdom. What nugget of outlook you do have is blinded by your inability to consider other perspectives. You have a brain that is very able to learn and is hungry, but your mentality is still that of the playground bully. Or, the professing kid who throws a fit when he doesn't get his way, you just do it with words. Your strength, is likely your weakness. Good day to you.


Meh, i'm not going to argue with you... you are ignorant and impossible to have a discussion with.



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As humans we are simple, soft and squishy. We are rather smart, in relation to other species. But, we often fail to become different than the product of our environment. We associate things in the easiest manner, almost all the time. And color coding is an example of that. It takes a conscious effort to change that and relearn a different outlook. We are simply too naive or lazy to do so.
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You are not the man off all knowledge and wisdom. What nugget of outlook you do have is blinded by your inability to consider other perspectives. You have a brain that is very able to learn and is hungry, but your mentality is still that of the playground bully. Or, the professing kid who throws a fit when he doesn't get his way, you just do it with words. Your strength, is likely your weakness. Good day to you.



This isn't the first time I have heard the "failed themselves" point of view. The evidence doesn't support it, it's mostly unoriginal political tripe usually sold in the same faulty bill of goods with trickle down economics and socialism is inherently evil. Nothing bullying about it, you are entitled to believe in it as much as one believes in big foot, or the Loch Ness monster, or that the earth is only 5000 years old. The question of social inequality in America is heavily studied, and there are thousands of studies on it going back at least 100 years, and the overwhelming majority come to the same conclusion - it exists, it travels with poverty, and it disproportionately affects people of races other than white male. But don't let that get in the way of a good fiction that allows you to sleep at night.


I don't always have the popular opinion, and it is often dissenting, but it is well considered and I work very hard to be informed. That is not something I see in a lot of the commenters here.


Someone posts a comment, I post a dissenting opinion, and I get called ignorant by the people whose opinion I disagree with and somehow I am the bully? That's a great fantasy joe, top notch.

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This isn't the first time I have heard the "failed themselves" point of view. The evidence doesn't support it, it's mostly unoriginal political tripe ...


As opposed to your elightened point of view which is never political tripe? Ever?


usually sold in the same faulty bill of goods with trickle down economics and socialism is inherently evil.


Yes, socialism coerced through violence is always evil. No matter how good the intentions. People coming together to promote social causes voluntarily is not evil. This is simply a moral issue of right vs. wrong. If we don't agree on this simple tenet, then we certainly won't agree on economics.


The question of social inequality in America is heavily studied, and there are thousands of studies on it going back at least 100 years, and the overwhelming majority come to the same conclusion - it exists, it travels with poverty, and it disproportionately affects people of races other than white male. But don't let that get in the way of a good fiction that allows you to sleep at night.


You will get no argument here from me, this is simply without debate. What is debatable is to what degree the current crop of white/straight/cis males are responsible for the past 200 years of inequality. On the personal level it's absolutely nothing. On the social level the thing that is most glaringly unequal is the criminal justice system which with any high-level, hierarchical, overiew is basically rigged to put poor disadvantaged people into jail. Worse the poor are incentivised to break the law(drugs provide steady income,status, ect), and the law is incentivised (busting drug dealers provides revenue through forfeiture of property or cash, or bonuses for arrests) to put them in jail. Basically ending prohibition would solve much of the problem, but good luck.



I don't always have the popular opinion, and it is often dissenting, but it is well considered and I work very hard to be informed. That is not something I see in a lot of the commenters here.

You never have a popular opinion here (not saying that makes you wrong in that particular instance per se), but sometimes it does seem like you are playing devil's advocate for shits and giggles. This may not be the case, and could just be me misinterpreting an online correspondence, which clearly occurs quite regularly. Clearly your views on socio-economics are typically at least considered and for that I salute you, but you are often rudely dismissive, which is where I think Joe is assigning the bully moniker from. Perhaps you should consider finding a more thoughtful, more well-informed forum to spend your days on.



Someone posts a comment, I post a dissenting opinion, and I get called ignorant by the people whose opinion I disagree with and somehow I am the bully? That's a great fantasy joe, top notch.



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As opposed to your elightened point of view which is never political tripe? Ever?


I may bait the hook every once in a while, but really I don't ascribe to any political party or ideals. Economics, modern philosophy, and social science are more my realms of trade.




Yes, socialism coerced through violence is always evil. No matter how good the intentions. People coming together to promote social causes voluntarily is not evil. This is simply a moral issue of right vs. wrong. If we don't agree on this simple tenet, then we certainly won't agree on economics.


I don't think anybody was talking about socialism through violence. I am just talking about this neo-reublican concept of "so and so is a socalist and is therefore evil" mentality. Socialism is a economic, social science, and political theory - it has no morality until application so in that vein we agree. Although it does rub me the wrong way how many people don't even understand the definition of socialism when they are using it as a pejorative.




You will get no argument here from me, this is simply without debate. What is debatable is to what degree the current crop of white/straight/cis males are responsible for the past 200 years of inequality. On the personal level it's absolutely nothing. On the social level the thing that is most glaringly unequal is the criminal justice system which with any high-level, hierarchical, overiew is basically rigged to put poor disadvantaged people into jail. Worse the poor are incentivised to break the law(drugs provide steady income,status, ect), and the law is incentivised (busting drug dealers provides revenue through forfeiture of property or cash, or bonuses for arrests) to put them in jail. Basically ending prohibition would solve much of the problem, but good luck

you get no argument from me.


You never have a popular opinion here (not saying that makes you wrong in that particular instance per se), but sometimes it does seem like you are playing devil's advocate for shits and giggles. This may not be the case, and could just be me misinterpreting an online correspondence, which clearly occurs quite regularly. Clearly your views on socioeconomics are typically at least considered and for that I salute you, but you are often rudely dismissive, which is where I think Joe is assigning the bully moniker from. Perhaps you should consider finding a more thoughtful, more well-informed forum to spend your days on.


Let's just lay it all out, the exchange of ideas here is not great. The popular opinion here is often half informed at best and often looking to demonize faceless stereotypical liberal thinking. There are others who don't agree but most would rather not engage the stupid because it usually degenerates into a shouting match of who is more ignorant. I take a different approach - if you are going to put your opinion into the public forum be prepared to be challenged on it. people who disagree are not faceless political concepts of liberalism, evil, or tyranny, they are sometimes your peers with similar interests whom you will have to interact with.


Enlightenment is a journey and it relies on the free exchange of ideas. the bigger issue is that the most vocal are usually the most emotionally married to the opinion they are expressing which further frustrates conversation.


Why it seems like I always have the unpopular opinion is mostly for things I agree with there is no need to say anything.


As for being called a bully, that's just strategy. call your opponent the thing you are to distract from the reality of the situation. I read some of the crap here and I just try to match it in tone. does it feel dismissive? probably, but it feels more so because it is a dissenting opinion. I read plenty of neo-conservationism ignorant garbage on here that sounds pretty coercive and coarse but people don't really make a fuss because it is the "popular" opinion. I don't make it personal but I am often personally attacked in return (a response I consider a sign of weakness in both logic of the person and supportability of their statements) because basically it's easier to hate a faceless concept than someone with whom you can have a fun conversation with about 60's can am race cars on Saturday mornings in a parking lot.


this is a local forum about cars. I don't see myself going anywhere short of a ban.

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Kerry = Don Quixote.


I wish that I could say he pokes at bears for a personally-enjoyable troll effect...the guy is on a one-man crusade to open dialogue and change the world, but he lost his horse a long time ago. :lol:


You should never attack the dissenting opinion in order to gain higher ground in an argument unless you know what you're talking about. At the end of the day, you're still spouting off on academic thought or personal opinion just as many of us are on CR. Not sure what you think you'll accomplish for all of your wasted time. Know your audience...

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I don't think anybody was talking about socialism through violence. I am just talking about this neo-reublican concept of "so and so is a socalist and is therefore evil" mentality. Socialism is a economic, social science, and political theory - it has no morality until application so in that vein we agree. Although it does rub me the wrong way how many people don't even understand the definition of socialism when they are using it as a pejorative.


And then there are those of us that have an extremely strong knowledge of economics, historical and current, that take your often high-handed and insulting posts as simple fluff and choose to ignore you.




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Know your audience...


I have a pretty good idea of who my audience is, I just don't cater or placate them. I also don't have unrealistic expectations that I am going to magically cause people to suddenly change their world view. But I do get a little giddy forcing people who I think have offensive viewpoints out of their comfort zone a little.


as for accomplish? entertainment. Some people watch family guy, I like to watch people hurl insults at me because their knowledge has run out of road.

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I don't feel sorry for this guy....I feel sorry for his mom and brother who have to deal with this the rest of their lives and live with the question "is there something I could've done?". In my early 20's my best friend shot and killed himself. A couple decades later it's tough for me to think or talk about. There were signs....I just didn't recognize them. The night before he killed himself he wanted to go to dinner. I was busy with my girlfriend at the time and told him maybe we could go next week. Think about that all the time.
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Did V8Beast post on CR? Good to see you on here.


Worth reading this entire thread. The rest? Meh.


I don't always have the popular opinion, and it is often dissenting, but it is well considered and I work very hard to be informed. That is not something I see in a lot of the commenters here.


Someone posts a comment, I post a dissenting opinion, and I get called ignorant by the people whose opinion I disagree with and somehow I am the bully? That's a great fantasy joe, top notch.


No, you post BS that you believe that may be right, but may not. It's rather opinionated and usually laced with rather lofty claims and strong vocabulary in an attempt to appear intelligent, but in the end is nothing other than degrading bull crap towards other members.


I'm not saying you're ignorant. You seem well educated and informed. Probably more so than some might say I am. What I AM saying you're posts are typically nothing more than drivel intended to do nothing to add to a conversation but rather belittle others in an attempt to inflate your ego by playing "devil's advocate".




Now, since I'm ignorant and wrong, I'm going to refuse to read any of your posts in this particular thread as well as any relating to or quoting you.


I don't dislike you. I don't know you. Your online presence leaves something to be desired though. What I am about to type I mean sincerely and without any sarcasm whatsoever.


Please, have a great evening. :)

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Whah! Don't like you're economic situation, get off your ass and make something of yourself. There is nothing in this country to prevent someone of any race/creed/religion from being a multi-billionaire.


If nothing is preventing anyone from it, why isn't everyone a multi-billionaire?

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Success is a combination of drive, hard work, and flat out good luck in varying degrees. In America you have a chance, this chance isn't a guarantee and not everyone starts on equal ground. The drive and hard work are your creations directly, and the good luck portion can be largely mitigated by acceptance of failure. More so, failure is the only guarantee, you will absolutely fail, possibly multiple times in succession. Upon failures there is time to re-access, and adjust course if necessary. Shoot for the stars, hope you hit the moon, and maybe you hit a wormhole.



Oh shit, I may be off-topic. Umm, black lives matter.

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Gotta love the comments on there. Lots of "he disagrees with police abusing citizens but calls for help when he's in trouble ..." thin blue line bullshit. I can't stand this attitude hero-worshippers have about dissenting beliefs. He deserves the exact same service as every other human being in this country regardless of what his personal beliefs are. He could head "KILL MUTHAFUCKING COPS" dot org and this would change nothing.


Now, whether or not it actually occurred? I haven't the slightest. Certainly seems like it's timed well, but crazier things have happened.

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I understand what you're getting at, I just think it is narrow-minded to assume there is nothing preventing someone from being a billionaire and that everyone has an equal chance. Some of those reasons are self-inflicted, others are not. Maybe sociology classes gave me a biased view, who knows.


Remember, plenty of lazy people become billionaires too :).

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"Hi I'm here to try out for the police officer roll."

-Ice Cube AKA, Cop Killer


I believe Ice T is the angry black gangsta of whom you speak.


Ice Cube was the "FUCK THA POLICE" brand of thuggish banger ...


That has also went on to play the role of cop in media :lolguy:

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