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I met Antonin Scalia and talked to him for 45 minutes and want you all to know it


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6'5" 300-350. And I don't wear glasses.




I'll make you the same offer I make everybody, come to cars and coffee, come chat and I'll buy you a cup of coffee.




i wonder how many of them would still feel that way if they knew he thought the second amendment was outdated and useless and often went out of his way to find gun controls even where they were unconstitutional.


Forgive me, 348.9-400

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Wish I could +rep


I can't see his eyes really, wasn't sure if the glare was sweat from the effort put forth to sit down and drink coffee or glasses.


Forgive me, 348.9-400


You are always going to win these encounters Grant, because you are devoid of any intellectual argument and are willing to be more personal and hurtful than I am. Congrats you win by default of being stupid and superficial.


As disliked as I am here, I don't really see anybody threatening to come to my house with a baseball bat because of crap I said here. maybe you should reconsider some of your life choices seeing as you seem miserable at your job but happy to drive mentally unstable people make threats at you and all...


anyway, enjoy your day.

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You are always going to win these encounters Grant, because you are devoid of any intellectual argument and are willing to be more personal and hurtful than I am. Congrats you win by default of being stupid and superficial.


As disliked as I am here, I don't really see anybody threatening to come to my house with a baseball bat because of crap I said here. maybe you should reconsider some of your life choices seeing as you seem miserable at your job but happy to drive mentally unstable people make threats at you and all...


anyway, enjoy your day.


So saying someone deserved to die is one thing, but being honest about someone's appearance is an attack?


Got it. I'll make a note of that logic, sort of how your logic of skewing something you already know to be true into something entirely different to "be more insulting" but I guess you are doing it again saying I'm unhappy? Not challenged and bored maybe, unhappy not really.


Guess it goes to show you can't take it but can easily dish it out.


Liberal logic I guess?

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OP pokes up his lightning rod then gets all defensive regarding his outlandish comments.


OP, point yourself out if we are ever at a meet together. I want to see what your idiotic e-presence looks like in real life.


I said the same over the Summer when everyone wanted him ban. I was introduced to him, though I was rushed to meet up with others, and he was unlike he comes off here. Although it was a brief chat, he's not killing kittens, he just seems to have a lot of time to reply and comes off over baring on here.

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I said the same over the Summer when everyone wanted him ban. I was introduced to him, though I was rushed to meet up with others, and he was unlike he comes off here. Although it was a brief chat, he's not killing kittens, he just seems to have a lot of time to reply and comes off over baring on here.


It's easy to talk shit on the Internet.

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I can only imagine what comes out of his mouth is only half as obscene as what objects enter it. Does be realize this is a car venue, not an I know everything about nothing, drive a 1995 jeep I got from my parents, Antonin Scalia talked to me because he was surprised how well a special needs adult could converse?


Guys I am gonna put V8 in my jeep and I know everybody and I have welded once, and I am glad for the death of someone I met, maybe in my own mind only. Come see me at cars and coffee where I can tell you everything about nothing. I bet your pals with that fat fuck Michael Moore as well, as you remind me of him

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I can only imagine what comes out of his mouth is only half as obscene as what objects enter it. Does be realize this is a car venue, not an I know everything about nothing, drive a 1995 jeep I got from my parents, Antonin Scalia talked to me because he was surprised how well a special needs adult could converse?


Guys I am gonna put V8 in my jeep and I know everybody and I have welded once, and I am glad for the death of someone I met, maybe in my own mind only. Come see me at cars and coffee where I can tell you everything about nothing. I bet your pals with that fat fuck Michael Moore as well, as you remind me of him



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I can only imagine what comes out of his mouth is only half as obscene as what objects enter it. Does be realize this is a car venue, not an I know everything about nothing, drive a 1995 jeep I got from my parents, Antonin Scalia talked to me because he was surprised how well a special needs adult could converse?


Guys I am gonna put V8 in my jeep and I know everybody and I have welded once, and I am glad for the death of someone I met, maybe in my own mind only. Come see me at cars and coffee where I can tell you everything about nothing. I bet your pals with that fat fuck Michael Moore as well, as you remind me of him


You are doing yourself no favors by speaking.

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LOL Were some of you fucking Scalia or something?


Not saying I was, not saying I wasn't.


6'5" 300-350. And I don't wear glasses.


That's a large range, slight pun intended.


i wonder how many of them would still feel that way if they knew he thought the second amendment was outdated and useless and often went out of his way to find gun controls even where they were unconstitutional.




I still wouldn't laugh at his death.






You are always going to win these encounters Grant, because you are devoid of any intellectual argument and are willing to be more personal and hurtful than I am. Congrats you win by default of being stupid and superficial.


I don't agree nor disagree with this statement, but eventually Grant came around and he's less douchey...unless he's been drinking cheap beer. :lol:


You? Well...


As disliked as I am here, I don't really see anybody threatening to come to my house with a baseball bat because of crap I said here. maybe you should reconsider some of your life choices seeing as you seem miserable at your job but happy to drive mentally unstable people make threats at you and all...


Nobody wants you to sue...or to see you cry. :lol:


Maybe Grant should look inward, but that's neither here nor there. Stop trying to pass the buck.


I'll be in yo face for realz on Saturday. Don't try to kiss me this time.





blah blah blah drive a 1995 jeep I got from my parents blah blah blah


To be fair, he's an attorney apparently. Prob bought his own '95 Jeep.


anyway, enjoy your day.
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he's not even in the ground and already the conspiracy theories are coming fast and furious:



Having met the man a couple of times and even having a 45 minute conversation with him once about "original intent" I can only say it "couldn't have happened to a more deserving person".


anybody else got 2 cents they want to weigh in with?



I read a couple of your posts/comments the other night when I was on here.


They were completely "normal" and it made me think to myself that my previous comments towards you were far too harsh and that maybe I was too quick to judge your internet persona.


I just wanted to thank you for this post.


My conscience is now clear, and I'm now certain that you are indeed a complete asshole (atleast on the internet).


Due to my massive respect for Clay, I still hold out hope that you are MUCH different in person.

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