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I met Antonin Scalia and talked to him for 45 minutes and want you all to know it


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I don't get the hate for well informed, educated responses, being uncool... You may not agree, but I'm not going to attack someone for putting in time on the board, after all isn't that what we are here for?



HI! Welcome to the thread, let me catch you up!



OP essentially celebrated the death of a Supreme Court Justice, due to a 45 minute conversation that the OP was so kind enough to have with a lowly SCOTUS Justice.


"couldn't have happened to a more deserving person".


anybody else got 2 cents they want to weigh in with?


He then got ripped for essentially shitting on someones passing.



He then wrote a few full length scripts (fiction of coarse) on why everyone else was stupid and defended shitting on someones passing.





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Oh, you're one to talk. How many novel-esque replies have you bestowed upon CR? The answer: too many


Obama love'n libs like to debate, I can't help that. :p


In terms of my potentially adding a few chapters to the novel being written here, not needed. I had Kerry buy me a coffee on Saturday to listen to his side. I then bitched back, knocked over his bike and he kicked in the driver side door of my car. Done, saving everyone about 82 pages of posts, only 3 of which would be meaningful.

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HI! Welcome to the thread, let me catch you up!



OP essentially celebrated the death of a Supreme Court Justice, due to a 45 minute conversation that the OP was so kind enough to have with a lowly SCOTUS Justice.




He then got ripped for essentially shitting on someones passing.



He then wrote a few full length scripts (fiction of coarse) on why everyone else was stupid and defended shitting on someones passing.






I've been keeping up with this thread everyday. I understand, I may not be well educated, and be the first to admit. It's that dudes opinion. So what, I've read worse moral opinions on here.


With Tilley putting in time here in this thread it's feeling like the old Kitchen, and I should stay out because I can't hang. Just need DJ to put more time in and I'd be sure it feels like old times.


Oh and before rumplestiltskin posts something about my wife makes more money than I do. She does...

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I've been keeping up with this thread everyday. I understand, I may not be well educated, and be the first to admit. It's that dudes opinion. So what, I've read worse moral opinions on here.


With Tilley putting in time here in this thread it's feeling like the old Kitchen, and I should stay out because I can't hang. Just need DJ to put more time in and I'd be sure it feels like old times.


Oh and before rumplestiltskin posts something about my wife makes more money than I do. She does...


I don't think anyone has an issue with Geeto67's opinions. I think people have an issue with his condescension. It was the same thing with DWiggs; no one really cared what his opinion was, they just cared that he couldn't help but come across as a dick when he expressed it.

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I've been keeping up with this thread everyday. I understand, I may not be well educated, and be the first to admit. It's that dudes opinion. So what, I've read worse moral opinions on here.



I was kidding, but it definitely wasn't in an attempt to question your intelligence.


My point was merely that, when a kid kicks the beehive a half dozen times don't blame the bees for stinging him. Kerry knew exactly what he was doing when he said what he said.




With Tilley putting in time here in this thread it's feeling like the old Kitchen, and I should stay out because I can't hang. Just need DJ to put more time in and I'd be sure it feels like old times.



Tilley and DJ spending more time in the kitchen is something we can all rally behind!



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In Jordan's post it seems he does I guess. That is what I was responding to. Edit: my bad, I am a dumbass for not getting the sarcasm. DOH!


I guess I understand the dude is a lawyer and most love to hear or read in this instance their own voice. I think you have to be kinda narcissistic to be successful at that profession. It's not surprising and I just read his stuff and it doesn't bother me.

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, and then you guys can get back to not having your world views challenged.




this is a funny quote from you.



have you ever said something like this:::


"boy, i never thought of that. that completely changes how i viewed this issue. thanks for your input. i really don't have anything to add"


i'd bet the farm those words have never come out of your mouth. but somehow we are the ones not changing our views?? got it.

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You like me! You really like me!


Reasons as to why I haven't weighed in (besides the fact that my weight is a source of embarrassment for yours truly);


1. I agree with Kerry's original post. I'm not throwing parties over the death of a man who had elevated himself to the highest court in the nation, but I am happy that he is no longer on said court. His views, in my opinion, were antiquated, unsophisticated, and in some cases, downright dangerous. Most of my social beliefs are left leaning, and the court tends to hear a significant amount of "social" cases. With a house and senate both controlled by the right, I feel that it is more necessary than ever to have either a Dem in the white house, or a Left biased SCOTUS, if only for the purpose of providing checks/balances.


2. While I have carried the flag on CR plenty of times in the name of common sense and human decency (not to mention intelligence, wit, charm, and good looks), even I am happy to let someone else do some of the lifting. In this case, Kerry is bearing the brunt of the work. I'm just fine with taking a laissez faire attitude towards this particular discussion.


In conclusion, feel free to "Kerry" on, whilst I sit back and enjoy the show.

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sigh. This is an absurd scenario. No attorney would take a civil suit based on online death threats. Death threats are a criminal manner, which means police intervention and criminal charges. This example fails because of your lack of understanding in the difference between criminal and civil law.


You're right. My cousin is the attorney in the family. Come to think, she's kind of a douche too.


Assuming a criminal trial where the prosecuting attorney (by the way a Criminal law term not a civil law term - the litigant bringing a civil suit is the plaintiff), who would be making these statements to a jury not a judge, would have the burden of proving the likelihood of of threat. Typically single incidents, whether they are mail, email, skywriter, etc...are not considered credible on their own and would require examination of the totality of the circumstances. There is actually a shit ton of legal jurisprudence regarding this and probably several threshold tests. I can't even give you a C- for effort on this, literally television gets more right about our legal system than you do and CSI single handedly undermined our current justice system.


I truly wish for your own sake that I actually cared what you think of me. You see, you try to appear intelligent, though I've alluded to this before, and yet you can't even string together coherent thoughts with even decent grammar. You just toss out large words that you're still in debt for having learned the meaning of. Meanwhile I'm nearly debt free and not a dick.


that is oversimplifying it quite a bit. Sure internet threats are illegal, but good fucking luck getting any police force (federal, state, or local) to do anything about it. Again, threats on their own are a criminal matter.


So you're admitting I'm right but still rambling on as to why others should think you're correct? Either it's illegal or it's not. If so, you're wrong. The end. It's really quite simple if you let down your guard, deflate your ego, and stop trying to "lawyer" everything.


maybe you. At best it's a shard.


Maybe everyone and maybe a lot. Pretty bad when Clay, your biggest asset, tells you to stop digging your own grave...and you're still not intelligent enough to heed his advice. Bet if he passed the BAR like my "intelligent" cousin you'd listen to him.


No I am a dick in real life too,


No you're not. You want to be. It makes you feel tough. Again, I'm betting you were shoved into far too many lockers in school.


I am just way more charismatic in real life.


I'll await a third party, unbiased, opinion.


I am a pretty open minded person


You're actually the opposite. Polar even.


but I am pretty good about separating people from their stupid comments.


No you're not. It's cute that you're so delusional though.


If you notice I don't usually resort to name calling or cheap tricks...doesn't mean you are stupid, just misinformed and led to a faulty conclusion.


But then again I am a professional at this and you aren't, if I wasn't able to separate the person from their point of view I don't think I could get any work done. you are married to your opinion, I am not.


Read: "It doesn't mean I think I'm better than you, but I'm better than you."


Again, incorrect. And I'd hardly call you a professional. Well, I suppose you are if you get paid to practice law. Congrats Kevin Kurgis.


Is that name calling? Am I an idiot again?


it's an easy thing to find out, show up have a chat.


The difference between your "intelligence" and mine is knowing the difference between someone who is a dick and thinks he not just because he says so vs. a legitimately decent human being. Congrats on the debt and the book smarts. Sorry about the lack of real friends.


No, that's not name calling. A "professional" such as myself would call it, "observational awareness".


Don't judge a book by...well, what you know nothing about, you super duper smart Einstein you!


Good job dodging his point, which is that the stuff you say on the internet can be a reflection of who a person is in real life.


Putting that aside, let's all revel in how little you know about the law. You take Yenner to task for not knowing the difference between criminal and civil law, yet you make the egregious error of stating the prosecutor would be "making these statements to a jury not a judge." Hey, Matlock, you ever heard of a bench trial? It's this really cool thing where you don't have a jury trial and, instead, the judge considers the evidence and renders the verdict. *GASP* I know, shocking, right? So, in fact, the prosecutor could be making those statements to a judge, not a jury. Congratulations on the self-ownage, Chief Justice Irony; 10/10, and you stuck the landing. Wait, maybe they didn't teach you the difference between a bench trial and jury trial where you went to law school?


BTW, I think you should change your avatar to a picture of that pony-tailed douchebag guy in the Harvard Bar from Good Will Hunting.




LOL Geeto doesn't understand the law.




I believe the words you're looking for are, "Shit, you got me; good one. I earned my douchebag Harvard bar pony-tail on that one. Will try better next time."






Sums up your online existence, and I'm betting IRL, but that's only from what I know of you. I'm probably wrong though. You're probably not a self proclaimed dick with a wannabe tough-guy persona and egotistically inflated vocabulary douche nozzle. Only online for the LULZ.


...all book learnin' and no real experience. IE on any given subject he was not sharing true intelligence just regurgitating what he read. If that is who you want to be represented as, someone basically talking out of their ass with no real life experience, I don't object.




I just can't compete with the fantasy world some of the members here live in, so they are always going to win. Why let intelligence or facts get in the way of a feel good fiction.


It honestly humors me that you view every single bit of mindless drivel you post as the end all, be all, and everything that anyone else posts in opposition as fantasy. I mean, I seriously sit here and laugh. It's so comical. In your world you're never wrong, yet you're ALWAYS "open minded". :lol: Right...


I'm going to start translating what you've said into what you've actually said:


El. Oh. Biggest of all Els.


So accurate.


Geeto I haven't met. Clay, Tilley, DJ, Marc, Doc, and many others I have.


Guess which individuals have earned my respect without using big ol' giant words on a local automotive forum?


For the record, I'm just like Will Hunting in Good Will Hunting, only smarter and better looking.




If he can destroy you this easily on your area of "expertise" then God help you should you attempt to engage him in his.


Tilley > Geeto in literally every aspect of life. Intelligence, area of expertise, abode, hair, the way his butt looks in those slacks...ya know, all the usual graded areas.


Your insistent need to be right, even when contradicting yourself, screams of your insecurities.


This is what I've been saying all along. Thank you. The hilarious part is he doesn't even notice his own hypocrisy.




I'm not the only one, I'm just the only one willing to climb into the monkey cage and throw the feces back. why? probably because it's fun. it will stop being fun at some point, and then you guys can get back to not having your world views challenged.


and it isn't so much me being right (which I do happen to be in this case) it's just to see how many times you guys are going to keep responding. this thread goes on for 5 pages and really the only thing of value we get from it are how many people don't know who a supreme court justice is or what he/she does, how little they understand about their own government and judicial system, and how far despite these limitations the lengths they are willing to go to tell me I'm wrong. It's fascinating.


What's truly fascinating to me is none of what you mentioned. It's that there is a practicing attorney with such a small world view and such a narrow understanding of self and community that he believes his own bullshit to the point that he thinks he is never wrong.


I suppose that's why attorney's are the butt of so many jokes though.


man hugs for everybody!!!!!


shit, what am I doing on this forum I'm on staycation. I'll see you guys tomorrow when I check in to count how may replies there are.


This post proves how much your online attention means to you. I am truly sorry that you look forward to attention from people you've never met, be it positive or negative.


Obama love'n libs like to debate, I can't help that. :p


In terms of my potentially adding a few chapters to the novel being written here, not needed. I had Kerry buy me a coffee on Saturday to listen to his side. I then bitched back, knocked over his bike and he kicked in the driver side door of my car. Done, saving everyone about 82 pages of posts, only 3 of which would be meaningful.


He rides a bike? The imagery alone is worth its weight in gold.


Oh and before rumplestiltskin posts something about my wife makes more money than I do. She does...


He's got nothing better to come at you with. He's usually left standing like "Papa Doc" in 8 Mile after you admit your own short comings. Speechless.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know PP. I'm fat and you're Adonis. Next?


I don't think anyone has an issue with Geeto67's opinions. I think people have an issue with his condescension. It was the same thing with DWiggs; no one really cared what his opinion was, they just cared that he couldn't help but come across as a dick when he expressed it.




Many people on here have opinions on here that differ from mine. Few people on here are egotistical walnuts when expressing those opinions.


My point was merely that, when a kid kicks the beehive a half dozen times don't blame the bees for stinging him. Kerry knew exactly what he was doing when he said what he said.


Trying to feel some sort of community? Companionship? Love?


Truth be told, I want to like Geeto67. I think there's hope for him yet.


Agreed. I think he has just never really had honest, humble, down to earth, friends.


DJ on the other hand...can't stand that guy. Not after that last post.

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Again, I'm betting you were shoved into far too many lockers in school.


I'll leave this here




I'll await a third party, unbiased, opinion.


When I sat at the same table with him and others at CC&C one morning he was pretty damn quiet. Maybe he was doing this and I didn't notice?



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:lol: Yenner with monster post X 2


DJ's face just caught on fire.


This. Talk about an unintentional Long Cat.


Now I must rest my eyes.


My bad. I wasn't on CR for the past 3-4 days. I didn't have a "staycation" to use hitting the F5 button. Had to catch up and all.

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When I sat at the same table with him and others at CC&C one morning he was pretty damn quiet.


He was probably too busy trying to not be distracted by others talking about anything other than him.



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Words. Everywhere you look. Thousands upon thousands of words....






Randy loves me like Kanyes love Kanye. However, he apparently HATES the quote function. The abuse he has dealt out to that poor button in this thread alone would be considered a war crime. The UN is assembling at this very moment a task force intended to move in a stabilize the region and limit the damage before Randys tyranny spreads to other functions, such as the image function, or, God forbid, the edit ability. An unforeseen benefit of Randy's blatant abuse of his keyboard is that uneducated children throughout the region have spontaneously begun churning out unrelated book reports.

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Randy loves me like Kanyes love Kanye. However, he apparently HATES the quote function. The abuse he has dealt out to that poor button in this thread alone would be considered a war crime. The UN is assembling at this very moment a task force intended to move in a stabilize the region and limit the damage before Randys tyranny spreads to other functions, such as the image function, or, God forbid, the edit ability. An unforeseen benefit of Randy's blatant abuse of his keyboard is that uneducated children throughout the region have spontaneously begun churning out unrelated book reports.



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You're right. My cousin is the attorney in the family. Come to think, she's kind of a douche too.




I truly wish for your own sake that I actually cared what you think of me. You see, you try to appear intelligent, though I've alluded to this before, and yet you can't even string together coherent thoughts with even decent grammar. You just toss out large words that you're still in debt for having learned the meaning of. Meanwhile I'm nearly debt free and not a dick.




So you're admitting I'm right but still rambling on as to why others should think you're correct? Either it's illegal or it's not. If so, you're wrong. The end. It's really quite simple if you let down your guard, deflate your ego, and stop trying to "lawyer" everything.




Maybe everyone and maybe a lot. Pretty bad when Clay, your biggest asset, tells you to stop digging your own grave...and you're still not intelligent enough to heed his advice. Bet if he passed the BAR like my "intelligent" cousin you'd listen to him.




No you're not. You want to be. It makes you feel tough. Again, I'm betting you were shoved into far too many lockers in school.




I'll await a third party, unbiased, opinion.




You're actually the opposite. Polar even.




No you're not. It's cute that you're so delusional though.






Read: "It doesn't mean I think I'm better than you, but I'm better than you."


Again, incorrect. And I'd hardly call you a professional. Well, I suppose you are if you get paid to practice law. Congrats Kevin Kurgis.


Is that name calling? Am I an idiot again?




The difference between your "intelligence" and mine is knowing the difference between someone who is a dick and thinks he not just because he says so vs. a legitimately decent human being. Congrats on the debt and the book smarts. Sorry about the lack of real friends.


No, that's not name calling. A "professional" such as myself would call it, "observational awareness".


Don't judge a book by...well, what you know nothing about, you super duper smart Einstein you!
















Sums up your online existence, and I'm betting IRL, but that's only from what I know of you. I'm probably wrong though. You're probably not a self proclaimed dick with a wannabe tough-guy persona and egotistically inflated vocabulary douche nozzle. Only online for the LULZ.








It honestly humors me that you view every single bit of mindless drivel you post as the end all, be all, and everything that anyone else posts in opposition as fantasy. I mean, I seriously sit here and laugh. It's so comical. In your world you're never wrong, yet you're ALWAYS "open minded". :lol: Right...




El. Oh. Biggest of all Els.


So accurate.


Geeto I haven't met. Clay, Tilley, DJ, Marc, Doc, and many others I have.


Guess which individuals have earned my respect without using big ol' giant words on a local automotive forum?








Tilley > Geeto in literally every aspect of life. Intelligence, area of expertise, abode, hair, the way his butt looks in those slacks...ya know, all the usual graded areas.




This is what I've been saying all along. Thank you. The hilarious part is he doesn't even notice his own hypocrisy.






What's truly fascinating to me is none of what you mentioned. It's that there is a practicing attorney with such a small world view and such a narrow understanding of self and community that he believes his own bullshit to the point that he thinks he is never wrong.


I suppose that's why attorney's are the butt of so many jokes though.




This post proves how much your online attention means to you. I am truly sorry that you look forward to attention from people you've never met, be it positive or negative.




He rides a bike? The imagery alone is worth its weight in gold.




He's got nothing better to come at you with. He's usually left standing like "Papa Doc" in 8 Mile after you admit your own short comings. Speechless.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know PP. I'm fat and you're Adonis. Next?






Many people on here have opinions on here that differ from mine. Few people on here are egotistical walnuts when expressing those opinions.




Trying to feel some sort of community? Companionship? Love?




Agreed. I think he has just never really had honest, humble, down to earth, friends.


DJ on the other hand...can't stand that guy. Not after that last post.


TL/DR. Lolz

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this is a funny quote from you.



have you ever said something like this:::


"boy, i never thought of that. that completely changes how i viewed this issue. thanks for your input. i really don't have anything to add"


i'd bet the farm those words have never come out of your mouth. but somehow we are the ones not changing our views?? got it.


I say that constantly, but it usually means the person has a pretty well thought out argument that they have communicated clearly. Something like that on CR appears to be about as rare as a stripper with two Ph.D.s.

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I'll leave this here






When I sat at the same table with him and others at CC&C one morning he was pretty damn quiet. Maybe he was doing this and I didn't notice?



I didn't want to interrupt your crying about how unfulfilling, unstatisfying, and not challenging your job (which you oddly claim you are not unhappy at) is. Seriously the sadness and desperation were so palpable all the stray cats and dogs in a 50 mile radius were running away. My heart really went out to you it was so sad.


Honestly, I don't really want to pick on you - we have all been stuck in a rut and I'm pretty sympathetic. I don't have much advice for you since your career path doesn't involve going back to school and incurring hundreds of thousands of dollars of student loan debt, but you should probably change some of your habits as a start to setting yourself up for success. Two weeks ago you drove an emotionally unstable person on this forum to make threats to come to your house with a baseball bat - whatever you are doing to cause stuff like this probably isn't healthy. Life choices man....life choices.

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