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Invisible Dog Fence


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We looked into it. Then just had our trainer come out and our dog picked up on boundary training in 30 minutes. Invisible fence would have cost over $1500. Home Depot sells DIY kits for a few hundred. Our dog does not go outside of what I mow. We let him out ot roam free and have done so for 2 years with no issue. I would do the training.
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I have had one for years and when we picked up our Newf we wanted to expand the area retrain the dog. Joe is right about cost as it is based on the size of the lot . I like Pet Stop as the owner / trainer and he works with you a lot. I think 5 - 700 for a half acre sounds about right.


My dog is outside a lot and like I do not have to watch her all the time..


If you are a little faint of heart and do not like the "Oh shit" moment you may want bite the bullet and buy a fence (Ouch!)

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Boxers, huh. Yeah, they'll more than likely ignore the "correction" when training them where the invisible fence boundaries are.


Go with a real fence or try training.


They listen to me very well. Our older boxer is the type that just wants to hang out. My younger boxer is the one who likes to push it.


No fence will be going up. Contacted dogwatch and got an estimate.

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We installed a DIY one of our backyard and it worked well for our German Shepard after we upgraded to the stubborn dog collar which takes a 9V. He would just walk through it with the watch battery collars. He only ran through it a few times when chasing animals out of the yard. Then he would sit on the other side waiting for someone to do something to let him back in so he wouldn't get shocked again. I recently heard of someone having a wireless system (no wires to bury) and the system just installs in the house and you select a radius around that you want them to go. That all I heard about it but sounded like a good and easy way to go for in the country.
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I'm actually debating the wireless system. It's a transmitter that has a range you set, but still uses the correction collars to let the dogs know where the boundary is.


1) My white Shiba is very skittish and would probably bolt the first shock he received.


2) My AmStaff probably wouldn't give a shit.

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Yes, it transmits in a circle. I almost wonder of you could overlap areas with several transmitters.


yep....that's what I do with mine. Have one in the house and one out in the shed. They make a "figure 8" basically and where ever the ranges cross the dog can. He knows where he can and can't go. He's stubborn as shit so I got creative with the collar box....lets just say he stays in the yard now. He used to just let it shock him and it would time out after 20 seconds then he would take off. That no longer happens.

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They listen to me very well. Our older boxer is the type that just wants to hang out. My younger boxer is the one who likes to push it.


No fence will be going up. Contacted dogwatch and got an estimate.


Boxers are very trainable. For the cost of these system, I would have to think investing in training would not cost as much. We had a hard time trusting the training in the beginning. I have watched our dog full on chase rabbits, and stop at the edge of where I mow. He walks to the end of the drive way with us to get the mail, 300' drive, and stops at the tree line before the road. He makes us look a lot smarter than we are with how he behaves. It's like having a kid that says "please and thank you".

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Give Allison, at Marcum K9 a call, and ask here about boundary training. He number is 1(740)243-1251.


Tell her Murphy's dad told you about the training. If you are looking to put out $500, it's my thought you could get a lot more from her training then just setting boundary.

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Also looking into the DIY sportdog 100a. Seems to be under 500$.


I hope that after a month or so of training and corrections they learn and don't even need the collar.


I hoped that too.......5 years ago. :lol: My dog knows to stay in the yard when the collar is on but he also knows when the batteries need changed. That's actually how I know when to change them....he starts drifting further out into the yard to areas he normally doesn't go.

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Anyone know if one of those wired/wireless system works with hound breeds (beagles)?


my experience has been that it's really dog specific regardless of breed. I know 3-4 other people that use the same box as I do which was why I bought the one I did so when we visit one another we only need to bring a collar. My st bernard and a buddy's chocolate lab seemed to be more prone to just deal with letting it shock them and then taking off after it timed out. Another buddy has a dobie and shepherd that both are deathly afraid of anything that makes a beeping sound now after being shocked once. Another friends rott and another's mix both never test it. Beagles in general are pretty stubborn dogs but I still bet it would be more on the demeanor of the individual dog as to how well it works on them.

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we stayed away from invisible fences because that does not protect your animals from outside animals (foxes, other dogs, etc...) depending on where you live (out in country) it could be smarter to get a regular fence to deter other animals.
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We ended up getting the Petsafe Stay & Play from tractor supply. So far so good. This unit goes up to 3/4 of an acre, fully wireless.


Set up the parameter, showed the dogs where they could and could not go. Only on level 2 which makes them confused not hurt when it goes off.



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