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My personal watch collection for sale


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Hey all, these are my watches since I have been a kid until now- they are all in great condition except need a battery. I am saving up for a quality automatic hence all the dead batteries.


TIMEX B25 chronograph compass model 10..00










FOSSIL Blue analog/digital 15.00




TIMEX EXPEDITION Chronograph Indiglo 20.00






Or buy them all for $50.00



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I know some of you are definitely into watches so could you guys tell me what these are worth better? I put them up on eBay too with same interest so far. I can't really throw them away because of sentimental value as they all were great watches at sometime in my life for me but I never wear them anymore and don't have room for them. I have another one from my alma mater I have worn once I also can't get rid of, also with a dead battery haha
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First, my disclaimer: I'm not a watch expert. Others on CR know more about the buying/selling of watches. Bob (Diamonds) comes to mind.


Perhaps some things I've learned from my experiences could be helpful.


At the most basic level, an item is worth what a buyer will pay. If you have a few of these on eBay, you get an idea what that value is. Expensive/rare/desirable watches might require some specialized marketing, but these aren't in that category.


Quartz watches which were under $100 new, have routine wear & tear, and are currently not running (at least need new batteries) may not be worth the effort and annoyance it takes to complete a sale.


All together, they will fit in a cigar box ... they have sentimental value ..... do you really not have room?


If you still want to get rid of them, do you have nephews or other young boys you know who get use out of them? I'm not talking about substituting a non-running watch for a legit Christmas gift, but rather just giving them a watch for no special occasion, and telling them why you liked the watch and why you want them to have it. Maybe even put in a new battery for them.


I still have a Timex which my grandfather wore. When it was given to me it didn't run, the hands and dial were faded, and the band was pretty ragged. I've had it fifty years. Sometimes I wore it as a daily. It needed an overhaul, and I even had it restored. It might be worth $10. But it's special to me because it was my grandpa's.

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Thanks doc for taking the time to

post that, it was helpful! I had considered keeping them for my boys. One is six and the other is four however! I was referring to my jewelry box not having room. You are right I will just store them away somewhere in another box. And yes all of these were under 100 new so they aren't very valuable- I paid 80.00 back in 1992 for the nautica watch at a gift shop at Disney world. That was a lot of money to

me back then haha

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Given at the right time, I'll bet the watches will be special to your sons, and that will be worth more to you than what ten or fifteen bucks would be.


Well, since they aren't running, that right time happens twice a day. :)


I felt it was a good time for a dad joke for what it's worth. OK, sorry, time for me to quit.

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I'm with Doc, either keep them or have a younger family member keep them. My dad kept all his old watches, he was far from a collector and most of his were the stretch band walmart specials, but the last one he wore before his death still runs, and to me that means more than anything.


Pass the sentiment on.

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