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Calling All Gun Guys


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This should piss you off.

I'm voting Trump, because Fuck the Machine (our govt.)

World views? Don't care. Religion? Don't care. His past? Don't care. Make me sound dumb? Don't care.

I do know he won't just lay down like Obama and doesn't have please any lobbyist.

These good ole boy politicians are losing their shit because they are losing their way.


The Trump train will woooo wooooo right through Hitlery

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Thread was really never about Trump. But yeah, go ahead and vote for him if you think he's the way. He's not going to win, or even get close.


It's going to be interesting how the whole debacle fairs for the Republican Party though. This is going to be a first for this Country.


And I don't like Hillary either, I couldn't stand to see her in the White House. She's a National Security Disaster. Sorry but Russia/ISIS/Arabs will give 0 fucks about anything a Women says.


Kasich would be my pick to be honest.

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When did I say I was anti-2A?


You were spot-on about the whole deal, even came to the conclusion I was hoping. Except for one thing, I bash people who are over focusing on the the last four words of the 2A. I bash them because some day someone might use that weakness against them.


Has anyone in this thread said anything about a president taking our guns away other than you? You created a thread with a hypothetical scenario that a dem might restrict our gun access and then start bashing everyone who says they are pro second amendment.


I hope nobody on this board votes for someone based only on their gun control stance. Although that's an issue worth discussing, it's not the most important issue. Really not even close at this point.

Edited by acklac7
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Sanders seems like a good guy who I would enjoy having a beer with and I think is funny. I would never in a million years let him lead the country as he's a fucking socialist idiot.


Clinton should be in jail or executed for her behaviors and is a fucking worthless turd. That said Americas who support her or did for Obama are getting what they deserve. Unfortunately some of that shit is splattered on the rest of us but at least many are doing just fine. Fuck those that support them though.


That said, the GOP is a pretty fucked up place to be too. I plan to support Kasich but if he doesn't get it, Cruz, but I don't think either will win. America has been over-run by the dumb asses voters since the 2008 election and we just have to face that. May they continue to feel he pain until they come to their senses and realize their mistake.


Like.others here have said though, take a chill pill and worry less about what's outside your direct control and work harder at what is within your control. You'll be more successful and able to tread/survive what's coming.

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That said, the GOP is a pretty fucked up place to be too. I plan to support Kasich but if he doesn't get it, Cruz, but I don't think either will win. America has been over-run by the dumb asses voters since the 2008 election and we just have to face that. May they continue to feel he pain until they come to their senses and realize their mistake.


But them Bush years, man-alive we had it good then, right? :dumb:


And im not upset, I never was. :gabe:

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But them Bush years, man-alive we had it good then, right? :dumb:


And im not upset, I never was. :gabe:

Obama sucked and always has. He couldn't lead people out of a burning building. Fuck him and Hilary. I wouldn't waste a single tear if either of them died tomorrow. I don't really don't give a Shit either way as I've not been impacted financially but many have and many of the ones sucking ass still are....but then they likely voted him in. Ymmv.

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What, exactly, was missing from your life during those years?


Free Health Care :gabe:


Seriously though, felt like I was a prisoner in my own country. Dick Cheyney and John Ashcroft gave me the willies.


ol Bushy? Poor dude actually wasn't half bad.

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Free Health Care :Gabe:


Seriously though, felt like I was a prisoner in my own country. Dick Cheyney and John Ashcroft gave me the willies.


ol Bushy? Poor dude actually wasn't half bad.


Do you have any actual facts or are you just waiting for a hardcore anti-trump anti-bush guy to step in and take the spotlight?

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I'll join in when it costs nothing to be a patriot.


“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”

― Mark Twain

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I would give zero shits if our country went upside down and everyone lost their jobs and houses. I'd be fine living in Kentucky in the woods, with my guns.


I'd give a lot of shits if I had to live in today's society without my guns.

A lot of people say that and I always think they must have forgotten about things like not having good interior light after dark, having to subsistence farm, and dying of your teeth in your mid-30s.


I'm not interested in living in our current society without the means to defend myself but I'm a lot less interested in living in the 18th Century.

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Mark Twain and his "Patriots" need serious professional help.


I'll vote for trump even though I don't like it. I need a republican in office. Trump favors the wealthy, so I like him. He favors my profession--or at least wants to fuck it less than the democrats. Obamacare literally guaranteed a 10% pay cut for me and made my job much more difficult.


I'll argue the president is simply a puppet, and the real work is done by congress. And this country needs an ass-kicking puppet who is a non-politician. That's my take. No one is taking everyone's guns, just not going to happen. The sun will rise tomorrow, and you can roll out of bed at noon and your TV will still work, obamaphone still have service


The fact that people who contribute zero in taxes (likely people just like you) are allowed to vote and have a say in what happens in this country, is the real travesty. People who would otherwise shrivel up and die if it were not for government assistance---of which i contributed high six figures to, last year, and likely still Owe high 5 figures when I get my tax return. No one I can vote for is going to change that.


I don't know if your posts are a reflection of not having a job, and having too much time on your hands to just post this garbage, or if you're truly nuts. Maybe both.

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I bash them because some day someone might use that weakness against them.


Can you elaborate on this? I am honestly curious what you mean by the last four words being a "weakness".


To me, the last four words are the strongest part of that amendment but I am also open to trying to understand what your viewpoint is. Honestly you seem to be very passionate about this and I want to understand your angle.

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I'll vote for trump even though I don't like it. I need a republican in office. Trump favors the wealthy, so I like him. He favors my profession--or at least wants to fuck it less than the democrats. Obamacare literally guaranteed a 10% pay cut for me and made my job much more difficult.


I'll argue the president is simply a puppet, and the real work is done by congress. And this country needs an ass-kicking puppet who is a non-politician. That's my take. No one is taking everyone's guns, just not going to happen. The sun will rise tomorrow, and you can roll out of bed at noon and your TV will still work, obamaphone still have service


The fact that people who contribute zero in taxes (likely people just like you) are allowed to vote and have a say in what happens in this country, is the real travesty. People who would otherwise shrivel up and die if it were not for government assistance---of which i contributed high six figures to, last year, and likely still Owe high 5 figures when I get my tax return. No one I can vote for is going to change that.


I don't know if your posts are a reflection of not having a job, and having too much time on your hands to just post this garbage, or if you're truly nuts. Maybe both.


Savage like the Macho Man oooooooohhhhh yeeeeaaaaah

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The sun will rise tomorrow, and you can roll out of bed at noon and your TV will still work, obamaphone still have service


The fact that people who contribute zero in taxes (likely people just like you) are allowed to vote and have a say in what happens in this country, is the real travesty. People who would otherwise shrivel up and die if it were not for government assistance

I dunno your posts are a reflection of not having a job, and having too much time on your hands to just post this garbage, or if you're truly nuts. Maybe both.


lol fatality.

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I'll argue the president is simply a puppet, and the real work is done by congress. And this country needs an ass-kicking puppet who is a non-politician. That's my take. No one is taking everyone's guns, just not going to happen. The sun will rise tomorrow, and you can roll out of bed at noon and your TV will still work, obamaphone still have service


The fact that people who contribute zero in taxes (likely people just like you) are allowed to vote and have a say in what happens in this country, is the real travesty. People who would otherwise shrivel up and die if it were not for government assistance---of which i contributed high six figures to, last year, and likely still Owe high 5 figures when I get my tax return. No one I can vote for is going to change that.


I don't know if your posts are a reflection of not having a job, and having too much time on your hands to just post this garbage, or if you're truly nuts. Maybe both.




Though, I've been intrigued at The Obama Presidency in the last couple of years:

1) GOP-led Congress continues gridlock against Obama.

2) Obama issues executive order towards intended goal.

3) People are fed from a liberal-biased media, and don't care.


Can't say I blame our President for his course of action to get things done. As a Rockefeller Republican myself, both sides of the political debate have become so polarized it's difficult to see any candidate that brings us all together.

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