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Question for any Veterinarian on the board.

Radio Flyer1647545514

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I've had my dog, an english coonhound for about a year and a half now. When I got him at 6 months he had this weird pouch I've never seen on a dog in his testicle region. I figured it was puppy fat that would go away. Now he's coming up on two and this pouch looking thing is still there. It's almost looks like a water balloon in this area. He's not overweight I don't think. He slims out at the hips, and doesn't have the football shape on his body so I don't think it's excess fat. On most dogs you can see the entire sheath of their penis, it looks like most of his is is in this water balloon looking thing.


He's not bothered if you touch it and doesn't show signs of it bothering him.


I took him to banfield for his neuter since it's a pretty basic procedure and they were as inexpensive as I could find, I know they're not a highly recommended vet but no one ever said anything about the pouch (I've never asked). He went back there for a few vet checks and again, it didn't come up at this time either.


He did get worms at one point from a dog park, he got dewormed when I got him and I got him on a deworm plan for whatever form he picked up at the dog park. I started the deworming for the dog park worms in Sept or October and his last round was in November. I'm worried this pouch is a sign they're still there.





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It's really hard to say without putting hands and eyes on him, but I can tell you it's not from worms. Is the "pouch" hard, grainy or what or does it feel like it's just fluid?


Have you thought about taking him elsewhere for an opinion for his next vet checkup? If he has to get a checkup anyway, you won't be spending anything extra really that way.


Wish I could help more. Good luck.

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