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CC&C.net - WordPress plugins/updates?


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Guys, I'm not the best at coding. I had an OSU student make some updates to http://www.columbuscarsandcoffee.net back in 2014, but he went radio-silent on me. I will make some content updates, but is anyone familiar with plug-ins for WordPress to pull Facebook pics and YouTube videos?


Any help would be appreciated.

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Guys, I'm not the best at coding. I had an OSU student make some updates to http://www.columbuscarsandcoffee.net back in 2014, but he went radio-silent on me. I will make some content updates, but is anyone familiar with plug-ins for WordPress to pull Facebook pics and YouTube videos?


Any help would be appreciated.


Since it's a pretty simple site I'd suggest just moving it to SquareSpace so you don't have to mess with any of the backend software. I'm hosting http://imprtcl.com there just for simplicity.

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Can they support the site on their servers as well?


Looking to keep this as free as possible. :D


It's like 8 bucks a month. Includes server hosting and the backend software. I can get you a referral code if you go that route.

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It's like 8 bucks a month. Includes server hosting and the backend software. I can get you a referral code if you go that route.


Please. I'll look into it.


Thanks, Brian. I need to do another website for my wife's business so I need to dig into the best/simplest website platforms. This is a good way to start.

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Please. I'll look into it.


Thanks, Brian. I need to do another website for my wife's business so I need to dig into the best/simplest website platforms. This is a good way to start.


If you want I can meet you for a hour or two and walk you through the basic setup. You can also create a trial site for free for 14 days to just play with their software.


I can't seem to find the referral info anymore. Maybe they ended that.

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Please. I'll look into it.


Thanks, Brian. I need to do another website for my wife's business so I need to dig into the best/simplest website platforms. This is a good way to start.


Hey Clay, i'll ask Ashley about it. She does a lot of this sort of thing. if you PM me your email I can have her get in contact with you np :)

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Hey Clay, i'll ask Ashley about it. She does a lot of this sort of thing. if you PM me your email I can have her get in contact with you np :)


Mike, I know you mentioned something. Thanks! I'm in CO this week and just trying to get a few side projects done.

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So, I had some free time at work and I was playing around with Squarespace and came up with an interesting concept for a new CC&C website.


This is just a concept and the site is not live or anything, I was just experimenting on what it could look like. What do you guys think?


I went with a clean design and layout with all navigation buttons on the bottom and a home button built into the top. The site has Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube integration and is tablet and mobile friendly. Squarespace has custom CSS options as well and Ashley is looking into them to see if we could improve the site with that. I can add other assets as needed, but I mainly just wanted to show what is possible. Feedback welcome :)







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my brain hurts with that.


smaller uploads?


Really sorry about that, I wanted to show off the detail on the page and posting them any smaller would make things look illegible. I will keep this in mind in the future.


Make the logo have a transparent background instead of black. And make it bigger


I will try when I get off work. I took that image from the Facebook page. I can't remember who designed it, but I would need the vector copy of that image or the original file to make it any larger. I will try and create one without the box.

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Mike, I like it so far (no need to make it crazy).


Is it easy to pull photos and videos from FB/YouTube?


yep... on Squarespace they will integrate the video with just a link from what my testing shows. If the video allows it to be linked then it seems to just work based off the URL.


I will keep things as minimalist as possible.

The site is just a prototype/concept. no worries if we never use it. :)


buuuuuuuut.... not going to lie... i really like the look of it as well :p

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Patch Notes: v 0.0.5


  • Full compatibility has been confirmed and tested with the following:

  • Spelling errors fixed
  • text centered and resized on some pages
  • More Pictures imported from Facebook
  • Admin and content creators added

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