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Vote Trump, convince me

Forrest Gump 9

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Because two wrongs make a right I guess?


Nazi or hitler comparisons are a great way to flag whatever you are saying as not worth listening too regardless of content. Which is a shame because I actually agree with your statement that this county has been largely ruled by two families since 1979 and it might be time for a change in legacy.

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Because two wrongs make a right I guess?


Nazi or hitler comparisons are a great way to flag whatever you are saying as not worth listening too regardless of content. Which is a shame because I actually agree with your statement that this county has been largely ruled by two families since 1979 and it might be time for a change in legacy.


Sometimes you just have to jam it in the wrong hole to get a point across.

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Further more, I really don't think who sits in the oval matters much. This country is run by those with money that pull the strings of the elected idiots.


I have to deal with elected idiots at various levels of the .gov and those who pull the strings all the time. It really is scary to see all of this in action, but thats how things are.


At this point we could put the red hot chili peppers in office and not much would change, but we would get some sweet bass rifts laid down :fuckyeah:

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Sometimes you just have to jam it in the wrong hole to get a point across.


If your point is "I am not someone whose opinion matters", I agree whole heartedly.


If there is someone who compared trump or Cruz to nazis, it applies to them to. I just didn't see it.


Forget the offensiveness of comparing any American politician to leaders who have committed mass ethnic cleansing forms of genocide, as a joke it's offensive for how hack-y it is. I mean, this is terrestrial radio drive time dj levels of hack...no wait I take that back, I think even the ones in major markets wouldn't touch this.


I know this isn't the classiest of joint but come on, try a little.


On the topic of Hilary, she's functionally a mainstream social conservative, so I don't understand the vitriol from republicans other than this is a branding issue. If there is one positive from her being president it's this: in her term the 100th anniversary of women gaining the right to vote would happen. Nothing sends a better message about progress in our collective social attitude than that occurring while the first woman president is in office. Also way an inspiration to young women that would be.


As for trump: don't forget he is legacy wealth. He isn't self made. I once attended the same private school he did for grade school (obviously decades apart) and it was no secret they had expelled him for theft in the eighth grade. Trump's business stragety is to take his vast inherited wealth and throw it like a fist full of darts at a dart board. Some ventures pay off, some don't, but that's his stragety. Is he smart? You bet - he turned his name into a valuable brand through a very opulent public lifestyle, just because you or I think it's tacky just means we aren't his market demographic. There are days when the things he says are despicable and bigoted and days where he is shockingly on point. If there is one thing he represents in this process it is that Americans will largely vote against their best interests for the sake of entertainment.

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I'm not for Trump but if that's the best you got...Those 4 bankruptcies to me say he's determined and are totally eclipsed by his net worth today.


Just so no one gets it twisted, Trump's net worth has basically not changed. His net worth has increased at roughly the same exact rate as the S&P 500. He's no better an investor than you or I, he just has more assets.


However, I'd have a hard time living with myself if I voted for a Clinton. I'll probably write it my mom as my vote. My dad's not eligible, born outside the U.S.

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Just so no one gets it twisted, Trump's net worth has basically not changed. His net worth has increased at roughly the same exact rate as the S&P 500. He's no better an investor than you or I, he just has more assets.


However, I'd have a hard time living with myself if I voted for a Clinton. I'll probably write it my mom as my vote. My dad's not eligible, born outside the U.S.


No one knows exactly how much he inherited. Also, he went through multiple economic collapses so there's that to consider too.



Still my point was more "IDGAF" than it was "here's why Trump is whatever..."


<3 pepper on

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Just so no one gets it twisted, Trump's net worth has basically not changed. His net worth has increased at roughly the same exact rate as the S&P 500. He's no better an investor than you or I, he just has more assets.


However, I'd have a hard time living with myself if I voted for a Clinton. I'll probably write it my mom as my vote. My dad's not eligible, born outside the U.S.


Im pretty sure he lags the SP500. I vaguely remember reading an article stating that if he would have put his inheritance into the SP500 index in 1982 he would have 10 billion more in net worth today then what all his businesses are worth today.

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Further more, I really don't think who sits in the oval matters much. This country is run by those with money that pull the strings of the elected idiots.


I have to deal with elected idiots at various levels of the .gov and those who pull the strings all the time. It really is scary to see all of this in action, but thats how things are.


At this point we could put the red hot chili peppers in office and not much would change, but we would get some sweet bass rifts laid down :fuckyeah:


Isn't that even more reason to vote for Trump? Sure they're going to buy trump off too eventually but the other guys have already sold out to the string pullers long ago in order to even be in a position to make a run for the white house.


I know Trump says he's self funding but that's not entirely true...but he's currently less influenced by the political string pullers in my opinion. He'll make them work hard to buy him off at least when the time comes.

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Vote 3rd party. Never has there been a more ripe time to make a splash. Don't like Hilary because she's a proven-corrupt, liar? Good, vote 3rd party. Don't like Trump because he's a boorish, loudmouth bully, devoid of any decent platform beyond "I was born with a lot of money and bought real estate". Good, keep a clear conscience, and don't vote for any evil. Rest assured scaring you into trying to keep "insert dipshit" out of office is all part of the shell game.


If everyone who was unhappy voted for a 3rd party, that party would win.


Nailed it. This idea that Trump is some outsider here to save America for us "Regular Joes" is mindblowingly stupid to me. The guy is the epitome of greed, opulence and our corrupt, unfair system. He's stands next to the Monopoly Man as the best damn caricatures of how this looks! "But he's here to fix it guys. With his brash, crass, insulting, substance-free talk, he's got this shit figured out." It'd be funny if it weren't so fucking embarrassing.


Now more than ever, we should seize the chance to wreck the 2-party system. This isn't working for us and practically no one likes it. I'm not playing ball after swallowing turds for like 4 election cycles.

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I know Trump says he's self funding but that's not entirely true...but he's currently less influenced by the political string pullers in my opinion. He'll make them work hard to buy him off at least when the time comes.


You don't amass the kind of money Trump sits on without being neck deep in that shit already. You're being duped. He just stands on the other side of that briefcase. He admits it, and we somehow see some kind of honor in it?

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One potentially good thing that could come from TrumPOTUS: the parties reach across the aisle and unite. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" type thing, and we see historic Congressional votes to bypass any vetos or executive orders. Hell, we could see him censured or even impeached! He would go down in history as The Great Uniter, the man who was so universally loathed that we all agreed to be more civilized to one another so that never again would such a cunt get elected to office.
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In this age of political correctness, it blows my mind that Trump can mock overweight people, ridicule a person with MS and denigrate women. I can't believe he is not being flamed in the media for his actions. I can see the interest on a surface level. Many politicians have run for office and tried to position themselves as anti-establishment just as Trump is doing. However, I just don't see how he is going to be effective as a leader. The current rumor is that he is going to start a reality show to pick his running mate if he wins the nomination.


people need to make fun of more people.

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Isn't that even more reason to vote for Trump? Sure they're going to buy trump off too eventually but the other guys have already sold out to the string pullers long ago in order to even be in a position to make a run for the white house.


I know Trump says he's self funding but that's not entirely true...but he's currently less influenced by the political string pullers in my opinion. He'll make them work hard to buy him off at least when the time comes.


Yes, that idea in theory sounds good, but Trump is really not executing how I like to see, or feel comfortable voting for.


I do really agree, it would be amazing to see someone who could not be purchased that did say so much stupid stuff.


Hence why my vote is for Stone Cold Steve Austin, I mean he would take any shit from Putin? Hell no, he would get a stone cold stunner at the UN and a beer bath.


Vice President Mankind would give that little man in North Korea a big old taste of uncle sock-o and freedom :fuckyeah:

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4 bankruptcies...cause he's great at business.



Are you aware this country operates in the red?? Trillions of dollars in debt.

Show me a president who has made money for this country.


Even if I thought there was a better candidate for presidency, I would not vote for them. I'm voting for trump simply because he has the best chance of beating hitlary. So you can say I'm not voting for trump, I'm voting against hitlary

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