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Anyone ever completed a degree online?


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Currently abroad again and am looking at a few schools online programs. I have about 40 semester hours I can attribute to any of these places, not to mention my 'credits' from my military education.


Question being, has anyone ever gone full cycle on an online program? The pro's/con's? Do's and don't's?


I need to finish my degree and with my current work situation I have enough downtime to really knock it out. Fire away!


And for reference the one I am largely looking into is PSU World Campus, BSBA with a minor in homeland security.


Thanks for the help folks.

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My wife just went back to school, and is currently enrolled in chamberlin 100% online class to get her masters. Only insight I can give you is don't procrastinate. Each week there is a curriculum with a due date. 30 people in her class, her and another do it right away, the other 28 submit there work hours before its due the next week.


It seems straight forward for the most part, just have to be disciplined to sit and do it with out any one telling you to do it.


Good luck man.

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I went to Devry full time while working full time for my bachelors degree. I'd say about 75% of my classes were online mixed with a few night and weekend classes. I would say the pros and cons are right with what Paul said. If you stay on top of the work and focus they are not bad at all, but if you procrastinate and wait till the last day anything is due you will feel overwhelmed. I even did my final project presentation online over a webcam. :)
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Stay ahead of it is the best and only advice you need. It's sometimes really easy to accomplish work and other times you're easily distracted. It's more difficult for me personally to do e-classes than to go to class. However, I graduated online for my senior year and received an exceptional gpa.
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I did a little bit online. My biggest issue was I couldn't stay focused if I was at home. The only way I got anything done was if I went to the library or something like that. Even then, I ended up playing on my phone or something. Decided to just re enroll back into normal classes at that point.


If you've got the discipline and don't procrastinate, then go for it.

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Stay ahead of it is the best and only advice you need. It's sometimes really easy to accomplish work and other times you're easily distracted. It's more difficult for me personally to do e-classes than to go to class. However, I graduated online for my senior year and received an exceptional gpa.


Senior year? You got a Bachelor's?

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I feel like I didn't learn fucking anything in my online classes.


You don't learn much of value in college. I think you prove you are able to learn, to a Dilbert, that you're just as able to Dilbert.

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You don't learn much of value in college. I think you prove you are able to learn, to a Dilbert, that you're just as able to Dilbert.


This. It has frustrated me numerous times losing out to someone else whom is a complete fucking moron for a position simply because of the piece of paper.


Been wondering about this same thing myself, weighing my options and trying to figure out what the hell I want to do.

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I'm doing a couple of executive certificate courses currently online...as basically a feeler to see if I'm going to look towards online vs. classroom for my MBA.


Ours are 3 hour live sessions once a week with regular workload outside of that class. I've found I've integrated well online but I'm still not convinced I"ll do my MBA online. As others have stated it's just too easy to get distracted no matter how isolated you think you are.

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This. It has frustrated me numerous times losing out to someone else whom is a complete fucking moron for a position simply because of the piece of paper.


Been wondering about this same thing myself, weighing my options and trying to figure out what the hell I want to do.


Same here, but the more I look into it, the more I get frustrated. It seems like the cost to further my education is more than i'd likely gain with that extra piece of paper. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, because I'm topped out where I am now with nowhere to go unless I get that paper, but if I get that paper I'd likely move up in rank but with less pay. Sure there is potential there, but being 40 years old, is it worth the pay cut now and hope the potential is there later?

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Same here, but the more I look into it, the more I get frustrated. It seems like the cost to further my education is more than i'd likely gain with that extra piece of paper. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, because I'm topped out where I am now with nowhere to go unless I get that paper, but if I get that paper I'd likely move up in rank but with less pay. Sure there is potential there, but being 40 years old, is it worth the pay cut now and hope the potential is there later?


Exactly my feeling being 37 now. However, as I look around if I combine that piece of paper with my experience I should have no problem making the money I want to.

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Currently abroad again and am looking at a few schools online programs. I have about 40 semester hours I can attribute to any of these places, not to mention my 'credits' from my military education.


Question being, has anyone ever gone full cycle on an online program? The pro's/con's? Do's and don't's?


I need to finish my degree and with my current work situation I have enough downtime to really knock it out. Fire away!


And for reference the one I am largely looking into is PSU World Campus, BSBA with a minor in homeland security.


Thanks for the help folks.


I'll start out by asking whats important to you in choosing a program credibility or cost? If you go with an online program with a major university you're paying for the branding and notoriety that comes with the name (which in a lot of cases isn't always a bad thing). You can always go cheaper and many times get just as good an education from a smaller school. But, for instance Duke offer's graduate degree programs completely online, they still cost upwards of $100,000 but in the end your have a graduate degree from Duke. Or you could get the same graduate degree from Ohio Dominican for a fraction of the cost.


Aren't you prior/current military? Does your GI bill cover most expenses? My advice, talk to as many admissions people as you can. Choose a school/institution that will accept ALL of your former credits (including military credits). This is literally money wasted if they don't and that's so fucking frustrating.


As for doing actual coursework. FIFO, get that shit done ASAP. If you get an assignment on a monday due sunday just do it, my biggest mistake is waiting until sunday evening to wrap up that weeks coursework.

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Exactly my feeling being 37 now. However, as I look around if I combine that piece of paper with my experience I should have no problem making the money I want to.


I wanna be a rich baller, but to be honest I'm comfortable where I'm at now. I just think of how fast things can change and wonder if I'm good where I'm at or would I be better with that paper? From the people I know that have that paper, they don't seem to be "ahead" of me so I'm not sure.


When layoffs hit, they have a hard time finding get employment because they are "over qualified". Ironically, I've not been caught in the layoffs and for some reason keep employment, maybe because I'm under qualified?

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I'd just make sure the school offering the classes is accredited and respected. There are a lot of places willing to take your money in exchange for a piece of paper that won't get you very far.




Too many scam schools out that just want to waste your time and take your money. If the field you are going towards doesn't accept it or see it as a value, no point in even doing it.

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I'll start out by asking whats important to you in choosing a program credibility or cost? If you go with an online program with a major university you're paying for the branding and notoriety that comes with the name (which in a lot of cases isn't always a bad thing). You can always go cheaper and many times get just as good an education from a smaller school. But, for instance Duke offer's graduate degree programs completely online, they still cost upwards of $100,000 but in the end your have a graduate degree from Duke. Or you could get the same graduate degree from Ohio Dominican for a fraction of the cost.


Aren't you prior/current military? Does your GI bill cover most expenses? My advice, talk to as many admissions people as you can. Choose a school/institution that will accept ALL of your former credits (including military credits). This is literally money wasted if they don't and that's so fucking frustrating.


As for doing actual coursework. FIFO, get that shit done ASAP. If you get an assignment on a monday due sunday just do it, my biggest mistake is waiting until sunday evening to wrap up that weeks coursework.


Chapter 33 should cover everything and if not, I don't mind paying out of pocket. I need to finish this degree and not procrastinate anymore. It has come to a point where I have maxed my earnings in my field and education is the only next avenue to continue growth. I do want a degree from a university with some weight, although my experience should damn near outweigh anyone I should come against going for my particular field.


I will however reach out to more universities with hopes of them accepting more of my credits. I don't want to have to do redo classes that's for sure. Thank you for the incite.

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