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A Dream RX-8 "Building a Banshee"


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I Thought I would resurrect this thread since I have made a few purchases for the upcoming autocross season. While the overall goal of project "Banshee" is to turn it into a 4 rotor someday, I wanted to document all the parts and their instillation in the upcoming weeks. This is the first time in my life I have dumped money into my car and I am very excited to be honest.


In the next few weeks all these parts will go on the car. I plan on documenting things and posting photos to this tread as they go on the car.






Parts in the image above:


* Moog End Link (Right, and Left side) x2

* NGK Iridium Spark Plugs x4

* NGK Plug Wire Set x4

* OEM Mazda Coil Packs x4

* Hotchkis Sport Sway Bar Set (Front and Rear)

* Radiator COOLANT Reservoir / Bottle, OEM (Not pictured, in the mail currently)

* Godspeed SE3P Mono-SS Coilovers (Front and Rear) (Not pictured, in the mail currently)

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  POS VETT said:
The suspension pieces would transform the car and help in the corners. Does RX8 come with adjustable caster and camber straight from the factory?


I agree, I have been working closely with Kevan to focus on stability rather than performance (I.E. Engine, exhaust, etc.). We had originally purchased a different set of coilovers, but they were factory recalled due to a leak in the tube so we saved some money and got the Godspeed ones. With the money we saved, we are considering getting a three point strut tower as well but we are going to wait and see how she holds with these parts first.


As Second Gen said, no adjustable stuff from the factory... but many do claim that the default settings from Mazda are decent enough to get the job done. I'm no expert, but I'v always felt in control at autocross. I blame driver skill for poor performance, haha


Coilovers are due here sometime early next week. More pics to come very soon!

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That sucks that Mazda would get away from the suspension adjustments. Camber and to an extent caster are both adjustable on the FD.


New parts are always fun. Any plans for the car's use or just upgrading street fun?

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  Rustlestiltskin said:
Just an old mice turds infested 944 :gabe:


You need an interior for mice nesting. :gabe:



Congrats Mike. Dont use half the season for excuses on this. Should take you an afternoon to install :eyes:

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  Miller said:
Congrats Mike. Dont use half the season for excuses on this. Should take you an afternoon to install :eyes:


I know I know... I'm going to put on what I can in the driveway and Kevan is going to let me use his lift once the Neon is done for the bars and coilovers. I will be there this Sunday for the UFO event at CMS. :)


  Smokey said:
New parts are always fun. Any plans for the car's use or just upgrading street fun?


just planning on keeping things simple right now. I honestly don't see any point in doing something to crazy yet. I am focused on making the car more stable and handle better. maybe an exhaust or something a little crazy? The rule is that the car has to remain stock looking, I don't want to make it look crappy... ya know?


  Littleguy said:
Congrats, it is really fun/exciting gathering parts to install, I bet the car will feel like a go cart with everything installed.


I hope so... I'm really excited to get things on the car. Money has always been tight and I really wanted this for the car.


Thanks for the encouragement guys. More updates to come as the parts roll in and find there way on the car.

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  B3NN3TT said:
Not sure what shoes you're on, but don't overlook the tires if you're autocrossing. All the suspension on earth won't do much good if you don't stick.


This is what I currently have on my "feet". I don't really have the money to get slicks or anything much higher then these at this time. I am open to suggestions as well, what good autocross tires are out there?



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Good to see it's suspension time! From AutoX we did with the Merc club last year, she definitely had some worn out bits that needed some attention! Looks like you have a great combination for some fun in the cones this summer
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  Second Gen said:
Unless he added a turbo to the Renesis he is fixing a leaky/broken overflow tank.


On the flipside water cooling or misting the Intercooler would be cooler : )


haha, yea. The RX-8's overflow tank has a known problem where the sensor will sink to the bottom and always give a warning light on the dash. I have put if off long enough and it was time to replace the whole bottle because the sensor is built into the bottle and can't be replaced.

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