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Neighbor problems..sweet revenge


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So for the last year, we have had these idiots behind us that will play music, and just be generally loud until all hours of the morning, and not just on weekends. One week not too long ago they were partying on a Thursday night until 0500 Friday morning. These are not, have a party once in while on a Friday or Saturday night people. It happens ALL THE TIME. Keep in mind, they have their little kids out there too, like 6-8yrs old is my guess. So I found the dudes name. Total bro name. Chaz Swint. Turns out he a real estate agent. Keep in mind, these peoples houses are massive 3 story, $400K+ houses. Apparently money just buys you entitlement, not class or common courtesy. I sent them a straight to the point, but nothing rude or threatening letter a few weeks ago. It did no good.


So I basically started trying to think of ways I could get these people to feel the pain without vandalizing anything or spending a ton of money.


I found this and thought i'd give it a try:




So it comes in on like a wednesday or a thursday. Sure enough, on a recent Friday night, they decided to be out all late. Adults, teenagers, little kids. FK you guys. Lets try this thing. So I turn this thing on and stick it on my fence post. he could definitely hear it. I head one guy say, "it's not crickets" and proceeded to go in the house. Then the cackling whores went in the house, and eventually things died down. Then 30min later the kids come out, about midnight. So I go turn it back on. Immediately some of the kids were like, "whats that noise?!?!?! Another kid responds, "it's the dog whistle." Ha ha, wtf? Whatever. So I just left it on until like 0400 when some thunder woke me up, (I went to sleep in another side of our house).


FF to Sunday night. 2230 and they are playing music and being loud with friends. FT sound ordinance starts at 10pm, so fk you, its on. I had constructed a 9-10ft pole to mount this thing on since their fence is 8ft high. So I sneak out in my back yard, mount it to the pole, and turn it on. Immediately I hear, "There's that noise again!" And they all start discussing wtf the noise is. My wife, brother, and myself are cracking up right now. SO what do hey do? They turn their music way up to try to drown it out and be a-holes because by this point, they put it together that the sound was coming from our property intentionally. Well, what's great about this thing is, it doesn't matter how loud your music is...this frequency cuts through sound like a hot knife through butter. They quickly realized it did no good, so they turned the music back down. Now we are in our house watching and listening to these morons. Then, one of them, some redneck white trash dude climbs up their fence to look in our yard and he sees the speaker on the pole. Then he has the audacity to try to reach into our yard and steal my ish...but...its just out of his reach no matter how hard he stretches. Meanwhile I hear one of the woman yell, "call the cops!" So the women, totally annoyed by the sound go inside, the music gets turned down, and the dudes stfu. So my brother sneaks out there, and disconnect the device. As he is coming back to the house, one guy yells, "thank you" then the other dude yells, "the cops are still on their way."


Now here is the fun part, sure enough, the cops show up about 10-15min later. We are about 50-60yrds or so from the road, so the cop parks in the street, turns his lights off and just sits there. When he arrived there was no sound, and no lights on. Even if he did walk down to our house, I have no obligation whatsoever to answer the door. But he just sat there then left. The best part is, we are unincorporated county property, whereas they are fort worth, so technically, there are no sound ordinances that apply to my property, but it Ft Worth ordinances apply to them, so even if an officer, (has to be sheriff for me, not Ft Worth PD), approaches us, technically, there is nothing they can do about it because I am not breaking any laws. I Confirmed that today, so next time, the device is just staying on.


Game on mofos.


tl;dr...this device is great for pissing people off and I can hear it at least 50yrds away and it gets really annoying really fast.

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Can't wait until he gets one that's 20x more powerful and levels it at your house.


EDIT: Wait, you're in TX. Just wait until one of them tries to get onto your property to disable it and shoot them in the face. That's a legally recognized form of conflict resolution there, right?

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El oh fucking el.


My neighbors kids (high school age) like to have parties when their parents are gone. I need to consider one of these.


Though i wonder, is there one that actually makes no sound but gives people headaches?

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The funny thing is, we heard them call us "fuckin pussies" AFTER they called the cops. So let me get this straight; you have no disregard for anyone else by being loud at inappropriate times. You disregarded a cordial letter. So I legally give you a taste of your own medicine, (sound vs sound), and not only do you get mad, but you snitch to the cops, THEN. call us pussies. In what world is that logical? More entitled pricks.


This item didn't cause naseau so to speak, it it's annoying. They also have a $150 military grade one. Fair warning, my mom can't hear it for some reason, but everyone else i have had listen to it can. Also, if they want to try to beat me at this game, fine, I'll just call the cops on them. THEY would be in violation of fort worth ordinances.

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I am.actually going to.rig up a setup to run this off of an ac power source controlled with a remote switch so I can turn it on and off from inside without having to go outside and manually connect and disconnect with a 9v battery.
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The funny thing is, we heard them call us "fuckin pussies" AFTER they called the cops. So let me get this straight; you have no disregard for anyone else by being loud at inappropriate times. You disregarded a cordial letter. So I legally give you a taste of your own medicine, (sound vs sound), and not only do you get mad, but you snitch to the cops, THEN. call us pussies. In what world is that logical? More entitled pricks.


This item didn't cause naseau so to speak, it it's annoying. They also have a $150 military grade one. Fair warning, my mom can't hear it for some reason, but everyone else i have had listen to it can. Also, if they want to try to beat me at this game, fine, I'll just call the cops on them. THEY would be in violation of fort worth ordinances.


Link to military grade one?

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Link to military grade one?




Make sure its far enough away where they cant get to it at all .


I was actually kind of hoping that d bag would get it so I could get him on theft.

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I will warn you, it's audible for a good distance behind the speaker as well. It's not as intense but you can hear it. I'd advise people to buy one and test it out then if they are pleased buy more. I'd hate for people to spend $100 on a few to wind up disappointed.
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Was actually kind of wishing the dude had fallen from the fence into our yard so we could have laid down some real justice. It wasn't even the owner, it was his hilljack friend.


Side note, I got the stuff to run it off an AC power unit, and it seemed to be working. Today, my remote controlled outlet should arrive, so now, I should be able to just set it up outside and turn it on and off with the click of a button.

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The People that own the house:




Hilljack Friend:




What's kind of funny is about 7ft up in the corner of the fence is a hole about the size of a half-dollar where I can see pretty much everything; so I got to watch some of their reactions. lulz.

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The People that own the house:




Hilljack Friend:




What's kind of funny is about 7ft up in the corner of the fence is a hole about the size of a half-dollar where I can see pretty much everything; so I got to watch some of their reactions. lulz.


Chaz looks like a catcher.

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