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Neighbor problems..sweet revenge


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Could you use this device on the old lady out front that was giving you issues about your car?? Or has she not been an issue?


Totally forgot about that. ITT, the OP has problems with a bunch of neighbors... it must be all of them and not him. I'm giving it 6 months-1 year before he has issue with a different neighbor.

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Totally forgot about that. ITT, the OP has problems with a bunch of neighbors... it must be all of them and not him. I'm giving it 6 months-1 year before he has issue with a different neighbor.


People have crappy neighbors every where. Some have one, some have multiple. Doesn't mean its him, could just be bad luck that that he has a few.

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Totally forgot about that. ITT, the OP has problems with a bunch of neighbors... it must be all of them and not him. I'm giving it 6 months-1 year before he has issue with a different neighbor.


Yea srs. Reminds me of the quote "if everyone around you seems like an asshole, you're the asshole,"

while oversimplified, is about people who constantly have a problem with everyone around them which fits OP perfectly.

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People have crappy neighbors every where. Some have one, some have multiple. Doesn't mean its him, could just be bad luck that that he has a few.


I honestly believe that you dictate how your relationship with neighbors evolves. Majority of the time it comes down to lack of communication and assumptions. Meeting up and coming together on some sort of common ground works 99% of the time. I've honesty have never had bad neighbors. Ive become good friends with all of them. Sounds like OP is just a petulant asshole and won't admit it. :p

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Could you use this device on the old lady out front that was giving you issues about your car?? Or has she not been an issue?


Nope. I live in a different neighborhood now on .85 acres. The issue is with the bozo's behind us in a different neighborhood whose back yard backs up to ours. The people in my neighborhood are freakin awesome. Friendly, but also pretty respectful of everyone else's space. I have owned a house since I was 22, and only really ever had issues with 2 neighbors, one in one neighborhood, and one in another. I get along great with the rest.


I still know people from my previous neighborhood though and they told us the old bag and her husband actually have their house for sale. Kind of wish I was there to see her go, but then again, aside from the idiots behind us, (who haven't been an issue in a few weeks), I love my new neighborhood. Heck, if I want fresh eggs, I just walk down the road. Kids want to ride horses? Walk down the road. Need to borrow a little bobcat to dig a trench, again, walk right down the road. Need advice on pretty much anything mechanical, walk across the street and talk to Rex, need something sandblasted, got over to another guy here that tinkers with old cars. Really this new neighborhood is pretty effing awesome.

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Nope. I live in a different neighborhood now on .85 acres. The issue is with the bozo's behind us in a different neighborhood whose back yard backs up to ours. The people in my neighborhood are freakin awesome. Friendly, but also pretty respectful of everyone else's space. I have owned a house since I was 22, and only really ever had issues with 2 neighbors, one in one neighborhood, and one in another. I get along great with the rest.


I still know people from my previous neighborhood though and they told us the old bag and her husband actually have their house for sale. Kind of wish I was there to see her go, but then again, aside from the idiots behind us, (who haven't been an issue in a few weeks), I love my new neighborhood. Heck, if I want fresh eggs, I just walk down the road. Kids want to ride horses? Walk down the road. Need to borrow a little bobcat to dig a trench, again, walk right down the road. Need advice on pretty much anything mechanical, walk across the street and talk to Rex, need something sandblasted, got over to another guy here that tinkers with old cars. Really this new neighborhood is pretty effing awesome.


sounds like it is.....unless you own chickens, horses, a bobcat, are good mechanically, or have a sand blaster. If that's the case you get some guy borrowing your shit all the time. :D


just busting your chops...couldn't resist

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sounds like it is.....unless you own chickens, horses, a bobcat, are good mechanically, or have a sand blaster. If that's the case you get some guy borrowing your shit all the time. :D


just busting your chops...couldn't resist


Those were all offers. I never solicited as I don't like borrowing other people's tools. Just using it as an example of how "neighborly" the people in my actual nehighborhood are.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So all has been quiet recently with one exception...last week, maybe Friday night/Sat am? Can't recall the day exactly, but the wife and I were awoken at 3am to the sound of screaming, yelling, and a lot of cursing. One male and one female voice. A lot of GD's, and MFer's and blah blah blah.


That's it...take your domestic problems outside for all the neighborhood to hear. Why you would behave like that is beyond me.

Just goes to show, money doesn't buy class.


I wanted to call the cops to get them on record for a domestic call, but I was entirely too exhausted and they eventually took it back inside.

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I need something like this for my neighbor. They have a pool behind their house with a little pump house thing that has some high quality out door speakers mounted on it. They are pointed directly at the back of my house. They will fire them up at like 9am and keep them cranked until 10-11 every day. Naps? Forget it. Peaceful dinner on the patio? Forget it. I am certain everyone else on my side of the street hears it too (most are old folk)




Fortunately ill be moving shortly so just gotta deal with it for another few weeks.

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So all has been quiet recently with one exception...last week, maybe Friday night/Sat am? Can't recall the day exactly, but the wife and I were awoken at 3am to the sound of screaming, yelling, and a lot of cursing. One male and one female voice. A lot of GD's, and MFer's and blah blah blah.


That's it...take your domestic problems outside for all the neighborhood to hear. Why you would behave like that is beyond me.

Just goes to show, money doesn't buy class.


I wanted to call the cops to get them on record for a domestic call, but I was entirely too exhausted and they eventually took it back inside.


Should have fired up the speaker right then. Nothing pisses someone off more than arguing with someone and having another person try to intervene.

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Should have fired up the speaker right then. Nothing pisses someone off more than arguing with someone and having another person try to intervene.


I totally thought about that, and I am an idiot for not doing it, especially since I have it on a remote control I can turn on from inside now. Fail on my part. You are right though, I am sure that would have just drove them up the wall.

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  • 2 months later...



So, all is quiet and well until about 0200 this morning. Then I am awakened to the sound of these @$$hats out on the patio with their obnoxiously loud friends and music playing. The music wasn't excessively loud in comparison to past instances, but enough to be annoying when combined with their voices. This has happened the last few Friday nights and I let it slide because I am trying to not be an a-hole, but my wife was sick, it was still going on at 0315, so enough is enough. I 'upgraded my system to one of these:




And downloaded and app called "Frequency Generator" which will output a frequency between 0-20000Hz. I find something around 8173 to work well.


So I walk out back, place the speaker 8ft high, go back to bed, and cast the frequency to the speaker via bluetooth. Man that is loud, and talk about instant rage on their part. IMMEDIATELY I hear a dude yell "Turn it Off! We're calling the cops." Fine d-bag. Call the cops. We have played this game before. Within 5min their lights were off, and music and talking was gone. No knocks on my door from cops. Nada. Granted, today is going to suck because I literally got no sleep as a result of their douchebaggery, (I don't do well on little sleep and will feel like garbage the rest of today), but man a small part of me felt a bit happy at the instant results of this inexpensive "solution."


BTW, this speaker is awesome. I have left it outside all night in a rainstorm, then forgot about it and it baked in the sun the whole next day before I remembered it was out there, and I brought it in for charging and it still works flawlessly.

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I can only imagine their conversation with a dispatcher if they called the cops.


"911 what's your emergency"


"My asshole neighbor is blasting some sort of dog whistle type speaker at our house and it's driving us crazy!!"


"Did it wake you up?"


"No, we were outside with our friends and he did it then."


"You were outside with your friends at 0315 and only then did he do it? How did he know you were outside?"




"Do you think he did it because you woke him up by being outside?"




"911 is for emergencies sir. Please stop calling us."

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I can only imagine their conversation with a dispatcher if they called the cops.


"911 what's your emergency"


"My asshole neighbor is blasting some sort of dog whistle type speaker at our house and it's driving us crazy!!"


"Did it wake you up?"


"No, we were outside with our friends and he did it then."


"You were outside with your friends at 0315 and only then did he do it? How did he know you were outside?"




"Do you think he did it because you woke him up by being outside?"




"911 is for emergencies sir. Please stop calling us."


Bahaha. That's about how I'd imagine it went if they actually called, but I doubt they did. Didn't work last time, and Chaz bro Chaz is a realtor so he should know our neighborhood to is unincorporated and what goes along with that.

Edited by RC K9
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Props on the cool audio idea but I feel this all would've stopped pretty quickly if you would've just walked over, knocked on the door and explained your situation rather then doing the silly cuckold note then resorting to games n cop calls. It's amazing what a civilized face to face talk can do for communication. I know I would react differently if somebody actually came to my house and explained to me their situation vs sending some note to me. Honestly would respect the man more and would feel more obliged to coming to an understanding.

+1 I had an issue with one of my neighbors that was throwing parties every weekend all weekend and would literally shake my house. One night at midnight when my daughter still couldn't get to sleep, I had enough and drove over there (I live in the country and they were down the street yet would shake my walls) turns out a face to face chat was all that was needed... he apologized and gave me his number, said text anytime. To this day all it takes is a quick text and things get turned down. Mutual respect for each other... hell you have to live by each other. I'm glad I took that action instead of starting a war with them as I just don't have the energy to fight with people all the time.


I do have to give props to you though, that speaker sounds annoying and the kids seem like punks so I'd love to do it to those little fuckers for the name calling.

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I had sent them a cordial letter.


I didn't actually start a war. I just decided I would start having my own "parties" with my own "music."


Somehow, they didn't appreciate my "music."


They are closed minded and intolerant.

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