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Neighbor problems..sweet revenge


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Chaz looks like a catcher.




their kids are mean little brats too. They were out there playing one day and yelling and my son who was 3, yelled back, "are you talking to me?" thinking they were just some kids trying to play, and one of the little sh*t's yells back, "Shut up, Stupid! I wasn't talking to you, Stupid!" That kind of set my wife over the edge and she got on that kid's case.


You should hear the way these brats talk/yell at their parent's. It's insane. I could never imagine having engaged with my parents that way, or my kids engaging with me in such a manner. Even if they got the balls to try it once, that ish would be shut down with a quickness.

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This is amazing!! Props to you for thinking outside the box and keeping it all legal. Question though, have you called the cops on him at all? seems like that would be one of the first things I would do


Yup. I have called before, and i'll continue calling before I turn the speaker on. I hate getting cops involved with stuff, but we are to the point now where my hands have been thrown up and it's game on.

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Props on the cool audio idea but I feel this all would've stopped pretty quickly if you would've just walked over, knocked on the door and explained your situation rather then doing the silly cuckold note then resorting to games n cop calls. It's amazing what a civilized face to face talk can do for communication. I know I would react differently if somebody actually came to my house and explained to me their situation vs sending some note to me. Honestly would respect the man more and would feel more obliged to coming to an understanding.
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Props on the cool audio idea but I feel this all would've stopped pretty quickly if you would've just walked over, knocked on the door and explained your situation rather then doing the silly cuckold note then resorting to games n cop calls. It's amazing what a civilized face to face talk can do for communication. I know I would react differently if somebody actually came to my house and explained to me their situation vs sending some note to me. Honestly would respect the man more and would feel more obliged to coming to an understanding.


and if that doesn't work then what?

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Props on the cool audio idea but I feel this all would've stopped pretty quickly if you would've just walked over, knocked on the door and explained your situation rather then doing the silly cuckold note then resorting to games n cop calls. It's amazing what a civilized face to face talk can do for communication. I know I would react differently if somebody actually came to my house and explained to me their situation vs sending some note to me. Honestly would respect the man more and would feel more obliged to coming to an understanding.


At least you can say you tried to hash it man to man in a civilized manner.


I just assumed you were going to find some way to disagree with how I handled things. Took a little longer than I thought for you to respond with it though.


I'd say i'm being pretty "civilized", though I suppose that will always be a matter of perspective.



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Blah blah blah cuckold blah blah blah blah.


Literally the only "insult" PP has used for the past 6 months. Def lost his edge. It's like a 13 year old who has discovered a new "naughty term".


Oh, and in before "lolBeetus". :jerkit:


Carry on. Do you. It's obviously working.

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Literally the only "insult" PP has used for the past 6 months. Def lost his edge. It's like a 13 year old who has discovered a new "naughty term".


Oh, and in before "lolBeetus". :jerkit:


Carry on. Do you. It's obviously working.


I think the cuckold comments are hilarious

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The remote controlled outlet came yesterday. Seems to work great, so we should be all set for me to be able to turn this thing on and off at will from inside my house.


It would be cool if you could plug it into a timed switch (9pm-9am for example) with a decibel meter switch, so it only turned on when it was loud during those times.

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The 64 dollar question on my mind is:


Did it make them puke or no? If yes then dude you have to video the crap.


No. I didn't notice any nausea or puking. I didn't figure it would. But I was still very pleased with the discomfort it caused. Them. I may buy another one or two to hit them really good if this keeps happening since I have enough equipment to do two more AC powered conversions.

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I would also try to think a few steps ahead. They will try to steal it most likely and good luck getting any trespassing or theft charges to stick. May want it on camera when it happens. Personally I would probably just let the authorities handle it.....these things have a way of escalating. The box is pretty cool though and I think it got your point across.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Nothing exciting to report. Which I prefer. They have shut up and gone inside by 10pm every night since the night of the story above. Finger's crossed this trend continues.


While I'd love some more entertainment to read, this is actually good news and I'm happy to hear it... :D

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