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So, wow: Brexit is a thing.


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THis please....I have no clue what this is about....but it seemed to sneak right up on those of us not in the know.


There is a group of people in England mainly that hate the open immigration, the money paid to the EU, and the older generation is still pissed that the EU tried to get them to drop the Pound for the Euro about 30 years ago. They think that England will be better off without the EU's free trade along with other benefits (like becoming a civil servant in any EU country for example) but really didn't seem to have a plan other than leaving.

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That's definitely not how it works though. The UK is even more fortunate than the US because it's an island. When you travel from the UK to Europe, you still go through a passport/EU Id check, just like you would in any other country. I just went through this in October and they are strict getting into France from England, even more strict getting back into England.


Don't doubt that, but this article highlights the complications of such issues. It's not as simple as "send them back where they came from".



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Great little write-up...I'm still in shock they actually left!


Hold on to your hats...the US market is in for a VERY bumpy ride! Tons of money is going to flow into the bond market so interest rates should stay low...if not drop a little...which is great for wanting to borrow money but terrible for those trying to make money in the stock market.


Buy low...as much and as often as you can. :)


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Now, I think that would be a very stupid move... but have at it Scotty


If they are accepted into the EU as an independent nation, they would probably be just as well off as they are now .

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If they are accepted into the EU as an independent nation, they would probably be just as well off as they are now .


Then you end up with some extremely complicated / awkward boarder issues between Scotland and the north of England. This was a very interesting chess game that I don't think anyone truly expected to go this far. There has been a slowly simmering rage about immigration among the working class of England for quite a long time which was mostly about eastern europeans not folks from the arab world.


Initially it was a symbolic stand where the Brits shake their fists, stamp their feet, and show that they are dissatisfied with the EU setup. However it then caught momentum among the common folk over this new wave of immigrants and threats...and we end up here.

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LOL looks like America isn't the only country with uninformed voters.





There were people on the radio yesterday saying that they voted "Leave" because they were pissed at the EU either over Greece or their recommendation to adopt the Euro, but didn't actually want to leave the EU

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They tried last year, and the measure failed.


Yes but there were MANY included promises if Scotland voted to forego independence. Promises that were immediately withdrawn or delayed after the vote. Couple with the Brexit vote where every single locality in Scotland voted to remain in the EU and I think Scotland's independence is all but guaranteed if they vote on it again.


My boss is Scottish and his mum's pissed off, she voted for independence and to remain in the EU. Listening to her angrily curse via Facetime is hilarious though.

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My boss is Scottish and his mum's pissed off, she voted for independence and to remain in the EU. Listening to her angrily curse via Facetime is hilarious though.


completely unrelated but if you want hilarity out of a scotsman, ask them to say "purple burglar alarm". Something in their accent makes it extremely difficult to pronounce. Caution: he may take offense that you are laughing at his accent.



Pros: looking forward to interesting rates pushing lower. It's a great time to borrow money.


Cons: do not really want to relive the 20th century or any previous one where all these tin pot dictators spring up and Europeans are killing each other all over again (or starting an another world war) like they did before the EU. I was just starting to enjoy not living in fear of the Germans and it being socially acceptable to buy BMWs.

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completely unrelated but if you want hilarity out of a scotsman, ask them to say "purple burglar alarm". Something in their accent makes it extremely difficult to pronounce. Caution: he may take offense that you are laughing at his accent.



Pros: looking forward to interesting rates pushing lower. It's a great time to borrow money.


Cons: do not really want to relive the 20th century or any previous one where all these tin pot dictators spring up and Europeans are killing each other all over again (or starting an another world war) like they did before the EU. I was just starting to enjoy not living in fear of the Germans and it being socially acceptable to buy BMWs.


I have never wanted to know a Scottish person as much as I do right now

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And what is wrong with that? prevents rigged politics like we have here in the states.


No it doesn't. It allows something like this to pass because morons didn't even know what they are voting for. A 3/4 majority would prevent it.

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I was surprised by the vote, I went to bed the night before and the exit polls said stay. Next day my wife is watching the news and she begins talking about the UK leaving and being the know it all said "no they are staying", only to hear hear say look at the tv. WOW

The problem, as I see it, is the leave was the immigration problem. They wanted to vote against it so that's how they voted, but they liked many other part of the EU. SO it was a protest vote but they couldn't separate issues so they voted leave, thinking all the time the vote would fail and the protesters could say well it's not what I wanted and anything wrong going forward is your fault. Well now whatever goes wrong will be the protesters fault.

It reminds me of our senate bills. I'd love to see on 1 issue on a bill, let it stand on it's own merit, instead they write a bill and then dozens of riders get attached so the thing can pass.

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omg some of those idiots in that video make me want to slap them...


"I didnt think we would actually leave, SO I VOTED TO LEAVE"

" I didnt think my vote mattered..so i voted to leave.. now im regretting it "

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