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So apparently Kenny Chesney concerts are pretty violent?


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What a joke, so lets blame the artist a guy who sings about falling in love, growing up working class, and having fun for trashing a city. Why is it that the blame never falls where it should, a bunch of drunk assholes who don't know how to hold their alcohol or how to clean up after themselves?


I am not a Kenny fan by any means but I've seen him in concert and to say he instigates violence is just fucking stupid. And why is it the artist's responsibility to make sure all of the fans clean up for themselves? They're adults aren't they?



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Ridiculous. For some reason Kenny's concerts do have a huge preconcert tailgate following. But it's a blast, and most people handle themselves like responsible adults.

The only blame goes to the drunken idiots and those who can't control themselves.

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Kenny Chesney fans

Lol, riiigghhtt, all Kenny Chesny fans are destructive idiots. It would be more realistic to say that Pittsburgh residents are the issue.

Honestly, the numbers they reported don't even sound crazy. How many thousands of people attend a concert like this? 75 intoxicated people could be found in any one section, a few fights, sure, see the wasted people. As for trash, I wonder what dumpsters or receptacles are provided? No one will haul their trash home.

Ban social gatherings!!!

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Honestly - this number doesn't surprise me.


With that said, the demographic he plays to doesn't help his cause at all.


For comparison - twenty one pilots (13-18 year old 60/40% female/male) gets about 10 medical runs a night ranging from intoxication to dehydration and seizers. We also do about 10,000-16,000 per night. Kenny is playing to 16,000+ each night.

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