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2 officers shot at protest about police shootings in dallas


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Something to think about:


Why is there no "outrage" about what is happening in Chicago?


I know its not cops killing people, but to me I would think what is going on there is a bit of a problem that needs some of this "outrage" directed at it.


Yesterday I also learned that any white person who shows concern of this is situation is a "closet racist" :dumb:

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Does it strike anyone else as odd that the alleged shooter was killed by police, using an unprecedented technique? And that there has been no outcry for him not receiving justice?


Oswald was killed before he could talk too. Just saying

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Something to think about:


Why is there no "outrage" about what is happening in Chicago?


I know its not cops killing people, but to me I would think what is going on there is a bit of a problem that needs some of this "outrage" directed at it.


Yesterday I also learned that any white person who shows concern of this is situation is a "closet racist" :dumb:


I guess I'm a racist then? South Chicago ....... 60 or 70 shootings a weekend, in a city that has banned guns.....yep, no issues, unless a LEO defends themselves, then it's news worthy and racist.


One of the many problems with all of this is that there is no responsibility/accountability on anyone's part. The rules are simple, you get stopped by the police, do as your told and comply with orders. Or..... Alternately, cuss the cop out, fight with him, resist arrest and then pull your BB gun out and society will build you up on a pedastal and you family will win the lottery.


I think our values are a touch skewed.........

Edited by spectragod
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Does it strike anyone else as odd that the alleged shooter was killed by police, using an unprecedented technique? And that there has been no outcry for him not receiving justice?


Oswald was killed before he could talk too. Just saying


No. He said he was armed with bombs and was just going to keep killing people.

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Does it strike anyone else as odd that the alleged shooter was killed by police, using an unprecedented technique? And that there has been no outcry for him not receiving justice?


Oswald was killed before he could talk too. Just saying




They also gave him a choice of coming out peacefully or not, after the negotiator was on scene. HE choose not.

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I guess I'm a racist then? South Chicago ....... 60 or 70 shootings a weekend, in a city that has banned guns.....yep, no issues, unless a LEO defends themselves, then it's news worthy and racist.


One of the many problems with all of this is that there is no responsibility/accountability on anyone's part. The rules are simple, you get stopped by the police, do as your told and comply with orders. Or..... Alternately, cuss the cop out, fight with him, resist arrest and then pull your BB guy out and society will build you up on a pedastal and you family will win the lottery.


I think our values are a touch skewed.........


Wait, responsibility and accountability? Those things are a thing of the past now, it's all about blaming the cops/teachers/religion/sexual preference/political party.

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Does it strike anyone else as odd that the alleged shooter was killed by police, using an unprecedented technique? And that there has been no outcry for him not receiving justice?


Oswald was killed before he could talk too. Just saying


Society didn't owe the guy any type of justice. To do anything but end-him is a waste of resources on many many levels. His due process was delivered by C4PO and I'm happy to see it was done so successfully. Society needs to man-up and realize that we need to start being way way tougher on fucks like this guy. No need to house and feed the system of politics and legal crap when you have someone dead to rights.

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Let me understand...This sub-section doesn't exist in the white community?


This subsection definitely exists in the white community. But as a whole, the rest of the white community does not associate with this subsection.


In other words, when members of this white subsection are killed by blacks or police officers, the rest of the white community chalks it up to them choosing to live that lifestyle.


Conversely, when the (welfare/entitled/trashy) subsection of the black community gets killed by whites or police, the rest of the black community screams racism, instead of realizing that certain people choose to break laws and live in a manner that puts them in danger. It is what it is. They choose to ignore black on black crimes/killing, which is the real problem

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This subsection definitely exists in the white community. But as a whole, the rest of the white community does not associate with this subsection.


In other words, when members of this white subsection are killed by blacks or police officers, the rest of the white community chalks it up to them choosing to live that lifestyle.


Conversely, when the (welfare/entitled/trashy) subsection of the black community gets killed by whites or police, the rest of the black community screams racism, instead of realizing that certain people choose to break laws and live in a manner that puts them in danger. It is what it is. They choose to ignore black on black crimes/killing, which is the real problem




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This subsection definitely exists in the white community. But as a whole, the rest of the white community does not associate with this subsection.


In other words, when members of this white subsection are killed by blacks or police officers, the rest of the white community chalks it up to them choosing to live that lifestyle.


Conversely, when the (welfare/entitled/trashy) subsection of the black community gets killed by whites or police, the rest of the black community screams racism, instead of realizing that certain people choose to break laws and live in a manner that puts them in danger. It is what it is. They choose to ignore black on black crimes/killing, which is the real problem


spot on. very noticeable in that BLM is out protesting against cops killing blacks when they should be marching up and down streets inside inner city Chicago calling out the gang members for killing hundreds of blacks. why aren't they doing that I wonder? I wonder how many of those skinny white dudes pretending to be from the hood that were seen in the Dallas protest would go with them into the streets of Chiraque.


Jesse Jackson lives in Chicago too. Why's he not done a damn thing to help the inner city blacks there by targeting the gangs?

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I don't understand why this guy's version of "an eye for an eye" was to shoot people that had absolutely nothing to do with the MN or Baton Rouge shootings.


Based on what they seemed to have found at his house he had been planning this for something. IMO the two shootings either just sparked him to go off or he decided to use them as an excuse to go crazy at that moment.

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Society didn't owe the guy any type of justice. To do anything but end-him is a waste of resources on many many levels. His due process was delivered by C4PO and I'm happy to see it was done so successfully. Society needs to man-up and realize that we need to start being way way tougher on fucks like this guy. No need to house and feed the system of politics and legal crap when you have someone dead to rights.


This subsection definitely exists in the white community. But as a whole, the rest of the white community does not associate with this subsection.


In other words, when members of this white subsection are killed by blacks or police officers, the rest of the white community chalks it up to them choosing to live that lifestyle.


Conversely, when the (welfare/entitled/trashy) subsection of the black community gets killed by whites or police, the rest of the black community screams racism, instead of realizing that certain people choose to break laws and live in a manner that puts them in danger. It is what it is. They choose to ignore black on black crimes/killing, which is the real problem



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Does it strike anyone else as odd that the alleged shooter was killed by police, using an unprecedented technique? And that there has been no outcry for him not receiving justice?


Oswald was killed before he could talk too. Just saying


You're an idiot, and that Facebook meme going around crying foul for this is fucking stupid. If the SWAT team was sent in, brute force, they'd be shooting for the kill. You can't really apprehend an armed shooter in MOST cases. This was no exception.


The only difference was that the bomb potentially saved lives of LEOs from being sent in to get the guy.

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very noticeable in that BLM is out protesting against cops killing blacks when they should be marching up and down streets inside inner city Chicago calling out the gang members for killing hundreds of blacks. why aren't they doing that I wonder?


Bingo. EVEN IF every single black guy killed by police was determined to be an act of racism, it doesn't even remotely begin to scratch the surface of the number of blacks killed by gang-related activity.


But that story doesn't gather ratings, now does it?

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Society didn't owe the guy any type of justice. To do anything but end-him is a waste of resources on many many levels. His due process was delivered by C4PO and I'm happy to see it was done so successfully. Society needs to man-up and realize that we need to start being way way tougher on fucks like this guy. No need to house and feed the system of politics and legal crap when you have someone dead to rights.


And yet you wonder why people like me call you a fascist? I just don't understand why you hate America Tim.




I don't really mind that instead of a police sniper a robot with a bomb was used to bring conclusion to an active situation, but I leery of the precedent this sets in terms of standards for determining when lethal force is an absolute necessity. It should be a method of last resort and this feels like we are creeping away from that and into where it is more convenient than other methods. I am slightly uncomfortable with the idea that now that this has been used effectively does this set us down the path to development to autonomous lethal robots but on the other hand maybe it will help minimize risk and collateral damage. Also a I feel like there still needs to be human accountability for this and there is the potential to remove that through the evolution of this practice should it become common. We do live in interesting times. There is a lot to consider and a Tim's "kill them all and let god sort em out" approach is both callous and cavalier and undercuts the real strange new land we find ourselves in.

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Most of you are too young to recall this....but this was not the first time cops used a bomb. Why is it such a big deal? Total nut job with a Gun, killing innocent people....No court costs, No prison costs...no additional lives lost.



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And yet you wonder why people like me call you a fascist? I just don't understand why you hate America Tim.




I don't really mind that instead of a police sniper a robot with a bomb was used to bring conclusion to an active situation, but I leery of the precedent this sets in terms of standards for determining when lethal force is an absolute necessity. It should be a method of last resort and this feels like we are creeping away from that and into where it is more convenient than other methods. I am slightly uncomfortable with the idea that now that this has been used effectively does this set us down the path to development to autonomous lethal robots but on the other hand maybe it will help minimize risk and collateral damage. Also a I feel like there still needs to be human accountability for this and there is the potential to remove that through the evolution of this practice should it become common. We do live in interesting times. There is a lot to consider and a Tim's "kill them all and let god sort em out" approach is both callous and cavalier and undercuts the real strange new land we find ourselves in.


So what would you have done differently if you were in charge and your Officers were being shot at repeatedly, killing and injuring many of your men?

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There is a lot to consider and a Tim's "kill them all and let god sort em out" approach is both callous and cavalier and undercuts the real strange new land we find ourselves in.


How is this ANY different than police gunning down the Orlando shooter? I noticed he didn't get a trial either. I guess the Orlando SWAT team should have asked Mateen to put down his gun and turn himself in, maybe bake him some cookies and invite him over to fuck their wives too? Jesus Christ the idiocy of whining that someone who is actively firing bullets at police offers was killed in the least-endangering method possible is fucking insane.

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How is this ANY different than police gunning down the Orlando shooter? I noticed he didn't get a trial either.


my point it that it is not any different...for now, and I am mostly ok with it. But where will be the next time? It's not unreasonable to ask for the utmost scrutiny in this sort of decision making when it is a new technology, to prevent abuse.


I guess the Orlando SWAT team should have asked Mateen to put down his gun and turn himself in,


Yes they should, with every situation. Either you believe in preserving life, equal protection, and due process or you don't. However, some situations afford that opportunity and some don't. It should be a last resort situation, not a when it is convenient situation.


maybe bake him some cookies and invite him over to fuck their wives too? Jesus Christ the idiocy of whining that someone who is actively firing bullets at police offers was killed in the least-endangering method possible is fucking insane.


So other than being an ass what's your point? What idiocy of whining are you referring to when people say "let's be real careful with this new process so it isn't abused going forward"?



So what would you have done differently if you were in charge and your Officers were being shot at repeatedly, killing and injuring many of your men?


I don't know that I would have done anything differently. The facts seem to support that this was the rare case where it was the correct option. However, in talking about future state I think there needs to be a documented and structured procedure and protocol so that the question of abuse is minimized. Approach with caution. Advocating that we should kill all these people to save resources, as Tim suggests, is basically advocating abuse of the system.


Most of you are too young to recall this....but this was not the first time cops used a bomb. Why is it such a big deal? Total nut job with a Gun, killing innocent people....No court costs, No prison costs...no additional lives lost.




Police have been using alternate methods for a while and have used both robots and bombs independently in the past. This is the first time it was intentionally used to kill an active shooter. Previous attempts to have the robots deliver non-lethal force has a spotty record of effectiveness and in a couple of cases increased the collateral damage by starting fires (e.g: 2011 police in Tennessee used tear gas which ended up setting fire to the structure, and that 1985 philly one you cite also caused huge fires and ended up killing 11).


Why it is a "big deal" is:

- in the past, this hasn't always worked well. It works for benign things for surveillance and pizza delivery but add in weapons and it has the potential to go pear shaped pretty fast. In this case it worked, but it might not always, and do we have the proper controls in place to make sure we are real careful for next time?


- It may remove accountability or at least the gravity of accountability. Making the decision to kill someone should not be taken lightly, and with the police sniper situation that always rests with the individual pulling the trigger. Currently, I think it is still there, but there is potential for it not to be and that should be discussed.


- because it is "new" it is undocumented, so it is harder to show that every possible option was considered and this was all that was left. Sure the police tell us that they considered every possible option, but are we supposed to just take their word for it? next time it will be more documented.

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