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Issue 1 Aug 2nd


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Get out and vote people. I am voting no, but I am curious to hear any opinions on why someone thinks this is a good change for Columbus City Council?



I am voting yes, just because screw you greg! :lol:

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Yes - Basically the structure as it is now (all council members are "at large") basically means it's nothing but a big popularity contest, with nobody answering to anybody. As long as the council members do enough Good Things, where "good" is measured by large campaign donors who then feed back into the re-election campaigns, there is no impetus for the council to do what's right for the city, only what's right for the donors.


By switching to the ward/precinct system, you dilute the power of those donors. What's best for companies in the outlying areas like where I live is certainly not what's best for those who are downtown. We all joke about crime at 161-71, but why are police not being shifted in that direction? The "at large" council members have no reason to care, while ward-based people would.

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The "at large" council members have no reason to care, while ward-based people would.


The recent Big Lots incentives to move across town are a great example of this. There were no dissenting opinions because the at large members don't give a shit. In a ward system, there would have been much more discussion and actual representation for the areas being affected.

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I haven't completely made up my mind yet, but I'm leaning towards being against it. Ill pass on more politicians.


Voting yes would actually go a long way to breaking up the corrupt machine that currently runs Columbus. You essentially have 1 party running the whole city, and have for quite some time now, doing whatever the hell they want, because with at-large, they will just keep getting reelected over and over.

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I think people just needed to hear that the district city councilmen would get paid $80k a year (all 25 of them) - as well as Coleman shooting down the idea - and people NOPE'd out of that one...


Not having a plan for the districts prolly didn't help either. I'm all for community representation vs at large but creating new districts instead of leveraging existing ones just opens the door to all sorts of shenanigans like redlining and discrimination through disproportionate representation.

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