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United Ford Owners 9.17.16


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The last autocross for UFO is Saturday, September 17th starting at 9:00am as usual. What's an even bigger deal than this being the season finale is this is the last time UFO will race at Columbus Motor Speedway. The track's been sold and we will have to figure out what's next for 2017.


We'll be grilling, chilling and racing from about 10:00am (first car off) until later in the afternoon. If you decide to join us, please bring a meat, side or drink to share. If not, you may still feel free to help yourself to food. If you bring nothing and eat 2x we'll tell Jim Nuckles "you made fun of him and his golf kart". The rest will take care of itself.


If you're unfamiliar with autocross check our website and facebook page.






On a somewhat related note: I'm going to step down as #1 master Chancellor next year. I hope to do so gracefully if I am first not impeached for leaving the blue oval. A lot of CR members helped Aaron and I turn this dying piece of the overall UFO group into something I think can and will grow in popularity well into the future. Thank you guys for your attendance, insight and labor along the way.



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Will be there in the 911 to say goodbye to this almost-free local track and take some memorial photos. RIP CMS, cowlumbus is soon speedway-less :(


It's a good thing we're getting more soccer practice fields though. I can't stand when I have to drive an hour for soccer practice :dumb:

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Will be there in the 911 to say goodbye to this almost-free local track and take some memorial photos. RIP CMS, cowlumbus is soon speedway-less :(


It's a good thing we're getting more soccer practice fields though. I can't stand when I have to drive an hour for soccer practice :dumb:


Well, you can always race at SPARC right? Oh wait...

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