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Ins. Company said they dropped us over my adverse driving record. I had 2 tickets in 5 years. Just so happened they didn't "recheck" our driving record till after the accident


That's a reason to raise rates, not drop you completely. They should at least have the courtesy to be honest with you.

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So your company dumped you because you used the uninsured motorist coverage that you'd been paying for as part of your policy?


In some states it is also illegal and most often in breach of contract. They can't dump you because you exercised your contractual right to file a single claim. They usually get around this by finding another reason to cancel or exercising an option to not renew. If you are filing excessive claims within a specific time period however that is usually an indication of fraud or at the very least they didn't classify your risk properly and they can drop you for that as well. every ins company has different thresholds as to what they find an acceptable risk. Smaller companies have tigher thresholds - sometimes this is the advantage of going with a bigger national company. You could hit a 747 loaded with nuns and Geico may not go under with the pay out, but hit a limo full of kardashians and your local ins company may be at the courthouse the next day filing chapter 11 before the payout is even calculated.



Ins. Company said they dropped us over my adverse driving record. I had 2 tickets in 5 years. Just so happened they didn't "recheck" our driving record till after the accident


This is a common practice and honestly, one you probably benefited from. think about it - if they dropped you when you got your second ticket then you would have had to search for new insurance, probably at a higher rate, or they would have re-assessed the risk and made you pay a higher rate and you would have been paying that higher rate from then till now. Instead they gave you the benefit of the doubt since you weren't costing them any money and didn't "recheck" (some smaller insurance companies do this as a normal practice across the board, so do not). Now that you have cost them money they reevaluated your risk profile and dropped you from coverage because you have exceeded their thresholds. Does it suck that you have to find new insurance at a higher rate? yes it does. But which sucks more having to find it now or having to have paid out a larger premium over time and still be dropped or facing a rate hike?


not trying to be a dick, just find the positive and move on.

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In some states it is also illegal and most often in breach of contract. They can't dump you because you exercised your contractual right to file a single claim. They usually get around this by finding another reason to cancel or exercising an option to not renew. If you are filing excessive claims within a specific time period however that is usually an indication of fraud or at the very least they didn't classify your risk properly and they can drop you for that as well. every ins company has different thresholds as to what they find an acceptable risk. Smaller companies have tigher thresholds - sometimes this is the advantage of going with a bigger national company. You could hit a 747 loaded with nuns and Geico may not go under with the pay out, but hit a limo full of kardashians and your local ins company may be at the courthouse the next day filing chapter 11 before the payout is even calculated.






This is a common practice and honestly, one you probably benefited from. think about it - if they dropped you when you got your second ticket then you would have had to search for new insurance, probably at a higher rate, or they would have re-assessed the risk and made you pay a higher rate and you would have been paying that higher rate from then till now. Instead they gave you the benefit of the doubt since you weren't costing them any money and didn't "recheck" (some smaller insurance companies do this as a normal practice across the board, so do not). Now that you have cost them money they reevaluated your risk profile and dropped you from coverage because you have exceeded their thresholds. Does it suck that you have to find new insurance at a higher rate? yes it does. But which sucks more having to find it now or having to have paid out a larger premium over time and still be dropped or facing a rate hike?


not trying to be a dick, just find the positive and move on.


Good info.

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Aaaannnddd even more awesomeness. The body shop had a tow company bring a rollback out to pick her car up. The tow truck driver then proceeded to almost back it off the flat bed. I watched as he curbed the back right wheel down the flat bed rail, and then jump the tire up on to the rail. Half the wheel is curbed now. Then he pulled back off the flat bed, backed up again and drug the exhaust and rear bumper. No sorry, no nothing. Hooked up and left. I immediately called the body shop to let them know. And snapped a few pics of the damage before the tow guy left.
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Aaaannnddd even more awesomeness. The body shop had a tow company bring a rollback out to pick her car up. The tow truck driver then proceeded to almost back it off the flat bed. I watched as he curbed the back right wheel down the flat bed rail, and then jump the tire up on to the rail. Half the wheel is curbed now. Then he pulled back off the flat bed, backed up again and drug the exhaust and rear bumper. No sorry, no nothing. Hooked up and left. I immediately called the body shop to let them know. And snapped a few pics of the damage before the tow guy left.


sweet jesus seriously?!?!

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Aaaannnddd even more awesomeness. The body shop had a tow company bring a rollback out to pick her car up. The tow truck driver then proceeded to almost back it off the flat bed. I watched as he curbed the back right wheel down the flat bed rail, and then jump the tire up on to the rail. Half the wheel is curbed now. Then he pulled back off the flat bed, backed up again and drug the exhaust and rear bumper. No sorry, no nothing. Hooked up and left. I immediately called the body shop to let them know. And snapped a few pics of the damage before the tow guy left.


Sounds more like the car is cursed by idiots that get near it. Get rid of the thing ASAP before it's any worse...

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So just to ask this, once its tested if it comes back and there's something wrong engine wise where does that leave you standing? With the policy cancelled can you get anywhere with a supplement?


Fortunately I've never been down this road personally. Definitely not how I imagine you two saw your dueling Mustangs going!

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Friend with a built GT500 got hit by a hit and run driver on the freeway. Ins totaled it out and offered $62500. I got involved and we got him $99281. So he basically went from losing his butt to having the money to pay the car off, buy the car back, have it fixed, and still have some pocket money.


FK insurance companies. I love fighting them.


I just had a buddy tell em of a similar experience. He called BS, submitted comps. Took a while but ended up getting 30% more back!

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I just had a buddy tell em of a similar experience. He called BS, submitted comps. Took a while but ended up getting 30% more back!


Usually it's more than just comp submission. Every case is different and every ins co is different in the way they handle things. This took us like a month and a half. A month and a half well worth it IMO. Some cases are easier than others.


A lot of people think they can do it themselves, and wind up shooting themselves in the foot because they are so happy they got an extra 15%, when in reality, if they had hired someone who knows what they are doing (cough cough wink wink), they could have got 25% or more.


This case with the GT500 was hilarious because the VP of this and VP of that were involved after I got involved and they were sweating it out and even told my friend that this case has caused them to see holes in their policies that they were going to have to go back and address. Also, they dropped his car after the case was settled, which we all expected. The $99281 was on the low end. We could have gone for $120k and could have got damn near close, but that would have involved more complexity, more time (who knows how long), and he was ready to move on with getting his car bought back and fixed. Right now ETA is end of Sept for the car to be done.

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Usually it's more than just comp submission. Every case is different and every ins co is different in the way they handle things. This took us like a month and a half. A month and a half well worth it IMO. Some cases are easier than others.


A lot of people think they can do it themselves, and wind up shooting themselves in the foot because they are so happy they got an extra 15%, when in reality, if they had hired someone who knows what they are doing (cough cough wink wink), they could have got 25% or more.


This case with the GT500 was hilarious because the VP of this and VP of that were involved after I got involved and they were sweating it out and even told my friend that this case has caused them to see holes in their policies that they were going to have to go back and address. Also, they dropped his car after the case was settled, which we all expected. The $99281 was on the low end. We could have gone for $120k and could have got damn near close, but that would have involved more complexity, more time (who knows how long), and he was ready to move on with getting his car bought back and fixed. Right now ETA is end of Sept for the car to be done.


so your saying you want to handle my situation then?

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so your saying you want to handle my situation then?


I really only mess with Ins Companies after they have declared a vehicle a total loss. Being that is not the situation here, I wouldn't be of much help. The only advice I can offer in this particular case is to do your due diligence (which it seems you are) to ensure the repairs are done right, and then file a depreciation of value claim.


This is a really sh*t situation and i'm sorry you are going through this.

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Damn, you're just having no luck at all. This is my fear in having an accident, I'd prefer a minor fender bender or a complete total, anything in between is just scary to think about the possibilities. I've been lucky so far in no accidents though I just got a fresh scratch on my rear bumper at the grocery store.
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