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Garage Coatings


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I have seen previous threads ont he subject, but looking for an update of sorts? Whom has done it, and how has it lasted? I plan on coating my new floor later this week- about 900 sq foot.


LMK thoughts and opinions on products. Willing to spend a little extra is the quality is truly that much better

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Did rust bullet on mine. Had some pieces come up where my wife's tires are. After talking with the vendor and trying some tests we think the concrete there was just smoothed out from years of cars being parked there. I'm going to scuff and reapply when I get time this fall. If you have any doubts on the porosity of your concrete then sand and be done with it.


On the side where my car is I use jacks and jack stands directly on it without issue.

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You can polish the concrete then put a clear epoxy over it. It looks nice and the finish lasts for quite a long time.





Have a good decrative concrete company come out.


The majority of the stuff marketed to "car guys" doesn't seem to hold.

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Looks to be some people having issues so far, have you thought about installing the tiles instead? That way they are replaceable if need be, and wont peel.


Father in law has some and in the 2.5 years hes only had to replace where the front tires go, and only because he didnt like the little bit of tire "stain" that showed :lol:

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What if I just clean the unpolished concrete? Would it then look "polished"? The main goal there would be easy clean up of spills.


If you are going for the polished look, no. In theory you could just put a good thick epoxy finish on it and it should last. If you are going for the polished look though, you have to have the machine to do it (you may be able to rent one if you are trying to do it yourself).

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Anything from Home Depot is going to fail. I've never once heard of someone having long term success with those.


If it's brand new concrete you have less prep to do but you'll still need some. To use Rust Bullet you'd still need to power wash it and completely let it dry for like 3 days. I'd recommend you not do any flakes/clear. Just do the base grey for like 3 coats and it'll be strong as shit. The only reason I did the flakes was to help cover up flaws in the older floor.

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Get with Sam from here on the forums. He does concrete and should have a connection for someone who does the heavy duty industrial coatings you see in pro-shops and stores.


We have a warehouse area at work done with a coating that holds up to the forklift and tons of traffic and shows no signs of any wear.

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Get with Sam from here on the forums. He does concrete and should have a connection for someone who does the heavy duty industrial coatings you see in pro-shops and stores.



I will text my ninja. Didnt think about that.





Father in law has some and in the 2.5 years hes only had to replace where the front tires go, and only because he didnt like the little bit of tire "stain" that showed :lol:


The cheapest floor tiles I saw were 2$ a square, and I dont think I'd spend $2k to make my garage look like my kids playroom.

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I used to work for a company called "Columbus Garage Floor Coatings"...I did my own garage at my old house one weekend with their stuff and 4 years later it still looks amazing, even with me working on cars in the garage for 2 of those years.


My recommendation? If you want it to look good AND last, pay a company to do it right.

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My garage floor is from the 1960s. It'd be cool to have it look like the floor of some industrial loft office building, or a Giant Eagle Market District floor...all chunked up but still so epoxied it'll survive a nuclear blast...


Ditto. Let me know how yours works out, i might try it too.

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My garage floor is from the 1960s. It'd be cool to have it look like the floor of some industrial loft office building, or a Giant Eagle Market District floor...all chunked up but still so epoxied it'll survive a nuclear blast...


This is that polished finish that I was talking about. It is a good look and the epoxy that is typically used is strong as can be. We have some floors here at work that are finished like that. We roll heavy units across them with metal casters and they hold up pretty well (the coating scraches and looks foggy after a couple years here).

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I used to work for a company called "Columbus Garage Floor Coatings"...I did my own garage at my old house one weekend with their stuff and 4 years later it still looks amazing, even with me working on cars in the garage for 2 of those years.


My recommendation? If you want it to look good AND last, pay a company to do it right.


What materials did you use? Where can thery be purchased?

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What materials did you use? Where can thery be purchased?


We used most of our stuff from Shermin Williams, and honestly, the only thing I remember is:


1) We ground down the floor with a diamond bit sander (never etched)

2) We mixed whatever we were using with Xylene (only remember that because the name was cool)

3) We then threw paint chips on

4) Came back the next day and put a glaze of some sort on


Their price is around $4/sq ft.

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I just did mine before moving into the house and I power washed, acid treated and etched it before applying the paint. My dad also did it in his garage and it has held up well. He has had to touch it up a bit over 6 years. I would say it has held up pretty good.


The side his vette parks on stays in great shape, the side my moms jeep goes on is the side that has needed touch up.

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From the research I did 6-years+ ago, don't use anything that's water based. I'm sure there is something new and better out but when I did the research this was the better stuff.




Cost was a little over $400 for 3-car garage.


If you want it gray or just a base color it'll be no problem. My only recommendation is if you want color flakes, order a LOT more than you think you need. I wish I would have added more color flakes to mine but it still looks great and the same as when I did it 6-years ago.


If you have any cracks in the floor make sure you fill them before applying the coating. If it's brand new concrete just make sure it doesn't have any sealer on it because that prevents a lot of the coatings from sticking.

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