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Ughhhh...come on people.


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Why can't people just smoke weed and drink beer like back in the good ol days? :nono:



At least with that shit you know which poison you're putting in your body. Someone hands you a while pill and it could be anything from OTC aspirin to oxy to elephant tranqs to ecstasy, etc. Hell, there's a whole industry in China dedicated to making knockoff street drugs, let alone actual pharms.

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Why can't people just smoke weed and drink beer like back in the good ol days? :nono:



At least no one dies from weed, and sometimes, the opposite happens. Why people are into synthetic ish blows my mind. Go smoke a bow, or eat some shrooms and chill out.

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So its "5000" times more potent/deadly than heroin? Who comes up with this shit


CIA ;).


Readup on the Hostage crisis mentioned in the article. This shit was developed as an aerosol intended to quickly kill/incapacitate large groups of people. Then, if need be, they could be quickly revived with naxalone. The Russians sort of forgot the Naxalone part, RUSSIA LOL :(

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So its "5000" times more potent/deadly than heroin? Who comes up with this shit


I've read about a fentanyl analogue far, far more powerful than this. The dosage was so minuscule that it is near impossible to dilute or dose properly.


Biochemistry is fun stuff.


even dark marketplaces are banning opioids


Yeah, because its easy as hell to buy a large supply of fentanyl from china, cut it to make it look like heroin, and sell it at a 1000x profit.

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I would think it's bad business to push products that so easily kill your customer base.


You would think, but every time there is a rash of ODs from the same supplier addicts actively search out who it is and buy from them. The logic is that his/her stuff must be really pure and those other people couldn't handle it. So yeah...killing your customer base can sometimes be good for business.

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True. I hadn't thought about it like that.


Whenever my friends bitch about there being too much government regulation I always say - if you want to know what no regulation looks like look at the illegal drug trade. Because it is illegal there is no regulation on quality, disclosures, sale, and no protection from the courts. What you end up with is a lot of people ripping off each other at the end user's expense. Even this issue now, they are passing off a more lethal drug as a lesser one with no notice because they need to trade off the recognizability of heroin. If it gets people high, good for business, if it kills them, good for business and we don't even have to tell them we cut it with the same stuff drywall is made of because it isn't like it's healthy anyway.

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