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Official Clown Show AKA Presidential Race


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This makes you sound like a pussy...


So what if if it does. My self worth isn't tied to macho stereotypes.


I still get to laugh at a moron who is clearly afraid of the "big bad liberal" to the point he has to resort to hyperbole to make himself seem like the supressed conservative and doesn't have the decency to curb his creative swearing around little kids. I'm sure my kid has heard even me say shit or fuck once in a while but I don't know many parents who would be thrilled of their 4 year old being in earshot of "leaking cunt nugget".

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I don't know how these elections get so spun out of control. Let's keep it simple.


Things I like:

Making Money

Buying Guns

The Constitution

America inhabited by Americans



People that let me keep more of my money: Trump

People that don't bother me about my guns: Trump

People that are okay with letting tradition be tradition: Trump

People that are against illegal immigration enough to do something: Trump


If you don't like money, guns, and the foundation this country was built on then by all means please feel free to be a bitch and vote for Hillary.


Trump is a capitalist and so am I. The guy is criticized for making money and being greedy and I'm over here like "I'm tryna do the same". The problem is that there are people in this country that believe we should give more of our hard earned money to others. I will never understand that. I already give more (percentage, and volume) than most via taxes.


But then, you talk to a liberal about money and you ask them why they don't offer-up or volunteer more if their own money to help equalize those around them and then they stammer for an answer. I literally employ a guy who is a manager in my company making 125k who is a Bernie supporter and I bust his balls about why doesn't he take some if his 125k and give it to members of his staff that make 60-80k so they can all be equal and he is at a loss for words because he too wants to be rich some day.



I'm not wrong. The general populous is in denial regarding success and what it takes to achieve it so they cast a blanket over it making it uncool to want money and be greedy. "I just want to work to live", "I don't need money to be happy", "I just want to make a little money and travel","less in life ends up being more in life"...



Fuck you, measure up, work hard, crush shit!

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This makes you sound like a pussy....


So what if if it does. My self worth isn't tied to macho stereotypes.


I still get to laugh at a moron who is clearly afraid of the "big bad liberal" to the point he has to resort to hyperbole to make himself seem like the supressed conservative and doesn't have the decency to curb his creative swearing around little kids. I'm sure my kid has heard even me say shit or fuck once in a while but I don't know many parents who would be thrilled of their 4 year old being in earshot of "leaking cunt nugget".

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I don't know how these elections get so spun out of control. Let's keep it simple.


Things I like:

Making Money

Buying Guns

The Constitution

America inhabited by Americans



People that let me keep more of my money: Trump

People that don't bother me about my guns: Trump

People that are okay with letting tradition be tradition: Trump

People that are against illegal immigration enough to do something: Trump


If you don't like money, guns, and the foundation this country was built on then by all means please feel free to be a bitch and vote for Hillary.


Trump is a capitalist and so am I. The guy is criticized for making money and being greedy and I'm over here like "I'm tryna do the same". The problem is that there are people in this country that believe we should give more of our hard earned money to others. I will never understand that. I already give more (percentage, and volume) than most via taxes.


But then, you talk to a liberal about money and you ask them why they don't offer-up or volunteer more if their own money to help equalize those around them and then they stammer for an answer. I literally employ a guy who is a manager in my company making 125k who is a Bernie supporter and I bust his balls about why doesn't he take some if his 125k and give it to members of his staff that make 60-80k so they can all be equal and he is at a loss for words because he too wants to be rich some day.



I'm not wrong. The general populous is in denial regarding success and what it takes to achieve it so they cast a blanket over it making it uncool to want money and be greedy. "I just want to work to live", "I don't need money to be happy", "I just want to make a little money and travel","less in life ends up being more in life"...



Fuck you, measure up, work hard, crush shit!



+100. Your employee that makes $125k a year that's a Bernie supporter is an anomaly I think. Most Bernie supporters or people who love Clinton are typically either Servers/Bartenders (People who can cheat on their taxes and claim way less than what they actually earn so it doesn't really effect them anyways), Kids in college that don't work and are still on Mommy and Daddy's lifeline (so they don't see the effect at all), or hippie trust fund babies who never had to work a day in their life who literally are clueless from reality. All of those people annoy the fuck out of me if they are for handouts and they fall into any of those categories.


I seriously don't understand why so many people are against freedom in this country. It makes no sense. Yes, let's raise taxes! The government has done so well with all the money we've given them so let's give them more! :dumb: This country is honestly about people who get shit done and make a real living for themselves. Yeah, everyone starts off in a different situation and some people have to work harder than others, but this isn't a socialist country. That's not what made this country great. Work for what you want. Tell the government to fuck off when they want to take what you work for (theft). Don't vote in libtards that want this to be the next socialist failure.

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+100. Your employee that makes $125k a year that's a Bernie supporter is an anomaly I think. Most Bernie supporters or people who love Clinton are typically either Servers/Bartenders (People who can cheat on their taxes and claim way less than what they actually earn so it doesn't really effect them anyways), Kids in college that don't work and are still on Mommy and Daddy's lifeline (so they don't see the effect at all), or hippie trust fund babies who never had to work a day in their life who literally are clueless from reality. All of those people annoy the fuck out of me if they are for handouts and they fall into any of those categories.


I seriously don't understand why so many people are against freedom in this country. It makes no sense. Yes, let's raise taxes! The government has done so well with all the money we've given them so let's give them more! :dumb: This country is honestly about people who get shit done and make a real living for themselves. Yeah, everyone starts off in a different situation and some people have to work harder than others, but this isn't a socialist country. That's not what made this country great. Work for what you want. Tell the government to fuck off when they want to take what you work for (theft). Don't vote in libtards that want this to be the next socialist failure.


I don't know how these elections get so spun out of control. Let's keep it simple.


Things I like:

Making Money

Buying Guns

The Constitution

America inhabited by Americans



People that let me keep more of my money: Trump

People that don't bother me about my guns: Trump

People that are okay with letting tradition be tradition: Trump

People that are against illegal immigration enough to do something: Trump


If you don't like money, guns, and the foundation this country was built on then by all means please feel free to be a bitch and vote for Hillary.


Trump is a capitalist and so am I. The guy is criticized for making money and being greedy and I'm over here like "I'm tryna do the same". The problem is that there are people in this country that believe we should give more of our hard earned money to others. I will never understand that. I already give more (percentage, and volume) than most via taxes.


But then, you talk to a liberal about money and you ask them why they don't offer-up or volunteer more if their own money to help equalize those around them and then they stammer for an answer. I literally employ a guy who is a manager in my company making 125k who is a Bernie supporter and I bust his balls about why doesn't he take some if his 125k and give it to members of his staff that make 60-80k so they can all be equal and he is at a loss for words because he too wants to be rich some day.



I'm not wrong. The general populous is in denial regarding success and what it takes to achieve it so they cast a blanket over it making it uncool to want money and be greedy. "I just want to work to live", "I don't need money to be happy", "I just want to make a little money and travel","less in life ends up being more in life"...



Fuck you, measure up, work hard, crush shit!



^^^^THIS x 1,000,000^^^^

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I don't know how these elections get so spun out of control. Let's keep it simple.


I'll make it even simpler for you: you cannot just take the pieces you like, failure to act on something is still acting on it, and in some cases support of it.


Let me fix this for you:


Things I like:

Making Money at the expense of unequal civil rights for non-whites and women

Buying Guns at the expense of the American public remaining completely ignorant and mislead under the lie that you are safer with a gun than without one

The Constitution as long as "we the people" means we the people who are white Anglo Saxon protestant.

America inhabited by Americans except native Americans and those people we forced to come over here against their will to become Americans and also those people who contribute to the overall quality of American life


Just be honest with yourself.


Trump is a capitalist and so am I. The guy is criticized for making money and being greedy

He's not being criticized for being wealthy, he's being criticized for being a racist bigot. It doesn't help that he also found a way to make money off that by not renting to black people for decades.


The truly wealthy make money regardless of the limitations put upon them, not piss and moan that the government is putting up too many obstacles. You don't see people like Bill Gates or Ted turner whining like a little bitch about taxes do you? you know why? because they have fuck you money and (mostly) intact morals. something I doubt you will possess either of.



But then, you talk to a liberal about money and you ask them why they don't offer-up or volunteer more if their own money to help equalize those around them and then they stammer for an answer. I literally employ a guy who is a manager in my company making 125k who is a Bernie supporter and I bust his balls about why doesn't he take some if his 125k and give it to members of his staff that make 60-80k so they can all be equal and he is at a loss for words because he too wants to be rich some day.


He probably doesn't answer you because your question is stupid and you should be embarrassed for asking it that way. It presupposes that 100% socialism is the platform. Not all democrat supporters and "liberals" subscribe to the political economic theory of socialism as it applies to the whole of the workforce. But yet your question supposes that just because he's a bernie supporter he is all in on that. You probably do him a favor because every time you do that he is smiling to himself thinking how much smarter he is than you. Just because you support certain government funded programs to counteract the disadvantages that institutional racism has built into the system doesn't mean you think everyone should be equal in a politically communist/socialist like fashion. Even Bernie's redistribution of wealth platform doesn't go that far, if you had bothered to read it.


Wanna know a secret? the founding fathers were strongly against the accumulation of wealth by any one institution. They feared this would give business or religious entities more power than the government and would therefore be used to limit people's individual opportunities. How right they were.

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+100. Your employee that makes $125k a year that's a Bernie supporter is an anomaly I think. Most Bernie supporters or people who love Clinton are typically either Servers/Bartenders (People who can cheat on their taxes and claim way less than what they actually earn so it doesn't really effect them anyways), Kids in college that don't work and are still on Mommy and Daddy's lifeline (so they don't see the effect at all), or hippie trust fund babies who never had to work a day in their life who literally are clueless from reality. All of those people annoy the fuck out of me if they are for handouts and they fall into any of those categories.


I suppose all those bartenders and broke college kids were the ones that contributed $228 million dollars to his campaign? You know that College Kid Microsoft? he really had to scrape his pennies together to give to Bernie. Or how about That barista at cup of joe...what's her name? or yeah...Boeing, she somehow found $5 to put in the fund. And all my favorite bartenders like IBM, At&T, Apple, and Intel....they really passed the hat around.

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I'll make it even simpler for you: you cannot just take the pieces you like, failure to act on something is still acting on it, and in some cases support of it.


Let me fix this for you:




Just be honest with yourself.



He's not being criticized for being wealthy, he's being criticized for being a racist bigot. It doesn't help that he also found a way to make money off that by not renting to black people for decades.


The truly wealthy make money regardless of the limitations put upon them, not piss and moan that the government is putting up too many obstacles. You don't see people like Bill Gates or Ted turner whining like a little bitch about taxes do you? you know why? because they have fuck you money and (mostly) intact morals. something I doubt you will possess either of.





He probably doesn't answer you because your question is stupid and you should be embarrassed for asking it that way. It presupposes that 100% socialism is the platform. Not all democrat supporters and "liberals" subscribe to the political economic theory of socialism as it applies to the whole of the workforce. But yet your question supposes that just because he's a bernie supporter he is all in on that. You probably do him a favor because every time you do that he is smiling to himself thinking how much smarter he is than you. Just because you support certain government funded programs to counteract the disadvantages that institutional racism has built into the system doesn't mean you think everyone should be equal in a politically communist/socialist like fashion. Even Bernie's redistribution of wealth platform doesn't go that far, if you had bothered to read it.


Wanna know a secret? the founding fathers were strongly against the accumulation of wealth by any one institution. They feared this would give business or religious entities more power than the government and would therefore be used to limit people's individual opportunities. How right they were.


Hmmm, trying to think of the right word to say in response...


"Cute" or "Adorable" come to mind regarding people like you.

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I suppose all those bartenders and broke college kids were the ones that contributed $228 million dollars to his campaign? You know that College Kid Microsoft? he really had to scrape his pennies together to give to Bernie. Or how about That barista at cup of joe...what's her name? or yeah...Boeing, she somehow found $5 to put in the fund. And all my favorite bartenders like IBM, At&T, Apple, and Intel....they really passed the hat around.


Oh, so the owners of those corporations represent everyone? I'm talking about the majority of his supporters. The 4 or 5 people or whatever that you mentioned don't represent the majority. I speak based on personal experience with social interaction similarly to yourself except only when it fits your agenda.

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Hmmm, trying to think of the right word to say in response...


"Cute" or "Adorable" come to mind regarding people like you.


Let me tell you what you really meant to say because A. I know what's in your mind better than you do. B. My interpretation of what you said better supports my ability to attack your stance.


BTW I am superior to you in all ways.

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Oh, so the owners of those corporations represent everyone? I'm talking about the majority of his supporters. The 4 or 5 people or whatever that you mentioned don't represent the majority. I speak based on personal experience with social interaction similarly to yourself except only when it fits your agenda.


no you are just talking out of your ass based on stereotypes you picked up from god knows where. None of the statistics fits what you are saying.


Regarding your "social interaction" If you stay home and fuck your sister all the time then it's going to seem like she's a good piece of ass and it's socially acceptable, but if you actually leave your home and interact with the rest of the world you'll realize that the majority of the citizens are women, that she isn't that good, and that you are a monster. savvy? Also don't get all butt hurt because of my metaphorical analogy, I am not actually suggesting you fuck your sister I am just trying to relate to you on your level.


Truth is his demographic was very diverse if you compare them state to state. 53% of all voting people in New Hampshire who made over $100K a year voted for him in the New Hampshire primary (trump carried 31%), where as in Iowa Primary he only carried 37% of the voters who make over $100K a year.


Why does it look like his demographic is more focused toward the lower income spectrum? well there are just more people. Take New Hampshire for example - only 36% of it's population makes over $100K a year (so his 53% is of that 36% of the whole).


you follow? If you straight up compare all people in one income bracket the democrats, particularly sanders were crushing the republicans in that area in some states (and mostly even in others), but if you are trying to say well most of Bernie Sanders supporters make less than $100K a year, well..yeah duh...because there are just more people that make less than $100K a year than there are that make more than $100K a year, but that is going to be true for every candidate. If Trump doesn't have some people pulling for him in the under $100K a year category then he doesn't have a snowballs chance in Florida.


BTW I am superior to you in all ways.


I know you are joking, but in the case of Mr. Stowers here it might actually be true.

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By saying that you're just talking out of your ass based on nothing, so I'm stooping down to your level by doing the same.


I for one think there should be more talking out of one's ass based on something, rather than nothing.


Stoop on, stooperman.

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Is it wrong to not allow people to vote who don't pay into the system? In other words, if you rely on government directly for assistance to survive, and don't contribute monetarily to the (up to this point, piss poor) running of this country, you should have no say in how it's run, and who is elected. The sheer number of people who rely directly on handouts and assistance in order to survive is staggering. Is it really in our best interest to have them vote?


We need to disincentivize those who choose government aid over getting off their fucking asses and working to survive. Maybe taking away voting priveledges would be a start. Crooked bullshit politicians have ruined a country that the greatest generation to ever live bled for during ww2. It's a disgrace.

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Had a real "Conservative Ohioans are stupid moment" Saturday. Decided to go down to the board of elections and vote early since I will not be able to vote on election day. There is a gamestop next door so after I went in to try out the demo on the VR headsets (which are pretty awesome by the way).


This dude comes in a few minutes later, late 20's -early 30's ish, shaved head red ohio state sweatshirt. Starts bitching about how "liberals were attacking him in the parking lot" with their liberal agenda, and fuck all of them, and then went into a 15 minute swear laden rant about liberalism in America including "they are coming for my guns" and all the regular ignorant cliches. Keep in mind this is a game stop so there were about 3 kids under the age of 12 in the store (including my daughter) who got to listen to this guy talk about the burden of liberals violently pushing their agenda on him in the parking lot in language that would make a sailor blush.


I walked through the same parking lot, there were a lot of people passing out flyers on both sides, and all I had to say was no thank you and they left me alone (I don't take flyers from anyone). I think the worst I saw anybody push anything was an 8 year old girl hugged my 4 year old daughter so she could hand her a trump flyer. hardly an attack.


GOP supporters, when your party panders to ignorance and hate, Trump becomes the candidate you totally deserve.

Don't accuse GOP of pandering when Hillary does the same shit lol

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Your employee that makes $125k a year that's a Bernie supporter is an anomaly I think. Most Bernie supporters or people who love Clinton are typically either Servers/Bartenders (People who can cheat on their taxes and claim way less than what they actually earn so it doesn't really effect them anyways), Kids in college that don't work and are still on Mommy and Daddy's lifeline (so they don't see the effect at all), or hippie trust fund babies who never had to work a day in their life who literally are clueless from reality. All of those people annoy the fuck out of me if they are for handouts and they fall into any of those categories.


Guess that makes me an anomaly as well.

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