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Here you go, blaming the rich again instead of the Government who writes the tax codes and allows loop holes.


Did you think the rich do not lobby? These things don't get passed in a vaccuum - someone paid for it to be there. Do I blame the rich for this? well I don't think those that supported it are "good people" but I can't blame them for being self interested.


I can blame people who vote for politicians who are absolutely against campaign reform, like Mike Pence, so that politicians can continue to be bought through lobbying.



...because the dems have done so much to help foster and instill the great public education systems we see today right? if what they were doing was so great, the budgets wouldn't be so freaking high and the levels so low thus creating the problem I'm speaking about.

The Bush administration cut so much out of education that we have yet to undo the damage it has done, and will probably still be feeling the effects for 20 more years to come. The last 8 years, esp with a republican congress, hasn't been able to catch up to how damaged our educational funding is.


but then as I type this my wife is prepping the kids for school and doing a final review of their homework they completed last night in what we have as a set regiment to insure they are getting the most out of their day. Again, proper parenting.


In a school district that can afford books and supplies and qualified teachers because you pay high taxes. And you can afford tutoring if for some reason your kids fall behind, and SAT prep, and extracurricular activities. And none of your kids have to work to support your family structure. Come on Tim, at least recognize that you have some advantages that can't be overcome by good parenting.




Again, play the cards you're dealt and don't rely so much on where you came from or started with. Time for people to realize that life is what they make of it. Life doesn't just happen to you but it happens because of you. Until they move past a victim mindset they will continue to suck ass due in part to their own actions and mindset, not at the fault of anyone else.


It's easy to say garbage like that if you don't believe in institutionalized racisim and the system is setup to continually fuck the poor over. But just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it isn't true. They don't have a baseless victim mindset, they are actually victims. They are victims of the Blue Wall that blocks police transparency, they are victims of the wealthy who don't want them in the same schools and so they block school redistribution, they are victims of conservative mindset that doesn't understand why the government has to pay for education. And you know what? if you got to know them most of them don't have a victim mindset, and they work hard, even though just based on the empirical odds of society the chance of making out of poverty are akin to winning the actual lottery.


Because the $8.50 fee is too much for Ohio people... Dude, really? They even get their ID's mailed to them.
11% of Americans don't have Government issued ID in this country for reasons ranging from unable to produce the proper documents to having fines levied against them. Most of them Poor, elderly, or a minority. That's a big problem unless you are a republican and you don't want them voting, then it's an opportunity.



I don't believe Oho withholds them based on fines, but then is it really too much to ask that people PAY FINES THEY OWE? Again, since when is it wrong to hold people TO THE SAME STANDARDS? Sorry, but I DO expect people to be accountable for their actions and pay fines when owed.

I belevie ohio does, but this is based off watching someone get denied at the bmv while I was waiting to register a vehicle, not idea if the BMV was wrong or not. But yes Sometimes it is, esp if your summons is being sent to the wrong address because you didn't have ID when you got stopped and now the fees and interest have turned $50 or $90 into several hundred.



You talk about "the very wealthy who don't pay their fair share into the system" yet you want to give a break to others for not doing the same. Double standard much? Last I checked, being accountable for ones actions is FREE.


I want all people to get some kind of opportunity and not have the system work harder against them the poorer they are. I am not saying everyone needs an equal playing field but it should not be more likely you end up in jail or dead the poorer you start out from. Every member is a participant of society, and those that have barriers removed become less of a social draw and more of a contributor to society the more they grow. Society is like a giant whack a mole game, either you pay a little early, or a lot more later, or even more if you left them out entirely - but if you are part of it you always have to pay.

Edited by Geeto67
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2nd amendment also doesn't say anything about keeping guns for hobby and recreation


That's the definition of infringement





verb: infringe; 3rd person present: infringes; past tense: infringed; past participle: infringed; gerund or present participle: infringing


actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.).

"making an unauthorized copy would infringe copyright"

synonyms: contravene, violate, transgress, break, breach; More

disobey, defy, flout, fly in the face of;

disregard, ignore, neglect;

go beyond, overstep, exceed;


"the statute infringed constitutionally guaranteed rights"

antonyms: obey, comply with

act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on.

"his legal rights were being infringed"

synonyms: restrict, limit, curb, check, encroach on; More

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The Bush administration cut so much out of education that we have yet to undo the damage it has done, and will probably still be feeling the effects for 20 more years to come. The last 8 years, esp with a republican congress, hasn't been able to catch up to how damaged our educational funding is.


In the end it still starts with the families at home. You aren't going to put a kid from the hood in the best schools around and see them do well if the parents aren't engaged.


My kids go to Old Sawmill and Davis Middle and Nick also has 3 classes at Scioto High School and all are on the east side of the River aka well integrated. They rate among the best schools and yet the kids who you can see don't come from the best families struggle. They do so because as the teaches and my own kids tell us, they aren't engaged or their parents don't parent well.


but then as I type this my wife is prepping the kids for school and doing a final review of their homework they completed last night in what we have as a set regiment to insure they are getting the most out of their day. Again, proper parenting.


In a school district that can afford books and supplies and qualified teachers because you pay high taxes. And you can afford tutoring if for some reason your kids fall behind, and SAT prep, and extracurricular activities. And none of your kids have to work to support your family structure. Come on Tim, at least recognize that you have some advantages that can't be overcome by good parenting.


See my comments above about good schools and kids.


Yes, I can afford tutoring but we don't pay for that. My wife and I are engaged and very active in ensuring our kids do what needs done. It's called parenting. I don't care what your situation, if you brought child into this world you need to parent. Period.


I recognize the situation on both sides Kerry. I'm not about to make excuses however for those that may be in my situation. You can do that but the reality is LIFE in the REAL WORLD doesn't make excuses or care. Kids and families today have to begin to better apply themselves as life in the real world isn't just about competing with my kids but the kids from Japan and other cultures that come here and better themselves and COMPETE for the same jobs and education.


Life doesn't lower the bar to support those in need nor should it really.


It's easy to say garbage like that if you don't believe in institutionalized racisim and the system is setup to continually fuck the poor over. But just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it isn't true.


It's not garbage. Just the same you apparently choose to not believe people have a responsibility and role and standards to meet that are the same as those around them and even if they have advantages others don't. There too, just because you don't believe such exists in life doesn't mean it's not true just the same. The difference is when you don't believe what I'm sharing...you get caught up in generations of shit-life. If you recognize and acknowlege and work to change things, you stand far far greater odds of getting out of that shit life. The choice is there for people to make. All people.


They don't have a baseless victim mindset, they are actually victims. They are victims of the Blue Wall that blocks police transparency, they are victims of the wealthy who don't want them in the same schools and so they block school redistribution, they are victims of conservative mindset that doesn't understand why the government has to pay for education.


Victim or Victor, what do you want to be in life? It starts there. Last I checked, kids can go to school where they like. In fact Trump does support school choice, charter schools and voucher programs. The people you speak of are victims of their own mindset and those that are keeping them down aren't the conservatives.


And you know what? if you got to know them most of them don't have a victim mindset, and they work hard, even though just based on the empirical odds of society the chance of making out of poverty are akin to winning the actual lottery.


I know a lot of them Kerry. I employ 315 people at my work that make between min. wage and $20hr typically. The number one reason they get fired or fail.....they don't show up for work or show on-time. There's always an excuse and I feel bad but I can't support lowering the bar of expectations for a few when I can fill the place with hundreds that will do what they need to do to succeed.


11% of Americans don't have Government issued ID in this country for reasons ranging from unable to produce the proper documents to having fines levied against them. Most of them Poor, elderly, or a minority.


Those same 11% have family, friends, churches or others and there are tons of others that can/will help. Hey, in the end, perhaps those very bottom dwellers who actually can't....shouldn't. Stay home and don't vote. All boils down to how bad do THEY want to do what needs done to vote.


I belevie ohio does, but this is based off watching someone get denied at the bmv while I was waiting to register a vehicle, not idea if the BMV was wrong or not.


I give little fucks about people who don't pay fines they own and they incurred. I refuse to lower the bar on that for anyone.


But yes Sometimes it is, esp if your summons is being sent to the wrong address because you didn't have ID when you got stopped and now the fees and interest have turned $50 or $90 into several hundred.


^^ perhaps they should have ensured they had their ID With them. That's on them not society. In turn those fees and interest are on them too. Pretty simple concept called personal responsibility.


I want all people to get some kind of opportunity and not have the system work harder against them the poorer they are.


I do too Kerry. The difference is you think the system is working against them when I see it as many of those people just don't want to work harder than others to get the same thing. They play a victim card when asked to do so. Sorry but that's life. We all have to face varying levels of efforts required to do what may not be the case for others.


I am not from a family of athletes or jocks and my genetics aren't going to help my son in track, but he recognizes that and trains harder, and works more than others who are naturally talented. He doesn't cry foul or play victim.

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ok, how about we make them free then. And also how about we don't refuse to give one if the person owes outstanding fines. At least three of those groups are disproprotionatly are affected by the lack of transparency in police enforcement and heavily penalized by the justice system.


Sure, I'd be in favor of free IDs with no restrictions on refusing to give one for outstanding fines. Just make sure you bring it to the voting booth (and all other official legal business); you've got no excuse now.

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Stop dating people who tell you what you want to hear. Find someone who tells it straight, even if you don't like it. Being an adult is about making the hard, right decisions, over the easy wrong decisions that.


There is a difference between "telling it straight" and just saying offensive shit to keep people entertained. Is it "telling it straight" when he says the majority of illegal immigrants are rapists? no. Is it offensive and entertaining? yes. Just because something is different from anything we have had before doesn't mean it's better, it just means it is different. I think a lot of Trump's message gets lost in the fact that he's wildly entertaining to watch.


Joe, the sad thing is the same thing can be said for those holding out for the republican party. It used to be the main battle between the parties was individual liberty vs Societal Liberty. But that left the GOP sometime around the 1970's when they started excising financial conservatives and taking money from religious organizations seeking to continue moral suppression. The Republicans aren't about individual liberty anymore, they are about telling you how to live but in a way that disadvantages women and minorities and lets you keep your guns. Yet there are still people here clinging to the GOP like it still means smaller government and individual freedoms based on two things out of a much larger platform. If you are not a White Christian Male making over $400K a year, the GOP has literally left you behind, but don't worry, they'll still let you keep your guns.

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There is a difference between "telling it straight" and just saying offensive shit to keep people entertained. Is it "telling it straight" when he says the majority of illegal immigrants are rapists? no.


He never said the MAJORITY are rapists. Please put that BS Liberal media talking point down. Kate's Law is solid and needs passed. Sanctuary City BS needs to go by the wayside. WTH anyone would support that shit is beyond me.


Is it offensive and entertaining? yes. Just because something is different from anything we have had before doesn't mean it's better, it just means it is different. I think a lot of Trump's message gets lost in the fact that he's wildly entertaining to watch.
He's not polished and yes, he's entertaining. Meh. Obama is super polished and can be entertaining too but he sucks ass IMO. No thanks. I'll set aside the polished political rhetoric this round and we aren't likely going to be any worse off. Certainly would never support Hit liar y as she's a disastrous train wreck of a lying sack of shit if ever there was one. She couldn't come across more fake and full of shit if she actually tried. The sense of entitlement she exhibits is laughable.


Both are hated as candidates by many but IMO with Trump, he knows it and does acknowledge it. He will tout his fan base of course but the difference is Hit liar y is a cunt who pretends the hate towards her doesn't exist, that she's loved by all and has earned her place in the white house and that people feel the same of her when in fact that's a crock. She will change her tune depending on who she's talking to as well. She gets that from Obamafail who plays the black-voice slang when he wants to then reverts back to perfect rhetoric when he needs to. Bullshit artists abound but I'll take the one who we know and who knows he's a bullshitter vs the the ones who will deny they are and pretend they aren't.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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We've all had that friend, or have been that friend who keeps getting in relationships with abusive and cheating people. No matter how many times your friends try to help you out and see that person is bad, you keep going back to be mistreated. That's what I'm getting from people supporting Clinton. Stop dating people who tell you what you want to hear. Find someone who tells it straight, even if you don't like it. Being an adult is about making the hard, right decisions, over the easy wrong decisions that.


Except Trump doesn't tell it straight.

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The answer is, because you can afford it. Why does that keep you up at night it's a pretty simple concept.


I can afford a lot of things. But I am cheap. In fact. Just tax me on what I spend my money on so that I can control how I am taxed in things considered non-necessities.


PS - people don't get to tell me that I can and cannot afford because that is a matter of opinion... that sadly has been turned into a standard.




Again not everybody has had the opportunities you have had


Some people have more opportunity and have done less and some people have had less opportunity and done more.


As a participant in society the cost of society providing you those opportunities is that you have to pay in to benefit the society as a whole, and the more you have pulled out the more is expected of you.


I already do benefit society, I have created thousands of jobs that pay higher than the current salary of the person that we employ.


If you want to be really pissed, the very wealthy have set up exemptions for them and don't pay their fair share into the system causing the people in the middle like you to carry the biggest burden. If you want to be pissed at a particular group, don't be pissed at the poor for whom you have to cover for because they can't, be pissed at the very rich you cover for who could cover for them selves and have just chosen not to for selfish reasons. You know like trump.


Why would I be pissed? Those are my aspirations (serious).


You are voting for the guy who fucks you over, wants to do it more, and you give him a pass for fucking you over because he has a lot of money and you kinda want to aspire to that. Seems pretty simple to me.


I don't "kinda want". I want.

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That's the definition of infringement





verb: infringe; 3rd person present: infringes; past tense: infringed; past participle: infringed; gerund or present participle: infringing


actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.).

"making an unauthorized copy would infringe copyright"

synonyms: contravene, violate, transgress, break, breach; More

disobey, defy, flout, fly in the face of;

disregard, ignore, neglect;

go beyond, overstep, exceed;


"the statute infringed constitutionally guaranteed rights"

antonyms: obey, comply with

act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on.

"his legal rights were being infringed"

synonyms: restrict, limit, curb, check, encroach on; More






Amendment II


A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.


The right to keep a gun for the security of a free state is not a hobby or recreational in any way. I will always agree you are allowed to have them. But that doesn't mean you don't have to have a permit or license to use them outside of use during your time in a well regulated militia.

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Amendment II


A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.


The right to keep a gun for the security of a free state is not a hobby or recreational in any way. I will always agree you are allowed to have them. But that doesn't mean you don't have to have a permit or license to use them outside of use during your time in a well regulated militia.


Amendment II


A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.


oh yeah, well your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

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In the end it still starts with the families at home. You aren't going to put a kid from the hood in the best schools around and see them do well if the parents aren't engaged.


Parenting alone will not put a book in the kids hand or a qualified teacher in the classroom. Money to buy those supplies will.


Yes, I can afford tutoring but we don't pay for that. My wife and I are engaged and very active in ensuring our kids do what needs done. It's called parenting. I don't care what your situation, if you brought child into this world you need to parent. Period.

Yes I agree, if you have kids you should parent. Even orphans should get good parenting but who is gonna do it? Still isn't going to put a book in the kids hand if the school and the parent can't afford it.





It's not garbage. Just the same you apparently choose to not believe people have a responsibility and role and standards to meet that are the same as those around them and even if they have advantages others don't. There too, just because you don't believe such exists in life doesn't mean it's not true just the same. The difference is when you don't believe what I'm sharing...you get caught up in generations of shit-life. If you recognize and acknowlege and work to change things, you stand far far greater odds of getting out of that shit life. The choice is there for people to make. All people.


Thinking the system is actively working against people of particular backgrounds doesn't mean you forgo personal responsibility. A person can still be very responsible and still get fucked over by everything from the system of education to the system of public transportation.



Victim or Victor, what do you want to be in life? It starts there. Last I checked, kids can go to school where they like.

Really I am pretty sure the Dublin School board would have something to say if my kid just showed up at a Dublin school considering I currently live in a Columbus city school district. Fortunately I have the money to move, others do not.




I know a lot of them Kerry. I employ 315 people at my work that make between min. wage and $20hr typically. The number one reason they get fired or fail.....they don't show up for work or show on-time. There's always an excuse and I feel bad but I can't support lowering the bar of expectations for a few when I can fill the place with hundreds that will do what they need to do to succeed.

Great, so you are going to support funding and building out public transportation then so they don't have that as an excuse anymore? I mean come on Tim, there is a threshold of reasonableness and you are getting pretty close to crossing it just for the sake of argument, or do you really as a benevolent boss not cut people slack for life getting in the way?



Those same 11% have family, friends, churches or others and there are tons of others that can/will help. Hey, in the end, perhaps those very bottom dwellers who actually can't....shouldn't. Stay home and don't vote. All boils down to how bad do THEY want to do what needs done to vote.

Actually, maybe they do and maybe they don't, but I suspect if they did the number would be lower. Somehow you are ok with the community picking up the slack but refuse to see the nation as one community when it tries to pick up the slack? now who is exercising a double standard.


I give little fucks about people who don't pay fines they own and they incurred. I refuse to lower the bar on that for anyone.

Great, so I expect you to support police transparency reform so that we can make sure those fines were levied fairly and accurately in the first place.


^^ perhaps they should have ensured they had their ID With them. That's on them not society. In turn those fees and interest are on them too. Pretty simple concept called personal responsibility.

if they had the ID, which is unlikely because they might be minors. Think about it at 15 years old how many documents did you have that had your name on it and your address back then?



I do too Kerry. The difference is you think the system is working against them when I see it as many of those people just don't want to work harder than others to get the same thing.
The system is working against them you just refuse to see it.


I am not from a family of athletes or jocks and my genetics aren't going to help my son in track, but he recognizes that and trains harder, and works more than others who are naturally talented. He doesn't cry foul or play victim.


Yeah but your track coach isn't hitting him in the shin and no one else before each meet either, right? A race official isn't coming in and inspecting his gear and no-one else's and then told he is ineligible before a race and has to obtain new gear, is he? Your kids track program isn't telling him he has to share his uniform with another kid who isn't his size because there wasn't enough money to go around. No he shows up to the program and get's the same advantage to fail or succeed on his merit. Well the American school system doesn't work like that and it should.

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Bob we get it, you are well off. Just need to buy your 02 Cougar now.





PS - people don't get to tell me that I can and cannot afford because that is a matter of opinion... that sadly has been turned into a standard.



Hysterical... my stomach muscles hurt......



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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Why would I be pissed? Those are my aspirations (serious).

I don't "kinda want". I want.


Got it. You Goal is to fuck over the upper middle class once you are no longer part of it. Well, at least you are consistent.


If you are so concerned with paying less in taxes, taxing those richer than you, who already aren't paying their share, would remove some of that burden, not making the poor pay more. You can't get orange juice from a stone but you can get it from a big fat rich orange that smugly refuses to give up it's juice

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Got it. You Goal is to fuck over the upper middle class once you are no longer part of it. Well, at least you are consistent.


If you are so concerned with paying less in taxes, taxing those richer than you, who already aren't paying their share, would remove some of that burden, not making the poor pay more. You can't get orange juice from a stone but you can get it from a big fat rich orange that smugly refuses to give up it's juice


My goal is to be rich. Why do I have to be concerned for strangers. Are they concerned for me?

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I did not imagine it went SO deep. It explains CNNMSNBCCBSABCNYT, they are literally bought an paid for.


Also, did not realize they trade in cash AND children. Sick how the Saudis provide kids for the pedo-circus these people like to attend. When the simple question was asked is Bill a pedo and he just said, "Yes". I was like, ahhhh, that is why they are friends with Wiener.


Crazy chit all around.

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