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Official Clown Show AKA Presidential Race


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I'm assuming you're kidding here, because it is funny. But certainly not true, and I'm unsure if the 2 people who commented after you is just going with the joke or really think that illegals can vote.


Well let's take a look at California specifically. There is an estimated 650,000 illegals in that state. California also has made it legal for illegals to obtain a drivers license (can't quite get my head around that).


Now it is my understanding that in most places you simply have to have an state issued ID and an addresss to register to vote. (I'm not clear on how it works in CA).


Now while I understand it is not LEGAL to vote if you are not a citizen, an illegal immigrant now has all the tools they need in order to vote.


Of course they would never do anything illegal, especially when the candidate they are voting against is threatening to kick them out of the country.


You're right. Stupid of anyone to consider that a possibility. My apologies, carry on.

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If you voted for Trump, you gave your tacit approval to be just like him....which is terrifying to a lot of folks who don't look like you. It isn't a hard perspective to understand, given all that the man has said and done.


If, four years from now, Trump has turned into an effective, maybe even "good" president, then I will happily eat my crow with a side of "you told me so". However, I feel like that is about as likely as him not even making it the full four years.


I think this is an excellent perspective that is overlooked by a lot of people who supported Trump. SJWs come across as salty, but there were genuinely committed people to certain causes Hillary supported who had the door shut on them by the "angry masses". At best - understandably only days after the Election - a Trump presidency and policy platform is a true unknown, and therefore scary to those expecting to continue 8+ years of progressive policies.

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Well let's take a look at California specifically. There is an estimated 650,000 illegals in that state. California also has made it legal for illegals to obtain a drivers license (can't quite get my head around that).


Now it is my understanding that in most places you simply have to have an state issued ID and an addresss to register to vote. (I'm not clear on how it works in CA).


Now while I understand it is not LEGAL to vote if you are not a citizen, an illegal immigrant now has all the tools they need in order to vote.


Of course they would never do anything illegal, especially when the candidate they are voting against is threatening to kick them out of the country.


You're right. Stupid of anyone to consider that a possibility. My apologies, carry on.


Well each state has it's way of doing things, but all at some point will check that you are a citizen. How do I know this? Well I've personally gone through the process myself here in Ohio.


It's not as simple as flashing your ID. If that was the case, LEGAL non-citizens would be voting all the time. If an illegal tries to vote, he has to be pretty ballsy or just plain dumb. It will just get him caught and bye bye America. Now, I'm sure it would be possible for someone to slip through the cracks somehow, but fucking good luck.

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Well each state has it's way of doing things, but all at some point will check that you are a citizen. How do I know this? Well I've personally gone through the process myself here in Ohio.


It's not as simple as flashing your ID. If that was the case, LEGAL non-citizens would be voting all the time. If an illegal tries to vote, he has to be pretty ballsy or just plain dumb. It will just get him caught and bye bye America. Now, I'm sure it would be possible for someone to slip through the cracks somehow, but fucking good luck.


Gone through it in what way? Were you doing the checking or being checked? I'd be interested in hearing about this process and what it entailed.

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Some are pretentious asses. You'd never know that's what I do if you met me, and that's how I like it.


Wish more were like you then. I avoid anything medical related because of the pretentious assfucks i know ill encounter. If they are on "my level" and dont sling big words around to sound smart and dumb it down to where it makes sense its cool.

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has anyone here who supports trump called anyone names? On the other hand, its the first thing you did.


I didn't read the whole thread, so I don't know if there was name calling before I started spitting out my bullshit. I'd find it hard to believe, I don't get on here as much as I used to, but that's part of what made this place great, plenty of lulz and entertainment.



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Im well aware of how our system works, thank you very much.


I was referring to Kirks ability to math on the popular vote. ;)

He stated that Trump won the popular vote.


Comprehension > everyone who misread my post. I know if you count each beating heart as an individual, then she won the popular vote. Read my post again

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