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There is no fair use section that covers it. I am not a public figure and it was specifically for harassment purposes. try again.


Section 107 specifically covers it.


I'd love to see the reaction if you took it to trial. It would be laughable and you know it.


"But they made fun of me! I'm gonna SUE!"

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Section 107 specifically covers it.


I'd love to see the reaction if you took it to trial. It would be laughable and you know it.


"But they made fun of me! I'm gonna SUE!"


sigh....you finished?


section 107 only covers it if:

1) you are not an attorney and feel like interpreting it any which way you like

2) you ignore a hundred years of case law.



the copyright office lays out how courts would weigh this:



I guess the upside is that you are spending this afternoon learning about something you were previously ignorant of by researching it on the internet just so you can argue with some asshole you've never met.

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sigh....you finished?


section 107 only covers it if:

1) you are not an attorney and feel like interpreting it any which way you like

2) you ignore a hundred years of case law.



the copyright office lays out how courts would weigh this:



I guess the upside is that you are spending this afternoon learning about something you were previously ignorant of by researching it on the internet just so you can argue with some asshole you've never met.


There you go buddy! That's what I was talking about! Way to use facts to back up your argument!




If you keep this up, you'll eventually earn some credibility! I'm glad I could lend a hand in your marked improvement. I'm so proud.


Edit: I'm still confused about how the court would view the fourth factor and how the original copyright owner (i.e., NOT YOU) would have been affected: Effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work

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So...since this is the political thread, does anybody want to talk about how the media isn't really talking about the FBI and it's apparent leak problem or the fact that the republicans aren't really back stopping James Comey even though he broke a longstanding tradition of the bureau to not interfere in elections.


Is everyone cool with Sessions as the Attorney General, as well? So far, not only is the swamp not feeling drained at all, it's actually starting to look more like it did in the 1950's...

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Is everyone cool with Sessions as the Attorney General, as well? So far, not only is the swamp not feeling drained at all, it's actually starting to look more like it did in the 1950's...


Fuck yea, lock up or deport them minorities. I too was cool with the KKK until I learned they smoke pot.


this is a joke for anyone that dumb

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So far, not only is the swamp not feeling drained at all, it's actually starting to look more like it did in the 1950's...


esp since we have people talking about internment camps and Newt Gingrich shouting for the comeback of the House Un-American Activities Committee (which he did back in june).




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So...since this is the political thread, does anybody want to talk about how the media isn't really talking about the FBI and it's apparent leak problem or the fact that the republicans aren't really back stopping James Comey even though he broke a longstanding tradition of the bureau to not interfere in elections.


Tradition != law. Comey did nothing wrong. Thank your CNN overlords for blowing his letter to Congress (which IS required by law) out of proportion.

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A little late to the party - I tend to do Politics in large doses. Then quit.


My take (and I was going to touch on this before I saw your post, Grant. How coincidental you mentioned the 3 of us)


Kerry - You're a seriously smart Motherfucker, no denying that. Probably one of the smartest guys on here. Accept and recognize constructive criticism when you see it, especially from those who don't post that often. There's alot of smart people on here. Not everyone is trying to troll. Mensan gave you an honest, point-for-point peer review, sans personal attacks.


It was a classy move that deserved a classy response, Which you 404'd at.


I like your posts. I appreciate your knowledge. I believe you're an Asset here. I speak for many when I say damn-dude, you know some shit. I (along with many others) enjoy a lot of your posts.


That said, try not to take everything as an attack - I know it can be difficult with people like Grantrums taking shots at every corner (why you so mad at Intellects, Grant?) Just try to keep in mind that not everyone on here is trying to hate. I know. It's hard.




Mensan>Geeto>acklac>ForrestGump (the one from the movie)>Grant



Edited by acklac7
Prose n Shit
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Maybe I say that because I'm not that smart #TBH


Also, it could be that I have never been concerned with being smart about things that other people do.


Being good at what you do on a daily basis along with good work ethic is more important than knowing random political facts from 50 years ago to prove how "smart" you are, unless your job requires you to know that stuff.

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Intelligence>Knowledge>Money>lots of stuff>Schooling



The difference between knowledge and intelligence is key here. Knowledge is the collection of skills and information a person has acquired through experience. Intelligence is the ability to apply knowledge. Just because someone lacks knowledge of a particular subject doesn’t mean they can’t apply their intelligence to help solve problems.


Knowledge is wonderful, but it fades as techniques and technologies come and go. Intelligence sustains. Its borders extend beyond any technique or technology, and that makes all the difference.

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Intelligence>Knowledge>Money>lots of stuff>Schooling


This is a great post.


There is a current philosophical argument about what knowledge actually is. It seems like a laughable topic, but if you read what people consider the definition of knowledge to be, and why the argument exists, it makes you question your knowledge. I'll see if I can find it.

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