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People that claim obama care gave them insurance for the first time in their life, what do you do for a living? Working a McJob or sitting on your McAss?


Self employed, small business, startup entrepreneurs who don't get insurance through a company who has to pay twice as much tax as it is already than people who work for a company.

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It completely boggles my mind how many people on Facebook are STILL going on about Trump supporters being xenophobic/sexist/racist. Physically attacking Trump supporters for their political views. By all means, keep doing it! This is the shit that got him elected to begin with. Party of tolerance my ass. I think we all agree that there's a lot of division in this country right now, but the irony is that a vast majority of it is coming from the exact same group of people claiming to be oppressed. The democratic party is a fucking joke right now.


And +1, the video Brian posted is spot on.


for about the last 20 years I've said the left is fully in support of freedom of expression and freedom of speech.......as long as they agree with it. Once your thoughts are different than theirs they get nasty and start placing labels on you. So far this week has been really nice....it's been a long time coming. Hopefully in 4 years we can re-elect Trump and have Liberal meltdown v2.0 just for the show.

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I'm willing to take a shot. Keep Obummercare but take away the penalty for not having insurance... I bet I know what happens.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


It's not a bad idea. Let the shit fail by itself, then it's pretty hard to pin Trump as the bad guy that took away your insurance. Costs are only going to continue to go up until they stabilize at the "true" market price of insurance.

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Self employed, small business, startup entrepreneurs who don't get insurance through a company who has to pay twice as much tax as it is already than people who work for a company.


Nope. Try again. I've yet to see someone in my office with fuck-o-Care who meets that description

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Nope. Try again. I've yet to see someone in my office with fuck-o-Care who meets that description


Lol, so you're going to sit there and tell me what my situation is? Now I have had insurance in the past because I was employed by someone, so it's not the first time having health insurance, to Jeff's point.

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Lol, so you're going to sit there and tell me what my situation is? Now I have had insurance in the past because I was employed by someone, so it's not the first time having health insurance, to Jeff's point.


He clearly stated he has not seen anyone fit that bill in HIS office...based on HIS personal experiences. I don't think he mentioned you specifically at all? Have you been in his office? ;)


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Lol, so you're going to sit there and tell me what my situation is? Now I have had insurance in the past because I was employed by someone, so it's not the first time having health insurance, to Jeff's point.


Did I mention you specifically? You're speaking in generalizations based on your individual experience. I'm speaking generalizations based on an extremely busy medical practice. Your N=1. Mine is several orders of magnitude larger.


But since you mentioned yourself, let me dissect your situation. You seem like a reasonably intelligent person, despite your voting preference. How often did you utilize your insurance? Do you see a family doctor for routine checkups? When you have a cold, where do you go?


I'm guessing you have a family doctor that ypu see once a year and you go there when you have a cold. If you were the classic Obamacare user, you don't have a family dr, you miss appointments constantly, yet always have time to reschedule, you use the er for regular care, and you literally never follow instructions.

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Did I mention you specifically? You're speaking in generalizations based on your individual experience. I'm speaking generalizations based on an extremely busy medical practice. Your N=1. Mine is several orders of magnitude larger.


But since you mentioned yourself, let me dissect your situation. You seem like a reasonably intelligent person, despite your voting preference. How often did you utilize your insurance? Do you see a family doctor for routine checkups? When you have a cold, where do you go?


I'm guessing you have a family doctor that ypu see once a year and you go there when you have a cold. If you were the classic Obamacare user, you don't have a family dr, you miss appointments constantly, yet always have time to reschedule, you use the er for regular care, and you literally never follow instructions.


Lol, nice work Doc.

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I'm guessing you have a family doctor that ypu see once a year and you go there when you have a cold. If you were the classic Obamacare user, you don't have a family dr, you miss appointments constantly, yet always have time to reschedule, you use the er for regular care, and you literally never follow instructions.


You literally just described my piece of shit mooch of a brother. No PCP, 3 kids in a "blended" family (being nice b/c the kids really are good kids). ANY time someone gets sick or shows a remote sign of illness they're in the ER. After all why does he care he's not paying for it CareSource is. (I THINK it's called CareSource, and yes I understand this may/may not be the same as obamacare)

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Care source is fucking garbage. Yes speaking from experience. The offer identical plans through the "marketplace " and privately. PCP accepts both but does not offer same service for both. My daughters could get their checkup/physical at the pediatrician but they would not administer vaccinations because we had the marketplace plan. So much happier now with our own plan even if it is much more expensive. Bring back the competition. Edited by KentStateTsi
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Did I mention you specifically? You're speaking in generalizations based on your individual experience. I'm speaking generalizations based on an extremely busy medical practice. Your N=1. Mine is several orders of magnitude larger.


But since you mentioned yourself, let me dissect your situation. You seem like a reasonably intelligent person, despite your voting preference. How often did you utilize your insurance? Do you see a family doctor for routine checkups? When you have a cold, where do you go?


I'm guessing you have a family doctor that ypu see once a year and you go there when you have a cold. If you were the classic Obamacare user, you don't have a family dr, you miss appointments constantly, yet always have time to reschedule, you use the er for regular care, and you literally never follow instructions.


Sure, that's all we can really do, base things on our own experiences. I don't doubt you know a crap ton more than I do about these things, you are a doctor after all, right?


I hardly ever used my insurance. I'm pretty healthy, rarely get sick but when I do get a cold I'd just let my immune system take care of it, depending on the severity. I try to never use any type of drug if I don't need to.


I do not have a family doctor. I can't even remember the last time I visited a GP...maybe back in high school.


I do however always visit my dentist every 6 months for cleanings.


Earlier this year I was diagnosed with having psoriasis. Obviously had to go see a dermatologist for that. I have very small patches so the tube of lotion will last me quite a while before having to get it refilled. So now I do have a regular prescription I need to get, but not like it's life threatening.


The plan I had through my previous employer was an HSA plan. It happened to work out a little cheaper, and I get to put money into an account pre-tax, and it's always mine, instead of paying it to an insurance company for which I rarely used.


So when I left my employer, I got my COBRA letter in the mail and to keep my insurance it would've been ~$500. It was cheaper through Obamacare for a similar plan, it would've been around $290 I believe. I shopped around a bit, but obama's was always the cheaper rate.


I am now working with the company I do contracting for on an insurance plan, so I would no longer need .gov insurance...good timing.

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He clearly stated he has not seen anyone fit that bill in HIS office...based on HIS personal experiences. I don't think he mentioned you specifically at all? Have you been in his office? ;)



He clearly said nope, I am wrong, as in what I was describing is impossible. That's what I got out of it at least...but no, haven't been to his office.


PS: It's been a while since I've seen or heard from you. You still around here?

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PS: It's been a while since I've seen or heard from you. You still around here?


Yessir...over in Hilliard now but I still work in Dublin. I basically live at my office :lol: .


You still in the area? We should grab some drinks sometime soon. Your number the same?


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Yessir...over in Hilliard now but I still work in Dublin. I basically live at my office :lol: .


You still in the area? We should grab some drinks sometime soon. Your number the same?



I hear ya.


Yup, I'm still around, same number. Last time I saw you, you bought me a shot. I owe you one.

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Sure, that's all we can really do, base things on our own experiences. I don't doubt you know a crap ton more than I do about these things, you are a doctor after all, right?


I hardly ever used my insurance. I'm pretty healthy, rarely get sick but when I do get a cold I'd just let my immune system take care of it, depending on the severity. I try to never use any type of drug if I don't need to.


I do not have a family doctor. I can't even remember the last time I visited a GP...maybe back in high school.


I do however always visit my dentist every 6 months for cleanings.


Earlier this year I was diagnosed with having psoriasis. Obviously had to go see a dermatologist for that. I have very small patches so the tube of lotion will last me quite a while before having to get it refilled. So now I do have a regular prescription I need to get, but not like it's life threatening.


The plan I had through my previous employer was an HSA plan. It happened to work out a little cheaper, and I get to put money into an account pre-tax, and it's always mine, instead of paying it to an insurance company for which I rarely used.


So when I left my employer, I got my COBRA letter in the mail and to keep my insurance it would've been ~$500. It was cheaper through Obamacare for a similar plan, it would've been around $290 I believe. I shopped around a bit, but obama's was always the cheaper rate.


I am now working with the company I do contracting for on an insurance plan, so I would no longer need .gov insurance...good timing.



The point is, you've always had some sort of health insurance, and are a responsible adult. You use it as it was meant to be used. You are the less than 1%, in terms of Obamacare. And because you're healthy and don't go to the dr for every little complaint, you are almost never seen in a dr's office. The counterpart, is a 45 year old woman who weighs 270lbs, and comes to see me for knee pain. She has no real problem, other then the fact she's a semi truck rolling around on Prius tires. She comes in for one visit, and asks for pain meds. Because she really just needs to lose weight and build strength, I offer physical therapy. She doesn't go to therapy, but instead goes to the er when her knee pain doesn't go away. The er doc tells her she might need an MRI because the X-rays are negative and he's just trying to get her the fuck out of his EMERGENCY room. She comes back to my office after missing 2-3 appointments. Because she doesn't have a job, she's always free to schedule appointments. She claims she needs an MRI because the er doc said so, yet she will not do therapy, lose weight, or take anti-inflammatories. And she still hasn't gotten a family dr despite my recommendation to do so.


After the MRI is negative, I tell her to go to therapy, and she whines about not having transportation. After a few more missed visits and maybe a cortisone shot, she finally drops the real reason she's seeing me. She can't possibly work with this knee and wants to go on disability and wonders if I'll fill out the disability paperwork. Meanwhile, my office has a 4 week wait to get in and the people with real problems are fucked because they work and don't have the flexibility of a non-working, 45 year old slob. Thanks a lot Obama. This is my practice. Sure, I've come up with some creative ways to combat this. But I shouldn't have to.


For every person like you, who I would almost never see in my office, there are 1000 inappropriate users who abuse the fuck out of the system.


I don't know how old you are, but you should get plugged in with a family dr, for a yearly physical. If you're ever sick, throw your back out, or have a non-emergent yet urgent healthcare need, they are your ally, and immediately accessible as well as much cheaper than the er or even urgent care. And it's someone who knows you

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I don't know how old you are, but you should get plugged in with a family dr, for a yearly physical. If you're ever sick, throw your back out, or have a non-emergent yet urgent healthcare need, they are your ally, and immediately accessible as well as much cheaper than the er or even urgent care. And it's someone who knows you


I hear you. I'm 32, getting older and need to start doing yearly visits.


On your example...yeah I can't stand people like that. I guess I don't know how that's Obama's fault. Are you saying because it's more affordable to get health care, this person in your example isn't taking care of herself because she knows insurance will pay for treatment instead of taking responsibility and losing weight?


What would the alternative be? Make insurance out of reach for her so that she needs to choose between losing weight or die without help? The way I feel about people like that, I want to say yeah, fuck them...they made their bed now lay it it...but it's just not right. That also punishes the people who legitimately need it. And a side note, she is exactly who I see as the typical right wing, anti-left person, but is the first one to take handouts and bitch and moan about her rights to healthcare. Call it stereotyping, wrong, but it is what it is.

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Thanks a lot Obama. This is my practice. Sure, I've come up with some creative ways to combat this. But I shouldn't have to.


Just curious, how do you combat someone like this?


I've always held the belief that you simply cannot help someone who refuses to help themselves (this woman being a prime example) and to do so is a waste of time and resources.

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