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Official Clown Show AKA Presidential Race


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I honestly think Trump won that debate last night. .




If Clinton was running an honest campaign, it'd probably be a different election. Nobody called Trump a racist before 2015




I the republicans nominated anyone qualified for the office it would have been a slam dunk.




In the end, I'll be hitting the poles and while I'm not for Trump, I am against the most corrupt bitch in Washington.

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If Clinton was running an honest campaign, it'd probably be a different election. Nobody called Trump a racist before 2015


I'm pretty sure the federal government was calling him racist in the 1970's or at least their version of it which is the justice department citing him for fair housing violations against black tenants. But it was the 70's so casual racism wasn't that big a deal....:dumb:



I the republicans nominated anyone qualified for the office it would have been a slam dunk.


They did, They nominated Hillary by allowing the party to become so morally and religious-ly focused that someone with a lot of money could literally fuck it into the ground... which is why so many are crossing the aisle to back her now.


I skipped the second debate. the election year is a spectacle but even I am worn out with constant parade character assaults. I say the best statement we can collectively make as a country is low voter turn out. just don't vote - it will send some kind of message.

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I disagree with this - The Dems figured out a way to make Mitt Romney out to be satan himself.


What ever happened to his binder full of women and his magical underwear that turned out to be not so magical on election night?




At this point even Gary Johnson, who doesn't seem to know anything or anyone outside of the country is a better choice than Trump.


What worries me the most is that the GOP implodes on itself so much that it turns into a 1 major party system with a bunch of little parties scraping for votes that turn out to be meaningless.

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What ever happened to his binder full of women and his magical underwear that turned out to be not so magical on election night?




At this point even Gary Johnson, who doesn't seem to know anything or anyone outside of the country is a better choice than Trump.


What worries me the most is that the GOP implodes on itself so much that it turns into a 1 major party system with a bunch of little parties scraping for votes that turn out to be meaningless.


What do you mean at this point? At what point was Trump or Hillary a better choice than Gary? :confused:

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no one is going to lose in this election as much as the american people. No matter who wins we're in deep shit. What's ridiculous are all the professional politicians denouncing Trump when everyone knows they're just as bad, if not worse, than he is. We need more mic's behind closed doors with all the politicians and lets just see what they have to say when they think it's a private conversation. Even Hillary....that recording would be the worst of them all I believe.
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Hillary has always been a better choice.


Them fighting words right there buddy.


The best choice this Election is John-Fucking-Kasich.


Make a Statement and write-in for him :thumbup:


Y'all conservatives done been trolled like a motherfucker.

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Johnson isn't a true Libertarian.


Regardless, him not knowing where or who anyone/thing is outside the US in my eyes is a good thing. Focus on our issues at home before we go out trying to fix/police the world.


If theres one thing I can agree on with Trump on it's taking care of ISIS.


Not trying to rip on you Grant,I honestly appreciate your insight, but you're probably to young to remember how Bill Clinton delt with Al-Qaeda in the 90's.


I'll never forget waking up to the smoked-out shot of New York after the Towers fell, and my Dad screaming: This.Is.War.


ISIS needs to be delt with.

Edited by acklac7
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If theres one thing I can agree on with Trump on it's taking care of ISIS.


Not trying to rip on you Grant,I honestly appreciate your insight, but you're probably to young to remember how Bill Clinton delt with Al-Qaeda in the 90's.


I'll never forget waking up to the smoked-out shot of New York after the Towers fell, and my Dad screaming: This.Is.War.


ISIS needs to be delt with.


I can guarantee you the candidate who will not deal effectively with ISIL. She will however figure a scheme to blend her "private and public position" to gather additional proceeds to her wealth.




The legitimacy of the emails have not been verified just yet, however all signs indicate they are "real". The conflict of interest is astounding, its down right criminal frankly...

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If theres one thing I can agree on with Trump on it's taking care of ISIS.


Not trying to rip on you Grant,I honestly appreciate your insight, but you're probably to young to remember how Bill Clinton delt with Al-Qaeda in the 90's.


I'll never forget waking up to the smoked-out shot of New York after the Towers fell, and my Dad screaming: This.Is.War.


ISIS needs to be delt with.


You have a better chance of me driving 8 hours to your home and killing you, than being iced in a terrorist attack.



You agree with Trump, on his plan to take care of isis? He has zero plan?! "Knock the hell outta em" :lolguy::lolguy::lolguy::lolguy::lolguy:



Anderson: Mr. Trump, you realize you're admitting to sexual assault?


Trump: isis, were goin knock the hell outta em.



His base must really love that bulletproof plan

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I know your comment is sarcasm, but if you truly didn't know of Hillary's dealings in the middle east, you are an idiot. I don't see how anyone can remotely defend any of it. "Knock the hell out of em" sounds like a MUCH better plan than selling weapons and uranium and turning around and intentionally getting innocent Americans killed.


One of the two MIGHT fuck up the middle east, one already did and will continue to. Not a hard pick.

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Let me again start by saying I'm not aboard the Clinton train...


Do you know any more about Hillary's "dealings" in the middle east than the trump camp and/or GOP is feeding you? Do you know anything about strikingly similar middle eastern "dealings" perpetrated by other politicians (and other high level investors) past and present? Do you know what series of events were widely accepted to be the cause of the "fucked up" state of the middle east, before the Trump campaign spread the views that most benefit their position?


If your answer to any of the above is no, should I reasonably declare you an idiot?

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Hillary's shady dealings in the Middle East were a thing long before Trump even thought of becoming the president. Don't kid yourself. George W Bush creating the black hole of power does not justify anything Obama and Hillary have done.
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