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2013 Lexus GS350 F-Sport Looking Sexy


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Patrick brought his new Daily Driver, a 2013 Lexus with 80k+ on the ODO over for a bit of a refresh and coating so that it stays nice year-round.


The car overall was in pretty clean shape outside a number of scratches from the Previous Owner. The gloss was good but not outstanding likely due in part to the P.O. not doing much with it.


Goal was to take it up a few notches but not worry about perfection because as Patrick said, if it looks too good he might start to care/worry about it and as a DD he didn't didn't need that stress. Sorry to say, it's time to start resisting Patrick as the car responsded beautifully to the single step polish I gave it. Darn near 100% full correction outside a couple of deeper scratches that the PO touched up with the wrong color paint :doh: That's something we can always address and fix later though.


Anyway, it's looking sexy in my gararge and I love the car overall. It was on my short list when shopping and now it's back on the list of cars to get for the wife....whether she likes it or not. :p


On with the show....


Before Pic showing slightly dirty side of her and certainly one without any last step protection on it so dirt clung to her like velcro.




Once really bad and very clear clear-coat etch from a bird turd. Tried with care to reduce it but care has to be had as the clear coat here is likely nearly gone. It's hardly noticeable to anyone unless you point it out. A good example to others though to show the power of poop.





In the end she cleaned up awesome. 1 Step polish and a coating to seal in the goodness.






Now the flake really pops in the sunshine!








I love this front end




Reflection of my organized chaos garage :o





Thanks for viewing and thanks to Patrick for the opportunity and trust to bring his daily driver to perfection. Lexus...you're no longer in need of pursuing it as it's above!


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