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Active Shooter on OSU Campus


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Was that really his name? I heard he was Somalian. Now just awaiting a tweet from Trump ;)

He already has.

I was half expecting it to be a Michigan fan.


Fully expecting it to be a white dude until the weapon was a knife and not a gun

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I was half expecting it to be a Michigan fan.


Example of bringing a knife to a gun fight with poorly training law enforcement. Good job OSU police, for not letting something like this go down.




^^ this.


Although I'm not sure how the heck those guys let that happen. Poorly trained is an understatement. Huge Understatement. Who was shooting? Doesn't seem like they hit a damn thing at first.

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Been watching CNN for the past hour; not the first mention. You never would have known it happened. Incredible.


Cnn.com has it big on their front page...


"Attacker was of Somali descent."


At least they're calling it how it is and not trying to brush it under the rug. I'm not a racist or anything, but if the vast majority of a race/religion/culture or whatever provide only negatives to society, is there a purpose for them being here?

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Cnn.com has it big on their front page...


"Attacker was of Somali descent."


At least they're calling it how it is and not trying to brush it under the rug. I'm not a racist or anything, but if the vast majority of a race/religion/culture or whatever provide only negatives to society, is there a purpose for them being here?



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Cnn.com has it big on their front page...


"Attacker was of Somali descent."


At least they're calling it how it is and not trying to brush it under the rug. I'm not a racist or anything, but if the vast majority of a race/religion/culture or whatever provide only negatives to society, is there a purpose for them being here?


yeah we should totally condemn the tens of thousands of similar race/religion/culture because of a few fuck ups.


Tell you what, you can deport all those people if you agree to deport all the protestants too since the Klan is a Protestant organization. good deal?


Pro tip: if you start a sentence with "i'm not racist or anything but..." you are going to say something racist.

I suppose it's asking too much to just wait till details surface before y'all just jump to the racist/nationalist conclusions you are going to jump to anyway? There are real injured people here - show some concern for them instead...mmmkay? do what you can to support those people before you grab your pitchforks and torches.

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yeah we should totally condemn the tens of thousands of similar race/religion/culture because of a few fuck ups.


Tell you what, you can deport all those people if you agree to deport all the protestants too since the Klan is a Protestant organization. good deal?


Pro tip: if you start a sentence with "i'm not racist or anything but..." you are going to say something racist.

I suppose it's asking too much to just wait till details surface before y'all just jump to the racist/nationalist conclusions you are going to jump to anyway? There are real injured people here - show some concern for them instead...mmmkay? do what you can to support those people before you grab your pitchforks and torches.


I knew this would set you off. Your PC attitude just got bent out of shape because of one comment.

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yeah we should totally condemn the tens of thousands of similar race/religion/culture because of a few fuck ups.


Tell you what, you can deport all those people if you agree to deport all the protestants too since the Klan is a Protestant organization. good deal?


Pro tip: if you start a sentence with "i'm not racist or anything but..." you are going to say something racist.

I suppose it's asking too much to just wait till details surface before y'all just jump to the racist/nationalist conclusions you are going to jump to anyway? There are real injured people here - show some concern for them instead...mmmkay? do what you can to support those people before you grab your pitchforks and torches.


You probably believe in reverse racism.

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I knew this would set you off. Your PC attitude just got bent out of shape because of one comment.


bent out of shape how? you are just one comment in a string of many here saying the same thing - you just used the most words and two of your concepts are just not intelligent: 1 incident does not make a "vast majority" and saying I'm not racist but...loses all credibility when the next thing you say is racist.


All I am saying is rather than rush to prove how much of not a racist you are, why not show some compassion for the victims?


Pro Tip: "PC" is really just code for making an effort to not insult people for no reason. Those who oppose it are really just looking to say really offensive things with no societal repercussions.

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it sounds like there were only 5 victims (if the dispatch is to be believed). Two stabbed, two hit with a car, and one unspecified. Glad it was fewer than the 9 reported earlier:




It's funny how in our "instant media" age we are so eager for information we can't get the details right. It started out as a shooting with three suspects and 9 injured this morning and is now a single deceased suspect with 5 confirmed injuries. Glad this turned out to be less of an incident than reported.

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bent out of shape how? you are just one comment in a string of many here saying the same thing - you just used the most words and two of your concepts are just not intelligent: 1 incident does not make a "vast majority" and saying I'm not racist but...loses all credibility when the next thing you say is racist.


All I am saying is rather than rush to prove how much of not a racist you are, why not show some compassion for the victims?


Pro Tip: "PC" is really just code for making an effort to not insult people for no reason. Those who oppose it are really just looking to say really offensive things with no societal repercussions.



So this was the first incident this year in Columbus with a Somali attacking a group of people with a large knife/machete this year?


That's not even my point. I'd like to see statistics of what percentage of Somalians are receiving government assistance, along with violent crime rates per capita.

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