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Active Shooter on OSU Campus


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Cant wait to see him and his safety pin at C&C.....


And do what?


Just unbelievable that people like this woman and Kerry can have sympathy towards someone who just tried to kill as many innocent people as possible.


she doesn't want to see people celebrate killing someone and want's to recognize where OSU failed in making someone in their community feel included. It's not sympathizing to not want celebrating where someone is killed - It's just avoiding being tacky.





Basically Kerry is saying, "well if he was made fun of, i can let him off the hook a little as it would be hard"


Not saying that at all, and have specifically stated that in earlier posts. But illiteracy is a motherfucker and right now it's fucking you. Those who don't know/understand history are doomed to repeat it. We are repeating the same lessons over and over again and not learning anything from it. But it isn't going to stop those from trying.


You beat me to it, Tim :) ...was trying to delete my post because while it gives good insight to how I view the world and act on a daily basis, I don't care what the response is from Kerry or anyone else.


I don't think either approached it correctly but I don't know the details and you clearly don't want my opinion anyway.


Oh my fucking god, I absolutely love this!!!


Does anyone really need anymore proof of the "not my/our fault" mentality he spews on here?


I bet you would make fun of the handicapped too. Classy bunch.


You don't get sympathy if you don't define your pain to the world.

who is looking for sympathy?



how much to ban geeto

someone make a gofundme

If we all kick in $20......


That say you can't put a price on internet butt-hurt - but that doesn't seem like its gonna stop you from trying. Lotta sandy vaginas in here :gabe:

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Blah blah blah blah


Blah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blah



Blah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blah


sandy vaginas Blah blah blah blah :gabe:



Your "Voice of Reason" goes absolutely nowhere here. In two years you'd think you'd have learned that.

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Your "Voice of Reason" goes absolutely nowhere here. In two years you'd think you'd have learned that.


I don't agree. I have seen some other people with similar opinions become slightly more vocal in the last year or so, a few of them regulars here. change is not quick and I don't expect change anyway. I expect this place to step up and be the representative of local car culture that it want's to be. But as you point out CR is apparently immune to Reason.


There is a longer conversation that we could have about what is the eventual goal of this site since it has been working on cleaning up it's act, and doing a good job of it from what I understand, but the reality is if this place is really moving from the old ways into being a more local community focused site, members like me are going to be something you have to figure out in the future. But that is not really a conversation for this thread.

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how much to ban geeto


someone make a gofundme


I've already had someone try to give me cash at Cars and Coffee to do it, but I won't do it.


Mind you, he's now only one of 4 people that I've actually had others offer a cash bounty to ban from the site.


I only fire up the ban hammer for certain things. If I started swinging it at every asshole on this site we would be left with Doc and the deaf guy.

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I am opinionated, Over-opinionated doesn't exist it is just a word people use when they want to say they don't like someone's opinions regularly. And your assumptions aren't really accurate. I am overweight due to a variety of medical issues that come from various accidents and some of the time I spent in the Fire Department years ago. I don't blame anyone for it and honestly it isn't relevant to this conversation other than you want to feel superior about something because you just want to take my comments as insults and this is your way of making the score even.



"Some time spent on the fire department". Though I find it hard to believe that you would be in public service, I'm not looking for your resume of health. What I am saying is your demeanor and outlook is just sad. Exchanging posts on here with you, is like getting in a fight with Richard Simons. Sure, he is incredibly annoying. But in the end, it's just a waste of time. He's still going to be a weird fucker in leatards, and that's all this has turned into with you. Sure, call me a bully. I'm fine with your label. But I'm not going to just sit idle and keep hugging you to make sure you feel good about what is posted here. I'm going to be blunt and matter of fact with you, because you have lost the respect I, and many on here would give other members. At what point are you going to be pissed off enough to stop coddling the other side of the situation?

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I like that Kerry is around. Well, not like, but I think it is good that we hear what he has to say. It's important for us to know that there are still people out there who sympathize with terrorists like Kerry, so that we all can move forward in progressing that these ideologies that terrorism is somehow justified can be stopped and we can move forward with ending senseless violence sooner than later.
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You're overweight because you insist on eating a shit diet.


Plenty of diets out there that help you lose weight without a rigorous excersice routine, ketogenic requires nothing more than walking a few minutes a day, staying hydrated and not eating carb loaded sugary shit and dairy.

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I've already had someone try to give me cash at Cars and Coffee to do it, but I won't do it.


Mind you, he's now only one of 4 people that I've actually had others offer a cash bounty to ban from the site.


I only fire up the ban hammer for certain things. If I started swinging it at every asshole on this site we would be left with Doc and the deaf guy.


Color me intrigued, who are the others!?!


Doc's sometimes mean to me. Therefore CR would be pretty quiet if you nom'sayin.

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What I am saying is your demeanor and outlook is just sad. Exchanging posts on here with you, is like getting in a fight with Richard Simons. Sure, he is incredibly annoying. But in the end, it's just a waste of time. He's still going to be a weird fucker in leatards, and that's all this has turned into with you. Sure, call me a bully. I'm fine with your label. But I'm not going to just sit idle and keep hugging you to make sure you feel good about what is posted here.


It feels like that to you because, based on what you write, you tend to view things only in weakness and strength. Because of this very black and white approach you miss the subtleties that add context to things and make it a more complex situation. I am Richard Simmons to you because it is more important to be macho than to empathize the human condition. I am not looking for your hugs (I hear they really aren't all that warm and fuzzy anyway), if people are going to want to put their view point in the ring, and I disagree I will continue to put mine in as well. And we will have many discussions. It will be fun.


I'm going to be blunt and matter of fake with you, because you have lost the respect I, and many on here would give other members.


I have no use for your respect Joe. It and a cup of coffee will get me a cup of coffee. You don't really know about me so your opinion isn't really credible just as you are telling me mine is not to you. Which is fine. I still think you are a decent human being, and I will still treat you accordingly because, well that isn't dependent on whether you like me or not.


At what point are you going to be pissed off enough to stop coddling the other side of the situation?


Stuff on here doesn't piss me off so...never? Seriously I don't get mad at people for their different opinions. It's their right. If they want to put it on the internet they have to be prepared to defend them against someone disagreeing with them. A large portion of this thread is a bunch of people literally whining about how I am disagreeing with them. The stuff I put on here I expect to get a negative reaction because I am almost always responding to someone else's opinion that i disagree with, and you know what it's not precious and I don't take it personally.


If stuff on the internet really pisses you off....maybe you shouldn't be on the internet?

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Thank god all my facebook friends who have been out of college for years decided to let me know they were safe. Whew, i was really getting worried.


As someone who works at Ohio State and checked in on facebook because the cell network was shit during the lockdown, it was pretty fucking annoying seeing all these check ins from people who arent here.

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