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Active Shooter on OSU Campus


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wish cops would aim to wound and injure so they can get abused in prison...death is easy


I don't typically agree with this outlook, but I did give it some thought this morning after some facts came out. Put yourself in the officer's shoes however. This reportedly went down start to finish in less than a minute. You see this shithead run his vehicle into a crowd, hop out and start stabbing people. Are you sure that knife is all he has? Do you shoot to injure and hope he's not a suicide bomber, or keep pulling the trigger until you're certain that he's no longer a threat?

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b1 incident does not make a "vast majority" and saying I'm not racist but...loses all credibility when the next thing you say is racist.


have you been down to the Somali areas of cbus ever? maybe this clean-cut kid could have been the exception but clearly not. sometimes you can't polish a turd.


Pro Tip: "PC" is really just code for making an effort to not insult people for no reason. Those who oppose it are really just looking to say really offensive things with no societal repercussions.


it's not that we're not looking for repercussions, it's that we honestly often just don't care what others think because we're sick and tired of the bullshit. how often would you buy and eat a bag of jelly beans if you knew there were actual turds mixed in hiding among the good ones? would you still support calling them good jelly beans even if 99% were but you always ended up getting a mouth full of crap at some point?

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have you been down to the Somali areas of cbus ever? maybe this clean-cut kid could have been the exception but clearly not. sometimes you can't polish a turd.

I'm sure it's no different than other low income neighborhoods. Besides this kid was supposedly living in Dublin anyway.


it's not that we're not looking for repercussions, it's that we honestly often just don't care what others think because we're sick and tired of the bullshit. how often would you buy and eat a bag of jelly beans if you knew there were actual turds mixed in hiding among the good ones? would you still support calling them good jelly beans even if 99% were but you always ended up getting a mouth full of crap at some point?


That is the most nonsensical analogy I have ever seen. You are just justifying your stereotyping and racism before all the facts have come out.


And don't give me that bullshit that you don't care - if you didn't care then you wouldn't bitch about it so much or get defensive when people pointed out you are being racist. Do t get me wrong, it's your right to be a racist and say offensive things - just own that crap when it happens man, don't dodge responsibility by saying someone is just being overly sensitive and PC.

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Racist, is just a crutch word, Kerry. People from the same "peaceful" group keep committing acts of violence. It's peoples natural way to want to put a label on things. You don't like the way it categorizes a group, so you get angry and put that person in a group, so guess what, you are a racist too, by your own definition.



No one on this site has to agree on other people's outlook or views, nor does anyone in society for that matter. But, coming on here and saying people are racist and creating the race stereotype, just because you don't like the generalization, it's become weak with no ability to support the meaning. Why not say they are being sexiest? I mean, it's only the males doing things like this here in the US.

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Racist, is just a crutch word, Kerry. People from the same "peaceful" group keep committing acts of violence. It's peoples natural way to want to put a label on things. You don't like the way it categorizes a group, so you get angry and put that person in a group, so guess what, you are a racist too, by your own definition.


That makes 0 sense. Also most of the time I am just pointing out that people are saying racist things - if they or anyone else wants to label them that way I have no control over it. I don't think Tim is a "racist" but he does say a lot of racist things.


Also racist is not a race so....discriminating against them is not racism. Am I being generalizing? Yeah a little, I'll own that. But it's not based on something someone can't change about themselves - racism is a learned behavior.


No one on this site has to agree on other people's outlook or views, nor does anyone in society for that matter. But, coming on here and saying people are racist and creating the race stereotype, just because you don't like the generalization, it's become weak with no ability to support the meaning. Why not say they are being sexiest? I mean, it's only the males doing things like this here in the US.



I point out sexist statements all the time on here. This type of race based generalizations and stereotyping is a learned behavior. Disagreeing with it is pointing it out. I'd like to think a lot of you don't really intend to say some of the things you end up saying and pointing them out is part of the recognition process. But here is the thing: if you make a racist comment understand that that is a racist comment. Don't say "all somalis are ...x, but im not a racist" because that's just stupid. If you make racist comments accept that you have said something racist- don't blame the PC police for coming down on your socially unacceptable behavior because that's just avoiding responsibility for your own actions.


Just to bring this around: part of what this kid was complaining about on facebook is the nature ins which Ohioans in his community treated him for being different. That's us, all of us, we are his community (at least the ones still living in Columbus). I read some of the comments here and no wonder he felt disenfranchised. 18-20 year olds aren't known for making good decisions. And unless you have forgotten ever one of us has gone through that phase where we got angry and wanted to see the world burn for what ever reason - a girl breaking up with us, not making enough money or having a good job, or sometimes being treated differently. I don't think this is an act of terrorism, kids like this snap on college campuses from time to time (UT Austin, Virginia Tec...etc). I feel sorry for him because he was a mixed up kid for who life was hard and he gave in to his poor decision making and hurt a lot of people. And I feel sad that innocent people got really hurt. And I imagine a lot of you who are angry about this feel the same way, but rather than lash out at a nameless group in rage and condemn all muslims or Somalis, try to see there were individual people at the heart of all this, and how blind rage at a particular group adds to the problem and solves nothing.

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That makes 0 sense. Also most of the time I am just pointing out that people are saying racist things - if they or anyone else wants to label them that way I have no control over it. I don't think Tim is a "racist" but he does say a lot of racist things.


Also racist is not a race so....discriminating against them is not racism. Am I being generalizing? Yeah a little, I'll own that. But it's not based on something someone can't change about themselves - racism is a learned behavior.





I point out sexist statements all the time on here. This type of race based generalizations and stereotyping is a learned behavior. Disagreeing with it is pointing it out. I'd like to think a lot of you don't really intend to say some of the things you end up saying and pointing them out is part of the recognition process. But here is the thing: if you make a racist comment understand that that is a racist comment. Don't say "all somalis are ...x, but im not a racist" because that's just stupid. If you make racist comments accept that you have said something racist- don't blame the PC police for coming down on your socially unacceptable behavior because that's just avoiding responsibility for your own actions.


Just to bring this around: part of what this kid was complaining about on facebook is the nature ins which Ohioans in his community treated him for being different. That's us, all of us, we are his community (at least the ones still living in Columbus). I read some of the comments here and no wonder he felt disenfranchised. 18-20 year olds aren't known for making good decisions. And unless you have forgotten ever one of us has gone through that phase where we got angry and wanted to see the world burn for what ever reason - a girl breaking up with us, not making enough money or having a good job, or sometimes being treated differently. I don't think this is an act of terrorism, kids like this snap on college campuses from time to time (UT Austin, Virginia Tec...etc). I feel sorry for him because he was a mixed up kid for who life was hard and he gave in to his poor decision making and hurt a lot of people. And I feel sad that innocent people got really hurt. And I imagine a lot of you who are angry about this feel the same way, but rather than lash out at a nameless group in rage and condemn all muslims or Somalis, try to see there were individual people at the heart of all this, and how blind rage at a particular group adds to the problem and solves nothing.



Here we go... Feeling sorry for the terrorist. I mean, are you fucking kidding me right now? And you want us to take you seriously? :dumb:

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I'm sure it's no different than other low income neighborhoods. Besides this kid was supposedly living in Dublin anyway.


so you're lumping the residents of Dublin as good non-terrorists eh? interesting...


And don't give me that bullshit that you don't care - if you didn't care then you wouldn't bitch about it so much or get defensive when people pointed out you are being racist.


not sure where I have ever bitched. but if debating you on topics is bitching.....:rolleyes:


it's your right to be a racist and say offensive things - just own that crap when it happens man, don't dodge responsibility by saying someone is just being overly sensitive and PC.


I think I've been over the top at owning and stating my thoughts Kerry. Calling out the Politically Correct Cupcake feelings is hardly dodging anything. Put the crutch words of bigot, racist and xenophobe down already. I think the next 4 years if not more will finally toss those things aside thankfully.

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Just to bring this around: part of what this kid was complaining about on facebook is the nature ins which Ohioans in his community treated him for being different.


he turned out like a lot of members of cupcake crew who rant on facebook are coddled by teacher instead of being taught how to deal with shit life throws at them.


unless you have forgotten ever one of us has gone through that phase where we got angry and wanted to see the world burn for what ever reason - a girl breaking up with us, not making enough money or having a good job, or sometimes being treated differently.
maybe you but not me. when I've gotten angry I've always directed that anger at the cause not the world. when I had to walk the grocery store with a calculator because my wife and I barely had any money starting out we made due and actually applied ourselves to make a better life.


it past due that kids today begin to deal with the reality of life and learn to actually deal with things.


I don't think this is an act of terrorism, kids like this snap on college campuses from time to time (UT Austin, Virginia Tec...etc). I feel sorry for him because he was a mixed up kid for who life was hard and he gave in to his poor decision making and hurt a lot of people.
You feel sorry for him? Are you fucking kidding me? This "hard life" what??? Dude was privileged and lucky enough to get to live in the US of A, in Dublin according to you, go to OSU and be on-track to live the dream and you feel sorry for this knucklehead who decided to turn on us? Whoa, that's messed up man....


rather than lash out at a nameless group in rage and condemn all muslims or Somalis, try to see there were individual people at the heart of all this, and how blind rage at a particular group adds to the problem and solves nothing.
it's time those groups and those individuals begin to address their problems. this isn't the problem of the rest of us who have to bend to fit their needs. his parents, family and whatever religious group need to see these signs and start playing their role in his life and OUR society better.


give me a break that we are somehow responsible for his behavior and shitty actions. there are way way too many better things and people, groups and causes to put resources towards than shit-holes like this.

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I'd rather be labeled racist than dead. Radical Islamic terrorism is a fucking problem. The cop is a hero. I'm glad the name of the attacker was released though, because it helps shatter the narrative from CNN. The sooner we, as Americans, can admit that radical Islamic terrorism is real, the sooner we can objectively look at bi-partisan solutions. Like all groups of people, most Muslims are totally great people, but the driving force behind literally every single bad apple is exactly the same: Islam.


Fuck 'em.

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Whew! What a morning so far!


Kerry, I see what you're trying to communicate: you aren't implicitly saying people are racist, but in their anger at a situation when racist things come out, they SOUND or are at least ACTING racist. Still, I don't think they care about your analysis of their feelings.


Tim, I heard Mike Huckabee use that jellybean analogy (or maybe apples) on the campaign trail and I have to agree with Kerry - that is the dumbest analogy, created so people who live out on a farm can justify their hatred. No one wants to eat a poopy apple, so let's throw out the whole bowl of jellybeans like GRAMPA USTA DO...:dumb:


RADICAL Islamic terrorism is currently a global problem, and I agree that the media perpetuates the stereotype. If it's not gun-related, CNN doesn't care. I'm curious how the trial of Dylann Roof is going to go, since he's decided to act as his own attorney. Quite frankly, that a self-proclaimed white supremacist killed 9 black people in a church gives me pause to examine how we're labeling people in society today. OSU happened right smack in the middle of this reminder to me.


ISIS are a bunch of cowards. To call out for followers to commit lone-wolf knife attacks is not a coordinated show of force on a global scale. I hope they DON'T label OSU a terrorist event specifically to take power away from that call ISIS made. Watch the movie "Zebrahead"...kids of all races/creeds/religions flipped out on college campuses more frequently than we'd care to recognize in the last 50 years...this smells the same.


Everyone forget about this guy? >>> http://www.10tv.com/article/video-released-port-columbus-airport-fatal-shooting

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I will also criticize Kerry and anyone who openly "feels sorry for the attacker". Any sympathy I had to that kid ended the moment he decided to pull off a coordinated attack on students at HIS school by pulling a fire alarm and flooring the gas in that Civic...


Life can be tough...yes. But does anyone realize that Columbus has one of the highest per-capita concentration of Somalis in the USA? Really, this kid couldn't find friends or at LEAST some sort of community/support group with other Muslims on campus, or nearby? People he can share with, and help manage his inner conflict? THIS was the path he felt called to act?


I call this a hate crime.

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Tim, I heard Mike Huckabee use that jellybean analogy (or maybe apples) on the campaign trail and I have to agree with Kerry - that is the dumbest analogy, created so people who live out on a farm can justify their hatred. No one wants to eat a poopy apple, so let's throw out the whole bowl of jellybeans like GRAMPA USTA DO...


I'm not staying toss out the whole bowel like Gramps used to do. My reply was deliberately quoting Kerry and noting that many of us are sick and tired of the bullshit PC talk he spews that these groups are "good" when in fact they consistently are proving themselves NOT. The irony in this guys own interview article where he blames society for their views then he goes out and does exactly what it its society is using to make said judgements is ironic as hell.


In my jelly bean analogy no, you wouldn't go around calling them good when you know damn well their turds in just about every batch. Would you chuck the whole bag? Probably not, you'd work to pick out the bad ones and deal with them. There will be casualties when doing so but that's acceptable to many. Way more acceptable than having to deal with turds. Kerry doesn't seem to like Trumps way of finding the turds in life and dealing with it because he still wants to feel sorry for even the bad guys and call them all good.


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You can not rationalize irrational actions. Kerry, if I understand you correctly, you say society may have bullied this guy because he didn't feel he fit in? He wasn't comfortable in middle America, because our way of life that he chose to join, didn't cater to his upbringing and cultural ways? That's the same limp wristed excuse weak people have used for decades. He wasn't strong enough in his self belief and confidence in his way of life to feel accepted. So let's take the terrorizing part out of this, our way of life is considered bullying?


Kerry, you are a middle aged male who is out of shape and over opinionated, thinking you have a wizard's like level of wisdom. Other than your weight and presumed ability to out think someone trying to harm you, you likely are just a passive individual who plays the victim. Many could say you are not accepted here, are you planning on harming the people on this site, or others around you. Do you have that "I'm gonna show them" outlook on CR members?


I can entertain that this was a guy who felt out of place and wanted to harm those in the place he wanted to be accepted the most. But, I will not justify his actions based on the sad kid who was bullied by the place he lived, and the way of life around him. That's him and his upbringing, if we are still going to call him a kid, because of his student status. At the very least, if he was a solo act who was simply pissed off at those on campus, he fit the stereotype of his religion and his culture, and fucked them over for his selfish act.

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Tim...For a guy who doesn't care, it sounds like you care a whole lot.


I care about pointing things out accurately not whether Kerry agrees with my points.

I can entertain that this was a guy who felt out of place and wanted to harm those in the place he wanted to be accepted the most. But, I will not justify his actions based on the sad kid who was bullied by the place he lived, and the way of life around him. That's him and his upbringing, if we are still going to call him a kid, because of his student status. At the very least, if he was a solo act who was simply pissed off at those on campus, he fit the stereotype of his religion and his culture, and fucked them over for his selfish act.
I think I just saw Joe drop the mic and walk away. Nicely stated!

Edited by TTQ B4U
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That makes 0 sense. Also most of the time I am just pointing out that people are saying racist things - if they or anyone else wants to label them that way I have no control over it. I don't think Tim is a "racist" but he does say a lot of racist things.


Also racist is not a race so....discriminating against them is not racism. Am I being generalizing? Yeah a little, I'll own that. But it's not based on something someone can't change about themselves - racism is a learned behavior.





I point out sexist statements all the time on here. This type of race based generalizations and stereotyping is a learned behavior. Disagreeing with it is pointing it out. I'd like to think a lot of you don't really intend to say some of the things you end up saying and pointing them out is part of the recognition process. But here is the thing: if you make a racist comment understand that that is a racist comment. Don't say "all somalis are ...x, but im not a racist" because that's just stupid. If you make racist comments accept that you have said something racist- don't blame the PC police for coming down on your socially unacceptable behavior because that's just avoiding responsibility for your own actions.


Just to bring this around: part of what this kid was complaining about on facebook is the nature ins which Ohioans in his community treated him for being different. That's us, all of us, we are his community (at least the ones still living in Columbus). I read some of the comments here and no wonder he felt disenfranchised. 18-20 year olds aren't known for making good decisions. And unless you have forgotten ever one of us has gone through that phase where we got angry and wanted to see the world burn for what ever reason - a girl breaking up with us, not making enough money or having a good job, or sometimes being treated differently. I don't think this is an act of terrorism, kids like this snap on college campuses from time to time (UT Austin, Virginia Tec...etc). I feel sorry for him because he was a mixed up kid for who life was hard and he gave in to his poor decision making and hurt a lot of people. And I feel sad that innocent people got really hurt. And I imagine a lot of you who are angry about this feel the same way, but rather than lash out at a nameless group in rage and condemn all muslims or Somalis, try to see there were individual people at the heart of all this, and how blind rage at a particular group adds to the problem and solves nothing.


Feel sorry for this kid...whose charter proclaims death to non acceptance...and acted in terror...


You are so far gone.

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Kerry, I wish I was around you and a set of stairs.


Come on Joe, you are better than this.



I'd rather be labeled racist than dead. Radical Islamic terrorism is a fucking problem.....driving force behind literally every single bad apple is exactly the same: Islam.


Radical Christianity is also a problem, so is radical white supremacy, Radical Zionism, and radical conservatism. The driving force behind every single bad apple is the same: Radicalism. Not Islam. Unfortunately this is complex problem that has no simple or clear answers.



I will also criticize Kerry and anyone who openly "feels sorry for the attacker". Any sympathy I had to that kid ended the moment he decided to pull off a coordinated attack on students at HIS school by pulling a fire alarm and flooring the gas in that Civic...


Life can be tough...yes. But does anyone realize that Columbus has one of the highest per-capita concentration of Somalis in the USA? Really, this kid couldn't find friends or at LEAST some sort of community/support group with other Muslims on campus, or nearby? People he can share with, and help manage his inner conflict? THIS was the path he felt called to act?


I call this a hate crime.


Understanding is the path to resolution. If someone considers me their enemy I want to know why. It isn't sympathy so much as I really want to understand their motivation and point of view (and I am going to point out here that no official motive has been established yet - all we have is media speculation). I don't believe people are inherently evil, and things like this are often motivated by some complex things and maybe some mental illness too (again we don't know yet but we may). The whole situation makes me sad, not just this guy, and I def feel more for the victims than anybody else, but I don't think blind rage and condemning one particular group is going to get us anywhere. I would rather be asking "why" than just saying "he's one of those no good terrorist Muslims".


I am the only one in control of my actions, but I am not ignorant to the impact that I have on society, same as everyone else here. It's not being a "cupcake" or "sensitive" to recognize this, and it's extremely ignorant to just say "he's just being a cupcake, toughen up" when he is publicly sharing his feelings about how his community was making him feel disenfranchised, esp when we are getting such a clear demonstration of what he was complaining about here with people wanting to condemn all Muslims.

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Radical Christianity is also a problem, so is radical white supremacy, Radical Zionism, and radical conservatism. The driving force behind every single bad apple is the same: Radicalism. Not Islam. Unfortunately this is complex problem that has no simple or clear answers.





Understanding is the path to resolution. If someone considers me their enemy I want to know why. It isn't sympathy so much as I really want to understand their motivation and point of view




I noticed that you didn't include Radical Liberalism but you included radical conservatism.


Well, let's see. His motive MAY have been that the exact religion he followed taught him that it is good to kill infidels (we are considered infidels based on their context of the meaning). Isn't the fact that what their religion teaches and continues to practice enough reason for us to not like them? Why do I have to accept them for who they are when they believe in a book that tells them to kill me?

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