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For those that have or bought an Amazon Echo.....LOL!!


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So to set the stage, we bought our kids and several family members Amazon Dots for Christmas. The kids love them and have been setting them up and playing with them and enjoying music on their new speakers, etc. All good fun which is to be expected.


Now the wife and I have had one in our kitchen since they were first out as we bought it at the introductory price of like $99 a few years back. We use it all the time, especially for music or when in conversation and what not while in the kitchen.


As you may know Echo's/Alexa is quite intuitive and can play songs or find things with just portions of what you might know in terms of lyrics or other key words. So the kids were joking around and wanted to get Alexa to play what we now know after looking it up is Sir Mix A Lot - Baby Got Back but at the time we didn't know the artist or song just that it had something to the effect of "we've got big butts" in the song lyrics.


So being it's rather intuitive and can find lots of things with key words, my daughter asked, "Alexa, play the song we've got big butts" and here's what she replied with....




Picture this as we're laughing and having fun while eating dinner with our 10yr old daughter and my 13yr old son. OMG I never saw my son laugh so hard that food came out his nose and the look on my wife's face was priceless too. :p Needless to say, she had to explain to my innocent daughter what that word meant :o


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I can't get over how much better the speaker is in the echo than the dot


Well that is because the dot is supposed to be connected to an external speaker, or be an access point for home automation.

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Well that is because the dot is supposed to be connected to an external speaker, or be an access point for home automation.

Ya, I had to connect an external speaker but it's a huge PITA to have to turn the speaker on and pair it when we want to use it.

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what speaker do you use? The one I'm using is battery powered and has a wall plug but will only charge when powered off so I can only use the speaker for 10 hours without turning it off


I got an undermount stereo in the kitchen. The Dot sits on top of the fridge and the stereo is mounted under a cabinet. 0 space taken

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Your Alexa cloud. Amazon told a prosecutor with a search warrant to fuck off and didn't turn over the data

Good! Honestly, that could easily be an invasion of privacy if they didn't.... I didn't realize it was recording all the time, I figured it was in some sort of standby unless it heard the key word... similar to siri and good with "hey Siri" or "ok google"

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Good! Honestly, that could easily be an invasion of privacy if they didn't.... I didn't realize it was recording all the time, I figured it was in some sort of standby unless it heard the key word... similar to siri and good with "hey Siri" or "ok google"


It's not, but it will randomly think you woke it up at times. You can also go into your app and delete all of the recordings. I have some funny ones from my kid

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My mom wanted one, so we got a dot and some wemo switches, plugged everything in and configured it, and now she has an expensive "clapper". :dumb:



A clapper that is way more intuitive, can answer weather, sports, news, movie times, etc... plus turn on and off any light configured, open and close the garage door, lock the house doors or unlock them, adjust the climate control, play music, read audio books, etc...


It's the first step toward robots taking over the world and the Gov stealing more personal info about us.

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